Anonymous ID: 2a0a17 Dec. 9, 2019, 6:48 p.m. No.7469338   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9398 >>9475

POTUS basically broke the seal on the word treason in this tweet.


Almost a year later he calls the new President of Ukraine and suggests they investigate Burisma, and help us find the DNC server saying that our country has 'been through a lot' and it would help us out if he could help us get to the bottom of the allegations that Ukraine meddled in the 2016 election, 'since our country has been through a lot'.


The dems then open an impeachment inquiry claiming that this is collusion, quid pro quo, bribery, a scheme, and is treasonous, even though Trump ran on Draining the Swamp and Zelenskyy ran on rooting out corruption.


Zelenskyy does not say he will open the investigation and Trump ends up giving aid to them as prescribed by Congress.


He then sends Rudy (or Rudy goes on his own) and finds all sorts of information on corruption that is tied to the dems in the US.


So even though they cannot prove, and have no witnesses that can prove, that this was some sort of impeachable offense they are pushing through anyway because Giuliani is so over the target they are, infact, a pack of cornered animals.


The IG report concludes that the FBI broke all sorts of protocol and greatly misled the FISC, but that he found no bias. Barr and Durham both put out statements within an hour of the report being released that their investigative scopes are much larger and greatly disagree with his findings.


Durham's investigation has been expanded, at least twice by my count, and Barr is the Atty Gen of the DOJ.


The media wants us to believe that Trump has made all of these allegations up and is chasing "debunked" conspiracy theories. The FBI did nothing wrong and Trump is an existential threat to the countery.


Look around! Look at the data! The country is thriving! This has been the most transparent administration in history, possibly of the world.


We have known the truth so long that having to wait for investigations to close feels like losing. We are not losing! The swamp is being drained and justice will prevail.