Anonymous ID: 027c68 Dec. 10, 2019, 12:40 a.m. No.7471383   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1392 >>1409


They are masters of redirecting their own actions, words, and beliefs onto another before the other has a chance to accuse them of doing it. The media is an excellent resource for one single purpose: They always tell us what is important and what truly is going on even when they don't. When a person begins to notice these patterns, when they emerge, how they emerge, what took place before they emerged, current events at that moment, political landscape at that moment, and financial stocks at that moment.. then they begin to be able to accurately predict the next move they will make, how they will make it, and so on.


Every single thing they have accused the POTUS of doing are things they themselves are connected to. For example, Russia, Ukraine, attracted to children, rape, racism, communist, controlled by Israel, thief, mob associate, blackmailer, and the list goes on and on. Every single one of their narratives is connected to someone or something they are trying to hide from view.


This is why I made a post yesterday about the media and how it is the most devastating and greatest threat to the Republic as it shields the wrong doers from responsibility and it can destroy anyone, at anytime, for anything, and nobody can do anything because it coordinates through every single source of information. Social media, media, education system, newspapers, Hollywood, magazines, etc. They own it all and they coordinate to produce outcome and outcome produces issues.


The current race relations that younger people notice today were not as they were even 20 years ago, they were created to be what they are today. The forced diversity was never an issue and was a created issue by those seeking to divide groups. The hatred of the west, the clear prelude to the destruction of those who are white, the social engineering within every single commercial, the indoctrination through depravity into society, the specific and total targeting of women to breed out consciousness while also causing a financial burdon by destroying the nuclear family unit, the attack on very specific religions, the use of latent chemicals that do nothing by themselves but together lower testoterone, the missing children, and the list goes on and on and on.


All of it, every single thing they accuse the POTUS of, every last piece of it, are often traced back to the people making the allegations. It's the oldest trick in the book: Accuse your opponent of doing what you are doing and then when your opponent finally accuses you of doing it the public will be numb to the issue and won't know who to believe or what to believe. Sound familar?


Since I know journalists are constantly here looking for data, I have one question. You do not need to answer it because I already know the answer but ask yourselves why you are so afraid of reporting these things and then ask yourselves if you think your childrens lives will be effected by your lack of stepping up and helping stop such horrible things. Not every Q follower are fanatical as you try to make them out to be. In fact I would be surprised if even a small percentage were. Most are just like you and want the best future for their kids, the world, etc. But the difference is one group is doing the job you are mandated to do and you are too afraid, or too weak, or aren't bright enough to see the clearly obvious data right in your face that points to a very bad future if not put back into order before the clock runs out on being able to do so before control can never be challenged.

Anonymous ID: 027c68 Dec. 10, 2019, 12:47 a.m. No.7471396   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1866


I cannot respect the fact that despite the treatment she has received by the DNC she has remained in the party. If she truly was the hardened person she portrays herself to be who is not afraid of taking on such issues she would have long brought these things up in totality and then left that party. She would have gone a much farther way in fixing the issues within that party if she did that which would effectively cause a literal division within/the ability for normies to truly see what is taking place. Yet she remains within the very party that is doing everything they can to dimish her. How can she think that makes her a strong candidate for the POTUS when she can't even stand up against that while being mistreated horribly, lied about, and being called a literal traitor.

Anonymous ID: 027c68 Dec. 10, 2019, 12:53 a.m. No.7471415   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That is a good idea anon, a very good idea. It would need to be precise and concise though so it would take a bit of research to narrow down the exact things to use. But either way, an excellent idea, I hope you/someone else does it.

Anonymous ID: 027c68 Dec. 10, 2019, 1:08 a.m. No.7471461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1465 >>1468 >>1473 >>1526 >>1528 >>1545 >>1565 >>1573


It has been normalized. It is not in the process, it has been. When a society openly accepts without response such a level of depravity where men dressing up as women and being brought in to give story hour to children for no other reason then to begin to shape their mind to push an agenda, it has been normalized.


When a society spends more time discussing the difference between gender and sex rather than trying to ascend their society, it has been normalized.


When middle/high school girls are getting buttfucked because porn is cool and "I can't get preggers that way tee hee!" then it has been normalized.


When AIDS infected blood is openly given the green light to give to patients who are given no say in the matter, you betcha, it's been normalized.

Anonymous ID: 027c68 Dec. 10, 2019, 1:26 a.m. No.7471525   🗄️.is 🔗kun


White hate has also been normalized. There is no logical reason for any society to deem it bad to attack the gender, sex, religion and creed of any group while at the exact same time being allowed to openly bash one specific group. The ludicrous fact that people back down when they say:


"Well colonialism"




"It's your turn to experience what my ancestor 500 years ago that I have no data on experienced!"




"How dare you tell us not to attack one specific group that is the only group acceptable to attack. Don't you know you are privileged!?"


It's insane… even typing it out is insane. The entire premise is insane. The entire counter they use is insane. They reasons are insane. The white individuals who support it are insane. The women who buy into it are insane. Every single person associated with it are utterly and completely insane. And yet… it's been normalized.


We are literally living in a world where the nuts run the nuthouse. We have people who believe a 300 pound muscle bound man should be given the right to compete against women, THOSE people are making decisions about the futures of a society. We have the fucking plague, the literal fucking bubonic plague, is our second most populous city and more rat traps outside city hall (I am not kidding) than the entire city of Dallas has in total around the city…. and the same people who allowed the LITERAL bubonic fucking plague to gain traction in the city are still making decisions for the city. Europe has their citizens go down and fight against Europeans in an idealogical war and then Europe fucking welcomes them back.


It is insane. It isn't funny. It isn't even sad. It is fucking insane to me and the worst part is, you have these people in the journalism field, people that I am positive at one point or another in their lives truly wanted to/believed they could help fix issues through their excellence in writing… we have them completely looking the other way as it happens. We have them attacking a President who is trying to fix what was mentioned. We have them preferring to get some cash, a "keep quiet brah!" and (I assume) a blowjob now and again from some hooker broad and they take that over attacking the very things that they know are going to fucking obliterate their lives if it continues. I will never understand, never, never understand how anyone does not immediately stand up to the attacks on white individuals and especially so when the person is white themselves. If ever in this modern age there has been a more clear prelude to a genocide it has been the allowance, persistence, and unified effort to limit employment to the group, cause them to be hated by everyone, indoctrinate the youth that they are responsible for all, and at the same time a unified "I didn't see nothing!" effect on people. I have many times called out that narrative and they melt when it is done and they are called racist so I will never understand why others do not.

Anonymous ID: 027c68 Dec. 10, 2019, 2:41 a.m. No.7471640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1643

Anons, something to consider. If Corney/JC was doing that to ensure material that was requested via FOIA could be controlled then I think it is safe to assume that he isn't the only one doing that. My point is, there may be other, very likely are many other situations where these people altered them name slightly to beat the FOIA system.

Anonymous ID: 027c68 Dec. 10, 2019, 3:07 a.m. No.7471660   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You know this/things like this could really help create some seriously powerful meme's. Picture of a kid with "Before Diversity I was a racist" or "Before diversity I was homophobic" or "Before diversity they judged me for being privileged"