Anonymous ID: 3e5a7b Dec. 10, 2019, 2:24 a.m. No.7471607   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1622 >>1660

Any comment from me would be a waste of space. Behold:


Teacher instructs 6-year-olds to write gay love letters


A teacher at a British school instructed 6-year-old children to write gay love letters to promote "diversity."


BBC News featured the assignment at Bewsey Lodge Primary School in Warrington, England, in which the children were told to imagine themselves as Prince Henry professing his love for his man servant Thomas, reported Summit News.


The teacher, Sarah Hopson, explained to the BBC that the children are "going to go out into that world and find this diversity around them, and they’ll find that at a young age as well."


"And the more they can be accepting at this age, you're not going to face it further on because the children will be accepting now and will be accepting this diversity around them," she said.


The BBC said the school has received numerous awards for its stance against "homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying."


The school follows the national Personal, Social, and Health Education program, which states as key objectives the promotion of "diversity and equality (in all its forms)."


Summit News said the program teaches children about "sources of support and reassurance" for "diversity in sexual attraction and developing sexuality," the "difference between sex, gender identity and sexual orientation," recognition of "diversity in sexual attraction," understanding "accepted terminology" on LGBT topics and the "need to challenge" "sexist, homophobic, transphobic and disablist language and behaviour."


Muslim parents in Birmingham, England, recently were banned from protesting a similar LGBT indoctrination program, Summit News noted.

Anonymous ID: 3e5a7b Dec. 10, 2019, 3:26 a.m. No.7471680   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1730 >>1731 >>1762

A follow-up post from yesterday's notable post:

Bristol, VA becomes 'Second Amendment Sanctuary'


BRISTOL, VA (WCYB) - It was a packed meeting Monday in Bristol, Virginia as city leaders passed a resolution to become a Second Amendment Sanctuary.


The Resolution titled "Supporting the Constitutional Rights of Citizens" passed unanimously with a 5-0 vote. Councilman Anthony Farnum made the motion to approve the resolution with a second by Councilman Kevin Wingard.


The intention of the resolution is to show support to city residents concerned over potential legislation that may be passed in the 2020 General Assembly.


The City Council has no judicial authority; as indicated in the resolution. "Law enforcement in the city is entrusted to the Bristol Virginia Police Department and Sheriff. Prosecution of criminal cases are handled by the Commonwealth’s Attorney, who is elected by the citizens."


Click here to read the full resolution.


Leaders in counties of Lee, Russell, Scott, Tazewell and Washington have each voted to become Second Amendment Sanctuary. Wise County is expected to vote on December 12