Anonymous ID: 4d4d50 Dec. 10, 2019, 5:01 a.m. No.7471920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1976 >>1990

Misspelling could make a big difference when doing searches..


You obviously saw the Comey (m = r n) Corney problem with the IG Report..


If they made that mistake on that big Legal Document…i'm wondering how many more times did they make the SAME mistake on other documents…


now wrap your minds around this…


If they can do that to Comey/Cor ney….who else could they do it too!!!!


Let's see:


Obar na = Obama…

Trur np = Trump…

Ciarar nella = Ciaramella…

Witness Protection Prograr n = Witness Protection Program…


Just a to mention a few…


how many more are they that I/we/Q has missed????