Anonymous ID: 61eafa Dec. 10, 2019, 1:05 a.m. No.7471452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1463

In the film 2 Guns (2013) all the Mexican Cartels are paying 7% of their income from US sales to the CIA and in return the CIA lets them use government planes to get their drugs across the border. There are good DEA agents trying to catch the cartels and some black ones in cahoots with the CIA. There are also good US Navy Intel people after the cartels and some black ones in league with the CIA.


Local banks all through the border counties are BENEFITTING from the CIA business and stashing the cash for them.


When a couple of agents, one DEA and one Navy, rob a bank thinking they are taking the Cartel's 3 million, they find that they actually collected 43 million but they are mystified whose it is. Lots of intrigue follows and at one point, the DEA agent rolls up to the Cartel ranch where there is a standoff between the Cartle, US Navy Intel and the CIA. He delivers 43 million in cash in a red convertible. At least he claims it is 43 million but it might be a few million light.


The bad guys say that he can leave with his buddy, the US Navy Intel agent. As they walk away he says…




And he pushes a button to blow up the convertible. The cash rains down, a gunfight ensues and at the end, ranch workers are picking up the cash.


I think there might be a message here that explains one meaning of Q's drops about making it rain.


Does he mean that the Cartels will lose their money?

Does he mean that the money will get distributed to the poor?

Does he mean that the money will get blown up and disappear?


Or, is he suggesting that somebody is out visiting banks with stashed of CIA cash and taking it away from the rogue CIA?


Remember that the Cabal always tell us in advance, what they plan to do. For them this is a sacred rule. The message appears in books (Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde which told us about the mansion in Hyde Park NY whose owner also had a house on Jekyll Island GA, or in film or even in popular songs and plays like Be More Chill.


We need to be looking for these messages. There is a reason why Trump made sure his first summit with Putin was in Helsinki and you will find it in a film. Big Game (2014).


Pay attention, dig, investigate, dig some more, think about it all. We have so much data but we need to analyze it before it becomes useful info.

Anonymous ID: 61eafa Dec. 10, 2019, 1:35 a.m. No.7471546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1678



Q always uses multiple meanings. So although the mention of the word Rain is a way that Masons speak about their secrets being exposed, this film was about Americans, not masons. And 2 intelligence agencies were involved as well as the insecure US border, organized crime, and drug trafficking.


Therefore, I believe that the full phrase, Make It Rain in this context, must be referring to a different meaning.


Q is always giving us clues that require context to get meaning. Two things that have to be put together like a Q drop and a POTUS tweet. Or simply two things being talked about in a crumb, that when Googled together, connect to a very interesting, and overlooked, public disclosure that few people know about.


I haven't decoded this yet, but I am sure its about money, or drug money, and somehow related to rogue intelligence/police (which admittedly includes masons) and the Mexican border situation.


I just wanted to share this line of inquiry, but later I'm going through the drops looking for other things in the crumbs that might connect.


And on a completely different subject, in one crumb it was all caps so I thought it was an anagram for




Imam Khomeini TEAM IRAN

The main airport in Teheran is named Imam Khomeini.


I wonder if there are GCC people involved in flipping or taking out or neutralising, all the people in the Ayatollah's team, in order to get to a point where the rest of the Iran government capitulates to the people's request for a truly democratic system.


I like to tell people that the Declaration of Independence is NOT an American document. It is all about every human being's God given rights no matter where they live. More people OUTSIDE the USA should read and study it.


The Decembrist revolution in Russia was inspired by it and if they had not been checkmated by the Socialists, that might have led somewhere. The current Russian Constitution will surprise many Americans. It is very UN-Soviet.