Anonymous ID: 6b81d5 Dec. 10, 2019, 3:30 a.m. No.7471684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1686 >>1693

Stranahan's patriotism has been tossed around here before. But in light of a few things, I'm giving him exposure again and think he might deserve eyes on.


#1 Parscales tweet.


#2 He's been dropping bombs on Ukraine for a while with primary sourcing and exposing the DNC Chalupa connections.


#3 Q drop 3665, journalists still need shelter. Stranahan argued against Q but gave it significant exposure….days.


He just hammered "wittness" Goodman with his tweet from May 2018 trashing POTUS, and was directly related to Bill Browder. Browder is a NATO darling and the cause of the Magnitsky act. His grandfather was leader in communist party USA. He denounced his US citizenship and became citizen of UK. Was doing "business" in Russia and stiffed Russia for a ton of tax money. Russia goes after him, and our Congress makes him out to be the victim and passes the Magnitsky act. Look that up.


So what does Putin counter with? Bans US adoption of Russian kids. Putin knew.


And yes Stranahan works for Sputnik- openly talks about it.


We need red pills wherever we can get them.

