Anonymous ID: d31898 Dec. 10, 2019, 4:36 a.m. No.7471832   🗄️.is 🔗kun

im curious, after the arrests, what then? will Q keep posting? will he then reveal to us the hidden knowledge the cabal has kept from us?

or will that all just leak out slowly into society under the guise of new inventions/discoveries etc?



it'd be shame for all those people whove spent all these years digging into this stuff to miss out on the chance to be vindicated, people have lost wives husbands mothers fathers their own children so many have been disowned for 'wrong think'


some good ole fashioned 'i told you so's' are very earned by many and they shouldnt be cheated out of it by some coddling of the populace with slow drip disclosures.



one would think these past few years ought to have made apparent how unnecessary slow drip disclosures are, the things Q and the anons have exposed and revealed over the past two years it was once claimed would have been enough to send the world into a panic.


but now that is occurred the world seems to have barely even noticed. the predicted panic has not occurred, instead people glanced then went on with their lives. so lets end this "slow drip disclosure is necessary" false narrative.


lets especially put an end to this concept of releasing info 'under the guise of' for what purpose? to dodge federal embarrassment? the panic excuse falls flat now, just release it, dont lie about how or when the info came about, dont censor or classify the info's history of concealment and coverup. vindicate those deserving it.


expose the efforts to keep the infos hidden, how else will the people ever learn to keep guard and watch for such tactics to repeat in the future?