Anonymous ID: d7bd61 Dec. 10, 2019, 12:48 a.m. No.7471399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1418 >>1428 >>1429 >>1562 >>1587 >>1737 >>1812 >>1869 >>1930 >>2034 >>2065

So…what did IG Horowitz just do to end the demonrats? His job…and a job well-done. He is an Inspector. His job is to inspect and then just detail everything that happened and who did what to whom and when. His job is not to charge…that belongs to Durham and Huber; and he just gave them all of the evidence of who did what to whom and when and they will use it to lay charges. Even more vital, his report is public, for all to see, and everything is in there: the lies, the corruption, the treason, the sedition. Of course the globalist propaganda media and their slimy little meat puppets will grasp at any tiny possible straw to escape the rapids they are being swept away in, but does anyone with two brain cells to rub together even watch or care about the globalist propaganda media or their preening meat puppets? Surely even a modicum of intellectual development would allow some to see the truth when actually faced with it and I hope some of those read at least parts of the actual report and not just headlines.


IG Horowitz had to appear unbiased or the evidence his report would be attacked for bias in the coming criminal trials.


Thank you IG Horowitz.


Now…since evidence has been released showing that everything we have believed in for years is true, we only need await the reports from the prosecutors.


Q wrote that there would be indictments in 2019…we have only 15 more days until Santa brings his hammer and as always at Christmas, I can't stop wondering what Santa is going to bring us all, each and every one. I'm hoping Pain for some; great, effusive Joy from the multitude.