Anonymous ID: f94375 Dec. 10, 2019, 5:01 a.m. No.7471923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1934 >>1944 >>1955 >>2060 >>2065



Comey ← → Corney

is simply bizarre.

A few instances and I was prepared to write it off to a common OCR fault.

Now I'm not so sure at all, after anons found the Corney spelling all over the place on the web, in past articles, multiple news outlets & sources.




There is a reason that this spelling pops up all over this timeline but I don't know the reason.

Could it be to reveal the power of Mil cyberops, to edit data in storage all over the web? Just spitballing

Anonymous ID: f94375 Dec. 10, 2019, 5:18 a.m. No.7471966   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The military has secret electronic warfare planes and capabilities which can intercept every kind of electronic communications and MODIFY said data on the fly. Imagine if you could do a man-in-the-middle attack on someone's comms and insert data packets, modify data packets on the fly, so that neither the source nor the destination is aware of the mods. They do have that capability insofar as my research + speculations are correct.

We have seen multiple subtle references to this. It's somewhat buried.

Listing all the types of signals they could potentially broadcast (originate) as well as modify or block:





wireless / wifi


landline telephone


So if this capability truly exists as I believe it does, then it would be possible – without what we call "hacking" – to modify the data between server and storage device.


If I'm a reporter writing an article on Comey, I'm proofreading my article after submitting final copy and going through a final edit & approval phase, I would see the misspelling and correct it. Then if the article appears in print or on the web or is read over the TV by talking heads, I would notice the error and do something about it.


So the spelling Corney would have to have been inserted sometime between when the articles were created and the present.


Still spitballing here. It's hard to imagine a military op of such scope with what purpose………..?


All internet and phone data also passes through NSA monitoring sites. There's another place where spelling changes could conceivably be implemented…..


If we find Comey spelled Corney, what other strange spellings are we going to find?

Is this a timeline change from under our feet without our knowledge? Or just something bizarre but mundane?

Anonymous ID: f94375 Dec. 10, 2019, 5:23 a.m. No.7471984   🗄️.is 🔗kun


When the yous stop appearing

the solution is to delete your browser's

web cache. You can either delete all cache (not recommended) or just the

portion of the cache associated with

I have done this multiple times on my own system and

on fren anon's system and each time

it fixes the missing-yous problem.

You will have to restore your 8kun Options

and do a new captcha.

You will not see previous yous but new ones only.

Use web search or local help to learn how to delete web cache.