Anonymous ID: fc8e46 Dec. 10, 2019, 1:52 a.m. No.7471579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1594 >>1606 >>1656 >>1791



Bigger than (You) can imagine…


“Most have no idea what is happening.

Giants do not die in hours or days, It can take weeks.


It can take weeks or months, before you even notice the Vitality of a Titan falter.

Many of you here cry out "Arrests When?” “Nothing is Happening!” “It's all a LARP! " Or the worse yet, “I'm bored, this isn't happening fast enough for My tastes." I can't describe how hard the last one makes me facepalm. Trump is slaying not just Giants, but TITANS. They've been gravely wounded, they're all bleeding out and they're desperately trying to rally anything they can to claim otherwise.


Worst part is, a lot of you believe them. These people are not only KNOWN LIARS, but KNOWN PEDOPHILES AND WORSE! And still, some of you actually tie your "Morale" to what the MSM, THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE, say about themselves. You measure success NOT BASED ON WHAT ANONS KNOW, BUT WHAT YOUR ENEMY REPORTS.


Do you know why Generals used to hang those who spread bad morale?

Because a war can be won without a single shot being fired if the men have the will to fight and the enemy knows it.

The greatest Generals know how to rally Men to combat. But some of you have a strategic mind that would struggle getting out of a wet paper bag.

We’re foot soldiers, we’re common men and women who are answering an essential call. And you have the nerve to complain that it's not happening fast enough? We’re there as protection, We're part of the Infantry. Things are coming that will literally rock the world. Titans who many believed were IMMORTAL have been wounded so grievously they may not survive. The GOLDEN ERA OF MAN AWAITS US. If only you can understand, Giants die in weeks or months… Titans take more time. JUSTICE IS COMING.”


“Faith is expensive, hope doesn't come cheap, it's easy to be a cynic, it doesn't cost you anything except your soul.”


Posted by anon, edited for language.