Anonymous ID: ccd325 Dec. 10, 2019, 6:17 a.m. No.7472205   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2237 >>2257 >>2301 >>2439 >>2503 >>2680 >>2818

France fines Morgan Stanley $22 million for bond manipulation


France’s markets watchdog AMF said on Tuesday it had fined U.S bank Morgan Stanley 20 million euros ($22 million) for manipulation of sovereign bonds. AMF said the fine related to manipulating the price of 14 French government bonds (OAT) and 8 Belgian bonds (OLO) on June 16 2015, and also of an OAT futures contract.


AMF had noted a large sale of government bonds on June 16, 2015 disrupted the French MTS Global Market bond trading system, causing transactions to be suspended for four minutes and liquidity levels to drop for about an hour. Morgan Stanley said it intended to lodge an appeal.


“The activities in question were undertaken in accordance with market practice and as part of the firm’s role and obligations as a market maker,” the bank said in a statement.


AMF said on June 16 at 0920 local time Morgan Stanley International, located in London, had “aggressively purchased” futures in French, German and Belgian debt on Eurex, the derivatives exchange of Deutsche Boerse.


At 0944 local time on the same day the U.S. bank’s European Governments Bonds and Agencies Desk instantaneously sold 815 million euros ($898.29 million) worth of 17 different government bonds on MTS France and Broker Tec platforms, as well as via MTS Belgium.


The watchdog said that Morgan Stanley fixed prices on some of the bonds at abnormal and artificial levels, citing high volumes negotiated by traders and the fact that the bank’s large trade had the biggest positive impact on the futures prices that day.


AMF also said Morgan Stanley had said that price variations were “normal” given the volumes traded and that they were mainly due to the exceptional circumstances of June 16, 2015.


The watchdog also said Morgan Stanley had said the acquisition of futures on French government debt was part of a move to “unwind a deficit position” and that there was no motivation to impact the pricing.


Morgan Stanley is one of 15 primary dealers for French government bonds which are expected ensure the liquidity of the secondary market in French treasury securities, according to the French treasury.

a parking ticket considering the amount of the debt placed.

Anonymous ID: ccd325 Dec. 10, 2019, 6:26 a.m. No.7472257   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2301


almost same.


>>7472110, >>7472212 Putin: Maybe Jews or minorities behind US election interference

>>7472121 anon on seneca connected to posted stringers

>>7472118 Apply The KEYSTONE (Corney / Comey) drop#'s 167,270 keystone

>>7472125, >>7472131, >>7472138, >>7472143, >>7472154, >>7472196 anons on Corny instances and uses

>>7472134 psy-op warfare for your mind

>>7472149, >>7472169, >>7472177 POTUS blasts FBI director Wray for backing IG report that 2016 campaign probe was justified

>>7472203 As Falls Victoria, so falls Victoria Falls-Victoria Falls dries to a trickle-from dec 6

>>7472205 France fines Morgan Stanley $22 million for bond manipulation

>>7472222 Ukraine and Russia agree to implement ceasefire -checked quads

Anonymous ID: ccd325 Dec. 10, 2019, 7:09 a.m. No.7472446   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2763

Pelosi to speak on USMCA as officials close in on trade deal


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will hold a news conference on Tuesday to discuss the U.S. Mexico Canada (USMCA) trade deal as U.S. and Canadian officials prepared to fly to Mexico City to work on final changes to the agreement. “We’re close. We’re not quite finished yet, we’re within range,” Pelosi told a forum of chief executives on Monday evening. Her office did not elaborate on any announcement but she will be accompanied at the news conference by Representative Richard Neal, the chairman of the Ways and Means Committee in the Democratic-led House of Representatives.


Pelosi told the forum she expected the final language of the USMCA to be set by Tuesday, which would bring Democrats to a “moment of truth” on whether to proceed to passage. She was working on the language of separate legislation on how the deal would be implemented, she said.


The Trump administration and Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives are closing in on a deal following several intense days of negotiations with Mexico over potential changes to clauses concerning labor enforcement, steel and aluminum, biologic drugs and internet services. U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and White House senior adviser Jared Kushner are due to fly to Mexico City on Tuesday for meetings to try to pin down final details, an administration official told Reuters on Monday.

They will be joined by Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, a spokesman for Freeland said.


As House speaker, Pelosi will decide whether and when to bring the trade legislation to the floor for a vote.