Anonymous ID: ce4ff3 Dec. 10, 2019, 7:55 a.m. No.7472736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2741 >>2764 >>2818

TL;DR on 17 findings from IG FISA report, condensed from JS article

1 Omitted that Page was an “other agency” asset planted in campaign

2 Lied about quality of info from Steele

3 Lied about the reliability of another source

4 Lied about Steele reporting to press (Yahoo news article not original)

5 Hid testimony from PapaD that denied Russian collusion

6 Hid Page’s testimony that he had never talked to Manafort (and couldn’t be colluding thru him)

7 Hid more facts that didn’t support Page working with Russia

8 Hid facts from reliable sources that Trump had nothing to do with Wikileaks (Podesta emails)

9 Altered emails to hide Page’s “other agency” affiliation

10 Hid info the made Steele appear unreliable

11 Hid info from Ohr showing that Simpson (Fusion GPS, rabid anti-Trump) paid Steele

12 Hid info on Steele-Simpson-DNC relationships

13 Didn’t correct lie about Steele providing Yahoo news the info, even when proven so later

14 Hid finding that Steele info was “minimally corroborated”

15 Hid PapaD testimony that Trump was not involved in DNC (Podesta emails) hack

16 Omitted Misfud’s denial of providing PapaD info

17 Omitted info about extent of Page’s role/influence on Republican platform change on Russian annexation of Ukraine

Mostly lies of omission about quality and origins of sources and hiding of exculpatory findings