Anonymous ID: df9b92 Dec. 10, 2019, 5:56 a.m. No.7472121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2159 >>2178 >>2237 >>2257 >>2301 >>2334 >>2503 >>2613 >>2680 >>2818


Last night, at >>7469152 pb, there was some juicy discussion about Biden and his connections to the term "Seneca" and possibly Vanderbilt.

Did anything come of it last night?

I noticed this morning that just after that bread was over POTUS twatted:

>A great choice. Bill is a winner!

He was responding to day old news about Shep Smith being replaced with Bill Hemmer.

It could be comms about his approval of the direction of diggs.

When Q returned a few days ago there was a mysterious anon stringer a few posts before he posted for the first time in the bread. >>7414543 pb

That stringer was:





Now the bread before this stringer was posted we were discussing relationships as they connect back from Ghislaine Maxwell to Podesta. >>7414059 pb

Anons relied heavily on connections through Mellon, Carnegie, and Heinz to make the bridge to Podesta from Ghislaine.

Considering all that, I believe this stealth stringer was a nudge to focus on more pertinent digs, here's my thoughts:

inf_mch_on (information about Mellon Carnegie Heinz is anons focus atm)

back_off (stop digging this direction)

restore_off (go back to focusing on other things, i take this as "don't dig on them yet")

forward_on (redirect the digging efforts towards...)

b_b_4_2 (...biden, bloomberg, clinton (42))

Now over the past week, since this stringer post, I've been digging into biden deeper, ignoring most of the heinz connections through Rosemont Seneca Partners (Heinz, Biden, Archer, Bulger) which have already been expanded on in the past.

Anon last night (>>7469152) brought up an important point: If Rosemont is the heinz family farm, and it's important enough to represent the heinz family in the naming of their corrupt money laundering company, then the other half of this power player duo would be Biden. That makes "Seneca" a symbolic representation of the Biden family, or those who control him.

So I think POTUS basically confirmed that revealing Biden's supporters and their connections to "Seneca" is super relevant.

Read through the aforementioned thread last night starting with the linked post and it'll shed some light on the Seneca = Vanderbilt connections.

Anonymous ID: df9b92 Dec. 10, 2019, 6:10 a.m. No.7472178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2237 >>2301 >>2503 >>2523 >>2680 >>2818


For those who want to help dig:

I suspect that Biden, Bloomberg, and Clintons will all tie back to Vanderbilt and Whitney families (they're basically the same family through marriage and joint ventures historically).

Biden sure does enjoy doing events at Vanderbilt University, which has an interesting history and connections.

We're still trying to find the connection to "seneca" as it pertains to Biden. Think Seneca Nation of native americans, Iroquois confederacy (which the US republic was modeled off of), Seneca Falls (birthplace of Feminism), and more. Remember Vanderbilt made his fortune through railroad consolidation throughout the state of new york and beyond. During the 1800s land to the east of the mississippi was still considered "the west."

Bloomberg is heavily connected to the UN through his sister, as well as UNICEF.

And I seem to recall (haven't dug yet) that Hillary Clinton is also connected to the Whitney family (harriman? think Marie Norton Harriman/Vanderbilt and Harriman's bank rolling of bill clinton). What else tits my illation? Isn't Hillary known as "evergreen?" Payne Whitney's gigantic LI estate was known as "Greentree Estate." which has a gigantic indoor pool I speculated last night was the 2 of 2 pools per Qs vanderbilt pool post:

Seneca seems to be a very important symbolic representation of the Biden family. Find that and this entire network reveals itself.

Also, Corn and Corn-elius?

Anonymous ID: df9b92 Dec. 10, 2019, 6:46 a.m. No.7472334   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2370




Read first post, then read GEOTUS's twat.

Another confirmation?

We NEED to keep pushing Seneca as it connects to Biden.

Another angle I'm pursuing at the moment is this: The French and Indian war pitted pre-revolution era colonialists against the French and their allied native americans, which most relevantly included the Seneca Nation.

If you analyze the french and their involvement in the area, you can begin to realize the connections between the french monarchy (think payseur) and the rothschilds takeover of the monarchy, and the catholic church through Napoleon and the loans of 1832.

Of the 5 nations of the Iroquois, the Seneca were the closest with the french.

Still digging, a good angle though.

Anonymous ID: df9b92 Dec. 10, 2019, 6:55 a.m. No.7472370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2373 >>2399



A new juicy seneca nation connection.

Their current reservations include Cattaraugus, Allegany, Oil Springs, and Cornplanter Tract.

Cattaraugus Reservation is borded by Perrysburg, which is named after Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry,

Who is the brother of Matthew Perry.

Matthew Perry is famous for being the naval officer who opened japan for (((trade))).

2 years later, the first jewish immigrants settled in Yokohama. This was in the mid 1800s.

Infiltration. 100 year plans.

How do we know? Matthew Perry's daughter married August Belmont, a known agent of the Rothschilds sent to the Americas to manage their Cuban assets.

Anonymous ID: df9b92 Dec. 10, 2019, 7:04 a.m. No.7472412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2418


One of the winners of the Belmont Stakes was the horse named Iroquois.

Owned by Pierre Lorillard IV of the P. Lorillard and Company tobacco company.

He owned The Breakers mansion before selling it to Cornelius Vanderbilt II.

Pierre's sister Mary Lorillard Barbey married Henry Isaac Barbey,

Who managed the Buffalo Rochester and Pittsburgh Railway.

This is an important railroad to this discuss I believe.

Seneca region. Need to tie Seneca to Biden.

Also of note, the horse "Iroquois" was bred by Aristides Welch, I wonder if there's relation to Laura (Welch) Bush.

Anonymous ID: df9b92 Dec. 10, 2019, 7:09 a.m. No.7472444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2458 >>2484 >>2512


I'm starting to see that the French involvement in the colonies left a satanic fingerprint on the growing nation.


Basically as it stands now, the gestalt is as such:

Vanderbilt, the Seneca nation, and the French are all connected. Rothschilds are within proximity through the Perry family.

Somewhere, someplace, Joe Biden connects back to this, and his use of Seneca in the laundering company, Rosemont Seneca Partners, is an important symbolic representation of something. Either the biden family directly (doubtful) or the power player who supports/backs biden.

Does his wife connect back to a powerful family?

Has a powerful family donated to him heavily?

I believe at the end of it we'll see the Vanderbilts.

Did he have a relationship with Gloria Vanderbilt?

He's rather chummy with Anderson Cooper, basically making out with him at one point.

This brings it all together anons. What the fuck does Biden have to do with "Seneca."

Anonymous ID: df9b92 Dec. 10, 2019, 7:21 a.m. No.7472512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2539 >>2555 >>2582 >>2591 >>2628 >>2632 >>2641 >>2648 >>2650 >>2665 >>2680 >>2693 >>2818





August Belmont who married Matthew Perry's daughter was a card carrying agent of the Rothschilds.

He is also the financier of the Belmont Stakes horse race. His partner in founding of the Belmont Stakes? Leonard Jerome.


Why is this important?

Winston Churchill is the Cousin of John Spencer-Churchill whose full name is John George VANDERBILT Henry Spencer-Churchill, 11th Duke of Marlborough breath.

He MARRIED ATHINA ONASSIS NIARCHOS. Her nephew is Spyros Niarchos who married Daphne Guinness who is the sister of Tom Guinness!

Tom Guinness married Rachel Chandler the Child Handler!

Daphne and her Sister were friends/PAs for Andy Warhol of Pittsburgh! The Andy Warhol Museum works closely with the Eastman Museum for "restoration work." The Eastman received a huge grant from the Andrew Mellon Foundation. Eastman was the founder of Eastman Kodak!

Kodak (film) was the backbone upon which Hollywood was created! Eastman and Gannett were in business together in the creation of the clear-channel radio station WHAM 1180!

This is a big connection. We need to continue to expand on Belmont, Seneca, Perry, Vanderbilt to find the god damned Biden connection to "seneca".

They used SENECA in their company name in Ukraine: Rosemont Seneca Partners. Rosemont = Heinz et. al. So what the fuck does Seneca mean to Biden!?!?!

Anonymous ID: df9b92 Dec. 10, 2019, 7:29 a.m. No.7472565   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Rosemont Seneca Bohai is the joint partnership with China.

Through Bohai Harvest RST they acquired a US strategic asset in Henniges. This purchase would have required Obama sign off.

RST in Bohai Harvest is Rosemont Seneca Thornton with the Thornton being the company of the Bulger family.

Anonymous ID: df9b92 Dec. 10, 2019, 7:38 a.m. No.7472628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2631 >>2641 >>2642 >>2665 >>2680 >>2693 >>2712 >>2818



I have more!

Pamela Harriman

Her son with her first husband Randolph Churchill is named Winston Churchill!

Named after his Grandfather THE Winston Churchill!

Harriman gets you to the Whitney/Vanderbilt family!

BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY (atm, for this post.)


Bill fucking Clinton.

Anonymous ID: df9b92 Dec. 10, 2019, 7:39 a.m. No.7472631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2682


How does this all connect to Biden, because it fucking does. Some how.

Follow the wives?

Anything to do with Seneca?

Anything to do with Delaware? (Vanderbilt, Whitney, Harriman in deleware?)

Who DONATES to Biden? Past and present?

Anonymous ID: df9b92 Dec. 10, 2019, 7:47 a.m. No.7472679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2688 >>2738 >>2755


Man does Eastman lead to some spicy railroads.

Look at the early investors. Brackett Clark's descendant runs a railroad that runs right by a juvenile detention center that had a history of children dying/disappearing. This rail line connects to a KraftHeinz plant down the line. It also runs towards Rochester and interfaces with the G&W line that used to run into the old Rochester Subway Tunnels. for DECADES after it was abandoned for pedestrian traffic.

Their main customer in the subway tunnel!?


Right nextdoor to Gannett in the subway?

Dinosaur BBQ which GEORGE SOROS was an investor in.

Anonymous ID: df9b92 Dec. 10, 2019, 7:54 a.m. No.7472730   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I ask myself the same.

What's the pertinent event coming up?


Who are the threats during the elections?

Biden, Bloomberg and Clinton.

Mellon/Heinz come after reelection is my thought.

No matter, this vanderbilt dig is splurging juicy all over my keyboard. At first it had my curiosity, now it has my attention.

Mellon, Carnegie, Heinz can wait. Biden is more important.

Anonymous ID: df9b92 Dec. 10, 2019, 7:57 a.m. No.7472759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2805 >>2845


Gould was another Robber Baron.

Goulds Erie Railroad was Vanderbilts New York Central main competitor.

Gould is tied in here somewhere.

Please do share your tidbits. Not a slide, socratic digging. I'm sharing the "interesting tidbits" i've found.

The excitement is coming from connecting Vanderbilt and Whitney and Harriman to Niarchos, Onassis, and Livanos through Churchill. That's a huge network map connection. Greek traffickers with US robber barons.