Anonymous ID: 56d861 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:17 a.m. No.7473216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3248 >>3250 >>3253 >>3284 >>3370 >>3493 >>3591 >>3658

IMPOSSIBLE! EVERY SINGLE ONE of the 17 Flaws and Omissions Listed in IG Report WENT AGAINST DONALD TRUMP — But IG Said There Was No Bias?!!


DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz released his much anticipated report on Obama regime FISA Warrant abuse during the 2016 election on Monday.


Here is a link to the full report.


The report revealed what we knew to be true all along — the FBI defrauded the FISA court and purposely omitted exculpatory information from the FISA judges in order to obtain FOUR FISA warrants on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.


IG Horowitz, an Obama-appointee however, concluded that the FBI investigation into Trump was justified and not politically motivated.


For the first time in history a sitting US president was caught sending in operatives to spy on the opposition campaign.


The initial reaction to the report was that it was a wash. Democrats cheered the results saying it showed no political bias by FBI officials against Candidate and then President Trump.

However, the report listed 17 inaccuracies and omissions by the deep state FBI in their spying on Trump adviser Carter Page.

Notice that NOT ONE of these criminal acts of bias HELPED Donald Trump or his campaign or administration!

Every “flaw” in the investigation assisted the crooked FBI and their team of Obama investigators!

Every one!


This is IMPOSSIBLE without BIAS!

Anonymous ID: 56d861 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:18 a.m. No.7473226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3284 >>3325 >>3493 >>3591

FISA Report Reveals Clinton Meddled In 2016 Election


If Russia spending $100,000 on Facebook ads constitutes election interference, and Donald Trump asking Ukraine to investigate the Bidens is too - then Hillary Clinton takes the cake when it comes to influence campaigns designed to harm a political opponent.

Anonymous ID: 56d861 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:20 a.m. No.7473234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3284 >>3493 >>3591

No ‘exemplary leaders’ in EU? Erdogan says ‘leadership void’ is plaguing Europe


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has thrown yet another jab at the European Union, saying that the bloc is experiencing a shortage of political role models, something which he described as a “leadership void.”


Top European politicians are apparently not respected that much by Erdogan; he struggled to name at least one single leader whom he deems to be an “example” for others to follow.


“Europe is experiencing a serious leadership crisis, there’s leadership void. I can’t find the courage to say [about anyone]: ‘This leader is an example for Europe,’” Erdogan said on Tuesday.


While Erdogan’s evaluation is not very complimentary for the present-day European politicians, at least some of the past EU leaders earned his praise.


Erdogan named the former German chancellor Gerhard Schroder as an important leader who was able to make reforms. Another politician to the Turkish president’s liking was former Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi, under whom Italian-Turkish cooperation thrived.


When asked which of the contemporary world leaders he actually likes, Erdogan listed both the US and Russian presidents, stating that both Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are “open” during talks and they do not have any “secret agenda” against Turkey.


Ankara has been repeatedly engaging in bitter rows with the EU over various issues, including the refugee problem, alleged violations of human rights in Turkey, Erdogan’s recent assault on Kurdish-led militias in northern Syria, and so on. While these issues have repeatedly caused diplomatic flare-ups between the bloc and Turkey, Erdogan was not afraid to spice it up and get personal with the EU leaders.


One of the latest spats erupted between the Turkish leader and his French counterpart, triggered by Emmanuel Macron’s fiery remarks on NATO’s “brain death.” While many NATO leaders tried to prove the bloc was still alive, Erdogan bluntly said Macron, should have his “own brain death checked” first before delving into the gray matter of the alliance.

Anonymous ID: 56d861 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:20 a.m. No.7473245   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3317 >>3493 >>3591

Blame the dead guy FFS


Rabobank: "The Key Reason We Are In This Mess Is Due To Volcker"


Tall Tales


Markets were relatively quiet Monday, with key bond yields drifting lower to reverse Friday’s payrolls-induced spike, and the USD likewise reversing some its gain. Even equities ended slightly lower.


Perhaps the most eye-catching news was the sad death of former Fed Chair Paul Volcker. Besides his post-2008 regulatory ‘Volcker Rule’ being infamous to those working in markets, “Tall Paul” is being eulogised as the man “who broke the back of US inflation in the 1980s”. Even before his death others had stated that if there were a Nobel Prize for government serviced that his name would be on that list.


For those weaned on ultra-low rates and central-bank liquidity on demand, it must seem odd that once upon a time there was a Fed Chair prepared to raise rates to eye-watering levels regardless of the cost, who worked for tighter regulation after leaving office, and who publicly wanted to see big banks broken up. By contrast, yesterday saw the current Fed pump in another USD25bn in a 28-day repo operation yesterday – and USD43bn was bid for that USD25bn on offer (so many people so short of cash: is it all really a year-end squeeze?); and let’s not forget the weekend had that USD150,000 banana taped to a wall (up USD30,000 in a day because of the controversy over the first USD120,000 banana being eaten). For all the chatter that Jay Powell ‘was going to be the next Volcker’, the truth is that lower for longer will be lower forever if markets continue to require permanent liquidity support, which they still do a decade after the actual crisis ended.


However to think that we need a Volcker now is a “Tall tale”. Why? Because one also needs to underline that, ironically, the key reason we are in this mess is due to Volcker. He didn’t just break the back of US inflation: he also deliberately broke the back of US labour power. Recall that at the time of soaring US inflation the economy was dealing with the aftermath of an oil shock, the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, the messy end of the expensive Vietnam War, and the start of the US political mania for tax cuts for the wealthy as a cure-all. Most countries would have seen high inflation against that backdrop – and lots of potential policy-combinations might have worked as a palliative. (Tax hikes for the rich, for example, or an early refusal to allow the USD to assume its current global role as absorber of excess global capital and production.)


Volcker decided that the working class needed to pay the price of victory against inflation. He explicitly aimed at breaking the power of organised labour, and just after being appointed as FOMC Chair declared “The standard of living of the average American has to decline”. When looking at the trend of median rea- wage stagnation in the US–something now broadly acknowledged as the root cause of most of our socio-economic problems, and of our distorted markets–this started with the first oil shock, and became entrenched under Volcker. Subsequent Fed Chairs, and indeed most central banks, may no longer be tough on rates and may doll out liquidity like candy – but not to workers, only to banks (and soon, perhaps, to shadow banks). Whatever the Fed does or doesn’t say at this week’s meeting, don’t expect that to change.

Anonymous ID: 56d861 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:22 a.m. No.7473251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3269 >>3298

Chilean military transport plane with 38 people onboard declared ‘crashed’ after vanishing en route to Antarctica


A search and rescue operation was launched after a Chilean military transport aircraft carrying 38 passengers and crew had gone missing, losing radio contact on its way to a base in Antarctica.


The aircraft is considered to have “crashed” because it would have run out of fuel by now and could not fly any longer, the Director of Operations of the Chilean Air Force, Brigadier General Francisco Torres told reporters.


But there is “always a possibility” that it has managed to land somewhere, he said, adding that the plane did not send any distress calls.


The C-130 Hercules transport craft took off the Chabunco Air Base in the city of Punta Arenas in Chile’s far south at 4:55pm local time on Monday, and completely went off the radar about an hour later. It was flying on a routine support and maintenance mission to the Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva Air Base in Antarctica, and had 38 people on board.


President Sebastian Pinera declared a search and rescue operation with the focus on finding potential survivors. The whereabouts of the plane are still unknown.


The Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva Air Base is the largest of Chile’s four permanent installations on the icy continent, where the country claims a slice of territory covering the South Shetland Islands, the Antarctic Peninsula, and several other adjacent islands.


The base is supported by the tiny commune of Villa Las Estrellas, which has a population of about 150 in the summer – between October and February – and only 80 for the rest of the year.

Anonymous ID: 56d861 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:25 a.m. No.7473263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3297 >>3312 >>3331 >>3599

Star Wars Actor: ‘Every Sane Person’ Has an Issue With President Trump


“Star Wars” actors sure hate President Trump.


Daisy Ridley is the latest to profess her hatred for the president of the United States. Ridley has starred in three movies in the ever declining series, including the latest iteration, “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.”


And she thinks “every sane person” should have an issue with Trump.


In an interview with The Guardian, Ridley was asked by Nosheen Iqbal if Disney — which owns the Star Wars empire — tells her what she can and can’t say.


“No. I don’t feel I have to edit what I say – the things that make me angry are the things that make everyone angry.”


Then she added that “everyone is annoyed” with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. “Everyone has an issue with Trump – every sane person anyway,” she added.


She did acknowledge that “other people are so much more articulate than me and say it better.”


“I don’t talk a lot about various things because there are people fighting the good fight, and I know I have safety in that the people I have worked with have loud voices,” Ridley said.


She’s not alone. Star Wars veteran Mark Hamill, who plays Luke Skywalker, also hates Trump.


Hamill in June compared Trump to the horror film “Chucky,” saying, “Now he’s even creepier than he was before.” Hamill has also called for Trump’s star on Hollywood Walk of Fame to be removed and replaced by one for the late Carrie Fisher, who played Princess Leia.


“Rise of Skywalker” director J.J. Abrams is also a Trump hater — and so, apparently, is the “Star Trek” universe. He signed a letter in 2016 denouncing Trump, which said, “Never has there been a presidential candidate who stands in such complete opposition to the ideals of the Star Trek universe as Donald Trump. His election would take this country backward, perhaps disastrously.”


“His election would take this country backward, perhaps disastrously. We need to elect a president who will move this country forward into the kind of future we all dream of: where personal differences are understood and accepted, where science overrules superstition, where people work together instead of against each other,” said the letter, also signed by actor Chris Pine, who plays Capt. James T. Kirk in the rebooted series.


Up is down left is right

Anonymous ID: 56d861 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:27 a.m. No.7473273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3493 >>3591

John Solomon Slams Adam Schiff's "Surveillance State" Abuse: "Chilling Effect On Press Freedom"


The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide, the bible for agents, has long recognized that journalists, the clergy and lawyers deserve special protections because of the constitutional implications of investigating their work. Penitents who confess to a priest, sources who provide confidential information to a reporter, and clients who seek advice from counsel are assumed to be protected by a high bar of privacy, which must be weighed against the state’s interests in investigating matters or subpoenaing records. Judges and members of Congress also fall into a special FBI category because of the Constitution’s separation of powers.


The FBI and Justice Department have therefore created specific rules governing agents’ actions involving special-circumstances professionals, which include high-level approval and review. There are also special rules for subpoenaing journalists.


If the executive branch, and by extension the courts that enforce these privacy protections, observe the need for such sensitivity, it seems reasonable that Congress should have similar guardrails ensuring that the powers of the state are equally and fairly applied.

Anonymous ID: 56d861 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:29 a.m. No.7473285   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3484 >>3493 >>3591

Crossfire Hurricane in a teacup? IG report exposes gaping chasm between Russiagate inquiry and reality


The long-awaited report on the origins of Russiagate shows the intelligence community played fast and loose with the truth to build its case against candidate Donald Trump and inflate the specter of Russian election interference.


The report by the Department of Justice’s Inspector General (DOJ IG) “makes clear that the FBI launched an intrusive investigation of a US presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken,” Attorney General William Barr said in a statement following the report’s publication on Monday. Despite the clear efforts by a handful of malicious FBI officials to mislead the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court, he continued, the “evidence produced by the investigation was consistently exculpatory.”


While praising IG Michael Horowitz’s work, Barr made it clear he disagrees with its essential conclusion – that all the prerequisites were properly met in order to launch July 2016’s counterintelligence inquiry into purported Russian election meddling, dubbed “Crossfire Hurricane.”


Horowitz’s report analyzed the launch of Crossfire Hurricane through surveillance of four Trump campaign figures – Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn – “to determine whether individual(s) associated with the Trump campaign are witting of and/or coordinating activities with the Government of Russia.”


The entire probe was based on nothing more than a “friendly foreign government” tip about Papadopoulos claiming to have heard from Russia about juicy information on Hillary Clinton. That claim, plus “the FBI’s ongoing cyber intrusion investigation of the July 2016 hacks of the Democratic National Committee,” provided all the justification needed to surveil the Trump campaign going forward, even though the FBI acknowledged there was little by way of probable cause to suggest Page, at least, was acting as a foreign agent.


Some 17 total errors and omissions were found in the FISA documentation for Page alone, and the FBI’s willingness to take the reporting of British spy Christopher Steele at face value in order to provide justification for surveilling Page – in the total absence of any corroborating information in its files, and compounded by the omission of contradictory information – requires a sizable suspension of disbelief.


The report highlights an internal conflict over the centrality of the unsubstantiated Steele Dossier, which played a starring role in the Russiagate narrative despite its dubious provenance. It was even included in the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) used to brief then-president Barack Obama and candidate Trump, even as former CIA director John Brennan flatly denied having relied upon the dossier “in any way” in court filings, applications, or other procedures.

Anonymous ID: 56d861 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:31 a.m. No.7473296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3436 >>3493 >>3591

Former Federal Prosecutor Robert Ray: Neither Charge Announced today are High Crimes and Misdemeanors — Neither are Impeachable Offenses (VIDEO)


Former Federal Prosecutor Robert Ray joined America’s following the Democrat Party’s announcement to impeach the president.


Democrats are still not even finished with their investigation but they got a timeline to meet!

What crooks!


The Sham Charges in the Sham Impeachment:


— Abuse of Power

— Obstruction of Congress


That’s all they could come up with.


What happened to the coercion, extortion, pay-for-play and bribery charges?


Robert Ray told FOX News following the Democrats’ “solemn” press conference that neither charge is an impeachable offense.


Robert Ray: My first reaction to that is despite what you just heard from Chairman Nadler, neither one of those is a high crime or misdemeanor. So we have not passed through an investigation over the course of the last several months where it’s not treason, it’s not bribery, it’s not extortion, it’s not a foreign an illegal foreign campaign violation it’s now whatever a majority of the House of Representatives that is controlled by the Democrats say it is, which is abuse of power, abuse of conduct and an inter-branch dispute.

Anonymous ID: 56d861 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:34 a.m. No.7473315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3493 >>3591

Sen. Ted Cruz confirms the Senate will hold a 'fair' impeachment trial to expose the Ukrainian scandal, says Trump should be allowed to call any witnesses he wants


'Whomever the president wants to call'


Speaking with BlazeTV host Glenn Beck on his radio show Tuesday morning, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) confirmed that the U.S. Senate will hold an impeachment trial aimed at exposing the Ukrainian scandal, and said that the Senate trial would be "fair" to the president unlike the impeachment probe in the House.


Earlier in the interview, Cruz had described the House impeachment inquiry as a "partisan show trial" that would ultimately be "thrown out" in the Senate.


Beck later pressed Cruz on the Senate's intentions: "Please tell me that you are going to hold an impeachment trial and expose all of this stuff in the Senate, won't you?"


"We will have a trial in the Senate unlike the House where there was no due process and no fairness," Cruz confirmed to Beck during the on-air interview. "I believe [the trial in] the Senate will be much more fair."


Cruz also said he believed that President Trump and his legal team should be allowed to call any witnesses that support his case, including Hunter Biden and the alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella.


"We're going to allow the White House and the president to present their defense," Cruz told Beck. "I believe that means if the president wants to call witnesses, the president should be able to call witnesses."


"If the president wants to call Hunter Biden or the whistleblower — whomever the president wants to call," Cruz said.


Beck has been outspoken about what he considers the real Ukrainian scandal, which is the State Department-funded, George Soros-led "shadow government" effort in Ukraine.


During the interview, Beck and Cruz also agreed that allegations of Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election in collusion with the Democratic Party and the Hillary Clinton campaign were, in fact, founded, and that further investigation is justified.


Investigation into 2016 election interference was one of two requests from Trump to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the alleged quid pro quo, the other being an investigation into Hunter Biden's suspicious involvement with the Ukrainian gas company, Burisma.


In a lengthy exposé on BlazeTV last month, Beck suggested that the impeachment probe against President Trump must go to trial so that the details of the underlying scandals in Ukraine could be brought to light.


Curious Americans will have to wait, however, because according to a Politico report, the Senate impeachment trial will likely be postponed until January.

Anonymous ID: 56d861 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:35 a.m. No.7473321   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3493 >>3591

Strikes over pension reform cripple France as leaders say ‘let them eat cake’


As Macron and his prime minister dig their heels in over pension reform while France faces a Black Monday transport chaos and more strikes tomorrow, the pair may yet find that their “let them eat cake” attitude is not working.


While the strikes roll on, Emmanuel Macron and Edouard Philippe have demonstrated they share one key attribute: a tin ear for public sentiment that would make Marie Antoinette blush.


Philippe suggested last week that the country’s current crisis would be resolved when workers understood "that little by little we will have to work a bit longer,” and his remark was a clear echo of the sentiment expressed earlier this year by Macron who declared “We must work more, I've said it before. France works much less than its neighbours.”


Far from accepting the decrees of ‘The Emperor’ and his Prime Minister, the French people have greeted their proposals with the biggest wave of industrial action for a decade, meaning public transport has ground to a halt, as flights, trains, metro and buses were cancelled across France.


On Monday, only around 15 percent of normal services are running across the country and public transport is severely disrupted in Paris.


Meanwhile the Prime Minister, seemingly oblivious to the fury on the streets, still insists. “I am determined to complete the reform.”


But now there are cracks appearing in the Government’s case. Sources reported in some newspapers are suggesting that Macron is willing to compromise on his plan to ensure all French workers get the same state pension. He could postpone the implementation of his reform until 2035 in a tactical retreat, which, while reducing the potency of the reform, would still be better than a full-scale capitulation.


While the prime minister is expected to lay out details of the pension reform on Wednesday, that will not be soon enough to avoid a repeat of the chaos caused by last Thursday’s strikes, which saw up to 180,000 people take to the streets in Paris, throwing projectiles and fireworks at police, who responded with tear gas and pepper spray.

Anonymous ID: 56d861 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:37 a.m. No.7473333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3387

After ‘Predator’ Cop Gets Wrist-Slap for Raping Kids on Duty, He’s Let Out and Strikes Again


Norristown, PA — For years, the Free Thought Project has been reporting on case after case of police officers caught raping, molesting, and abusing their victims—many of whom are children. All too often, these officers are let off with little to no punishment. Many of these officers were caught sexually abusing children only to be let loose in society after flexing their blue privilege. In the instance below, that is exactly what happened and this predator ex-cop was allowed to strike again after serving a measly sentence.


Former Pennsylvania State Police officer Michael Evans betrayed his badge in a most dishonorable and horrific way. He was caught and convicted of forcing women and underage girls to perform sex acts in exchange for their freedom.


One of his victims was an underage girl who called police to report that her home had been burglarized. As she waited for her parents to come back home, this predator raped her. Another one of his victims was a woman seeking police protection from her abusive boyfriend. Instead of help, however, then-officer Evans raped her.


Because police officers all too often receive slaps on the wrist for betraying their oaths in the most heinous manner, Evans was only sentenced to ten years in jail for these acts. He would get out after only serving 8.


As TFTP frequently reports, sex offenders, especially those who prey on children, will often times strike again, even after doing years in jail. That’s exactly what happened with Evans. As KYW reports, in the summer of 2018, during which Evans was nearing the end of his 10-year probation sentence, he fondled a 15-year-old while engaged in a sex act with a 40-year-old woman in the garage of his Berks County home.


After he was caught preying on children once again, Evans, now 52, pleaded guilty to corruption of minors, indecent exposure and indecent assault.


“He was a predator,” prosecutor Roderick Fancher said. “He was using a badge as a disguise to prey on women. Twenty years ago, he got a significant state sentence and is out there doing it again now that he’s out of prison. He’s engaging in the exact same behavior, the exact same thing.”


After violating his parole and preying on another child, Evans once more, received an insultingly low sentence. He received just 2 ½ to five years in state prison for the parole violation.


According to KYW, during his appearance in Montgomery County court, Evans said his plea deal in Berks County is for five to 10 years in prison. Fancher hopes the judge tacks that onto the parole violation sentence instead of running them concurrent “so he serve as much time as possible.”

Anonymous ID: 56d861 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:38 a.m. No.7473340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3381 >>3493 >>3591

Greece: Local mayors of Aegean Islands plan protests against the relentless inflow of migrants


Local authorities on Greece’s Aegean islands have planned protests against the unabated inflow of migrants arrivals to the already overcrowded Greek islands each week.


Official figures have revealed that in the past four days alone, over 1,000 migrants have landed on the Greek islands, Ekathimerini reports.


The situation on the Greek islands of Lesbos, Samos, and Chios has deteriorated to such a point, that the mayors of the three islands and the Regional Governor Konstantinos Moutzouris are planning protests against the establishment of new asylum centers.


Last week, local residents of the island Leros, led by Mayor Michalis Kollias, obstructed a ferry carrying migrants from other islands to dock. The migrant reception center on Leros is currently home to 2,280 people. At the same time, 17,000 migrants are living at Moria reception center on Lesbos – a center originally designed to hold 2,800.


As each day passes, the situation on the islands becomes increasingly untenable. Last week, a 27-year-old Afghan woman died in a fire that began in a container home in the pop-up Kara Tepe migrant camp on Lesbos


Last Thursday, Greek authorities dismantled a group of criminal professionals who had been selling fake medical documents to migrants looking for a quick transfer to the mainland.


Police announced that three individuals – two lawyers and a psychologist – had produced 538 fake documents which falsely diagnosed migrants with post-traumatic stress disorder so they could be transferred to the Greek mainland. The group is said to have charged between 550 and 950 euros for each fake document.

Anonymous ID: 56d861 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:40 a.m. No.7473351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3359 >>3364 >>3493 >>3537 >>3591

Lindsey Graham: FBI Ran ‘Criminal Enterprise to Defraud the FISA Court’


Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Monday excoriated the FBI’s investigation into now-debunked collusion between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia as a “criminal enterprise.”


Graham made the stinging remarks following the Justice Department inspector general report’s release in which 17 “significant inaccuracies and omissions” involving three applications filed under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act were detailed. The report, authored by DOJ inspector general Michael Horowitz, stated the inaccuracies likely led to the FBI’s justification to surveil former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.


“I believe there will be no debate among reasonably minded people, particularly lawyers, about how the system got off the rails, but in my view became a criminal enterprise to defraud the FISA court, to deny American citizen Carter Page his constitutional rights, and to continue an operation against President Trump as president of the United States,” he said.


“These are statements I don’t make lightly,” he added.


The FBI included unverified information from former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele in its application seeking a warrant to wiretap Page. After a sub-source of Steele’s raised doubt on the information regarding Page, the FBI withheld the concerns from the FISA court, said the report.


Although Horowitz harshly criticized the FBI’s conduct, he ruled that the officials overseeing the investigation were not tainted by political bias and their information was “sufficient to satisfy the low threshhold” to launch the probe.


Attorney General William Barr issued a statement condemning the report’s conclusions, saying it proved the FBI launched an “intrusive” probe into the Trump campaign on “the thinnest of suspicions.”


“It is also clear that, from its inception, the evidence produced by the investigation was consistently exculpatory,” Barr said. “Nevertheless, the investigation and surveillance was pushed forward for the duration of the campaign and deep into President Trump’s administration.”

Anonymous ID: 56d861 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:41 a.m. No.7473361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3376 >>3493 >>3521 >>3591

‘Ludicrous Optics’: House Democrats Praise Trump’s USMCA Trade Deal As They Unveil Their Effort To Impeach Him


House Democrats on Tuesday praised President Donald Trump’s United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) just moments after announcing articles of impeachment against the president.


“It is infinitely better than what was initially proposed by the administration,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said about Trump’s trade deal just an hour after introducing articles of impeachment against him. “It’s a victory for American workers, and it’s one that we take great pride in advancing.” Ben Domenech, the co-founder of The Federalist, described Democrats’ actions as “Ludicrous optics.”


House Democrats and the White House reportedly reached the deal on the USMCA on Monday, which could be voted on by Dec. 18. The apparent deal was first reported by CNBC.


A change from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the USMCA is a bipartisan trade agreement that proponents think could benefit America’s farmers, ranchers, businesses, and workers. The White House will need to send legislation to Congress by Dec. 15 to start the approval process. If so, the House could vote on the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement by December 18.


Once approved by Congress, the USMCA is supposed to help longstanding trade problems by giving American businesses more freedom to sell their goods and services throughout North America.

Anonymous ID: 56d861 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:42 a.m. No.7473365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3493 >>3591

Donald Trump Criticizes FBI Director Christopher Wray for Inspector General Report Reaction


President Donald Trump was sharply critical Tuesday of FBI Director Christopher Wray’s response to the Justice Department’s inspector general report.


“I don’t know what report current Director of the FBI Christopher Wray was reading, but it sure wasn’t the one given to me,” Trump wrote on Twitter.


In an interview with ABC News, Wray reacted to the report, noting that the inspector general did not find that the investigation of Trump’s campaign was opened under improper motivations or political bias. That conclusion was criticized by Attorney General Bill Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham, who continue to investigate the entire process.


Wray also criticized the president and his supporters for using the term “Deep State” to describe officials in the FBI.


“I think that’s the kind of label that’s a disservice to the men and women who work at the FBI, who I think tackle their jobs with professionalism, with rigor, with objectivity, with courage,” Wray said, calling the term “an affront” to law officials in the bureau.


Asked by ACB News whether he thought the FBI unfairly targeted the Trump campaign, Wray replied, “I do not.”


Trump was sharply critical of Wray’s mixed reaction to the report.


“With that kind of attitude, he will never be able to fix the FBI, which is badly broken despite having some of the greatest men and women working there!” he wrote

Anonymous ID: 56d861 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:43 a.m. No.7473378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3493 >>3591

Analysis: IG’s FISA Report Undercuts ‘Schiff Memo,’ Which Defended FBI And Steele Dossier


The Justice Department watchdog’s report undercut key claims in the so-called Schiff Memo, released in February 2018 by Rep. Adam Schiff.

The memo downplayed the Steele dossier’s significance to the FBI’s surveillance of Carter Page. Schiff released it in response to a memo from Rep. Devin Nunes which criticized the FBI’s handling of the dossier.

The DOJ watchdog found that the FBI made significant errors and omissions in its applications to spy on Page.


The Justice Department inspector general’s report undercut many of the claims in a memo that Rep. Adam Schiff released in February 2018 defending the FBI and the Steele dossier, according to an analysis by The Daily Caller News Foundation.


In the memo, Schiff, a California Democrat, downplayed the FBI’s use of information from former British spy Christopher Steele in applications for surveillance warrants against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. Schiff, who now chairs the House Intelligence Committee, also asserted that the FBI did not omit any key details about Steele from the warrant applications and that investigators went to great lengths to verify the dossier.



Anonymous ID: 56d861 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:44 a.m. No.7473386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3493 >>3591

Farage’s ‘New Radicals’ Will Push for Political Reform After Brexit


Nigel Farage has said that after Brexit, he and his party’s “new radicals” will push for “genuine reform” of the British political system.


Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on Tuesday, the Brexit Party leader said: “If we get Brexit, then the idea that British politics goes back to where it’s been is an anathema.”


Mr Farage said that he wanted “genuine reform” of the voting system, including reforming postal voting and scrapping the House of Lords. “We are the new radicals and we want genuine change,” he said.


The Leave campaigner had revealed that he had registered the Reform Party if the UK does leave the EU, with the rebranded movement being a vehicle to “campaign to change politics for good”.


While Mr Farage believes that it is possible for the Brexit Party to gain a few seats in the election, he told BBC listeners not to underestimate a small party’s ability to grow in influence, saying “a breakthrough is a breakthrough”.


Reflecting on his time as the leader of UKIP, Farage said: “There were three of us elected in the European Parliament 20 years ago for UKIP which nobody ever heard of and we were able to use that base to build a party to force a referendum. So breakthroughs numerically do not have to be very big to be significant.”


On the success of the Brexit Party, which was only launched in April and went on to win May’s European Parliament elections, he said: “We tried the Brexit Party, won the European elections, got rid of the worst prime minister in living memory, and reset the agenda. I think we have stopped a second referendum from happening because that looked pretty inevitable six or eight months ago.”


— Farage: A real Brexit will not happen without Brexit Party MPs —


During a televised debate on Monday evening, Mr Farage said that he would be spoiling his election ballot on Thursday because Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s EU-approved exit treaty was “not Brexit”.


Speaking to BBC Radio 4 about this decision, Mr Farage said that it was important for Britons to elect Brexit Party MPs in order to hold Johnson to account and make sure the country gets a “realistic” Brexit.


“If we pass the Brexit treaty, this doesn’t get Brexit done. It takes us into years [of negotiations with the EU]. This ‘oven-ready’ deal will give us indigestion. I’m very disappointed in the direction they are taking,” the MEP said.


Mr Farage continued: “Unless we get a Brexit Party voice in the House of Commons, we are not going to get a realistic Brexit because he’ll push through this new EU treaty as it is.”


Confident that the Tories will win a majority, he, however, warned: “We are going to get Brexit. The question is: will it be recognisable to the 14.7 million voters?”

Anonymous ID: 56d861 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:48 a.m. No.7473409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3450

11 Chinese Migrants Found in Moving Truck at California Border


U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers found 11 Chinese migrants being smuggled across the California-Mexico border in a furniture truck.


Officers assigned to the San Ysidro Port of Entry on Saturday observed a furniture moving truck approaching the international boundary for inspection. The inspecting officer referred the driver, a 42-year-old U.S. citizen, to a secondary inspection station for further investigation, according to information obtained from San Diego Sector CBP officials.


Additional officers carried out a search of the truck and found 11 Chinese nationals hiding in various pieces of furniture inside the truck. Officers found migrants inside a washing machine, a chest, and a dresser, officials stated.


Officers arrested the driver and transported him to the Metropolitan Correctional Center where he will await prosecution on charges of human smuggling.

Anonymous ID: 56d861 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:51 a.m. No.7473429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3453 >>3493 >>3591

Bombshell! FBI Dir. Wray Assisted Shifty Obtain Giuliani/Nunes Call Logs Via Nat. Security Channels!

Anonymous ID: 56d861 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:52 a.m. No.7473439   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Maryland officer charged with raping two women, sexually assaulting a third


A Maryland police officer was charged with raping two women and sexually assaulting a third, according to the statement of charges filed in Maryland District Court in Baltimore.

An arrest warrant was issued Saturday for Baltimore County officer Anthony Michael Westerman, 25, court records show. Westerman is being held without bond on two counts of second degree rape and three counts of second degree assault, according to the documents released Monday.

The documents say that a Special Victims Unit detective began investigating the allegations in October after she found that “several” women claimed that a Baltimore County police officer had sexually assaulted them.

One of the women alleges that Westerman, who began working at the department in 2013, offered to get her an Uber back to her home one night in 2017 when she was too drunk to drive home, the documents say.

The woman passed out during the ride there, and when she awoke she and a friend were instead at Westerman’s house, according to the documents.

Inside his home, the woman passed out on a couch and her friend fell asleep, the documents say. The woman woke up to Westerman raping her.

Westerman “told her that he liked when she pushed at him and when she told him to stop and get off,” while he continued to force himself on her, the documents say.

In another case, a woman told the detective that Westerman raped her while she was staying in his guest bedroom earlier this year.

The woman said she didn’t immediately report the allegation because she knew Westerman was an officer, the documents allege.

A third woman claimed that Westerman forcibly kissed her twice while they were at a bar north of Baltimore.

Baltimore County Police Chief Melissa Hyatt called the allegations “reprehensible” and said in a statement that they aren’t “representative of the values and ethics” of the department.

It isn’t clear if Westerman has a lawyer. Court records don’t list one

Anonymous ID: 56d861 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:55 a.m. No.7473447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3459 >>3468 >>3493 >>3591

Putin, Zelensky, in first sitdown, agree to exchange all prisoners, revive peace process


Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, agreed Monday to revive peace talks in order to de-escalate tensions between the two nations amid the five-year separatist conflict in eastern Ukraine that has reshaped geopolitics in the region.


Both leaders agreed to exchange all prisoners and implement a cease-fire by the end of the year in the first face-to-face meeting between the pair since Zelensky, a comedian-turned-politician, was elected in April, The Wall Street Journal reported.


“We unblocked dialogue with Russia, a positive step… Unfortunately, we couldn’t settle all issues today,” Zelensky said at a joint news conference in Paris with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who mediated the talks.


Putin and Zelensky also held a separate one-on-one meeting.


The issues concerning local elections and who controlled borders in rebel-held areas of eastern Ukraine remained unsolved. Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed separatists have exchanged fire multiple times across the front lines in the region.


“I would like to emphasize the importance for Ukraine of restoring its full control over its border,” Zelensky said, noting the world leaders would return to the issue at a summit in four months.


Around 14,000 people have been killed in the ongoing fighting over Russian intervention in Ukraine. The United States has backed Ukraine and, along with other nations, has imposed sanctions against Moscow for its takeover of the Crimean peninsula in 2014.

Anonymous ID: 56d861 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:56 a.m. No.7473457   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3473 >>3493 >>3591

Vermont taxpayers will now be forced to pay for the transgender mutilation of children… State-sponsored medical mutilations are now a reality thanks to LGBT delusions


If you’re under the age of 21, suffer from gender dysphoria, and live in Vermont, you’ll now be able to get the “gender affirmation” surgeries and hormones you crave for free, thanks to new rules that force taxpayers to foot the bill for all LGBTQ “transition” procedures.


According to reports, Vermont’s Medicaid insurance has been changed to cover all surgeries associated with gender dysphoria in minors who have received permission from their parents to go under the knife. And minors between the ages of 16 and 18 who have been legally emancipated from their parents are now allowed to slice off or alter their genitals for free without parental consent.


In order to qualify for this free transgender mutilation, a minor must first spend 12 consecutive months living as the gender he or she is trying to become. After these 12 months, both a mental health professional and a doctor must then deem the desired surgery a “medical necessity” before that child will be allowed to become the next underage drag kid.


Among the 16 eligible surgeries that pre-pubescent children can now receive for free in Vermont in order to become LGBTQ include vasectomies, phalloplasties, breast surgeries, mastectomies, and breast augmentations.


“Children with gender dysphoria believe they are not their biological sex,” says the American College of Pediatricians (ACP), which has condemned other states like New York and California that also cover transgender surgeries and hormone treatments under their state Medicaid programs.


“A delusion is a fixed, false belief. This bill proposes that foster children with gender dysphoria be socially affirmed into their delusion, and allowed to obtain experimental puberty blockers, and dangerous cross-sex hormones and surgery without parental consent.”


According to statistics from the Vermont Department of Health, nearly half of all minors currently living in the state of Vermont rely on Medicaid for their health insurance,. This means that about 50 percent of the children living in Vermont will not have the option to alter their natural biology with the state’s blessing.


“Passage of this legislation will allow emotionally disturbed children to consent to dangerous life-altering procedures that will not reduce their risk for suicide in the long term,” ACP further warns. “This would be a criminal outcome.”

Anonymous ID: 56d861 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:59 a.m. No.7473475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3493

Smart toys sold by major retailers including Amazon, Argos, John Lewis and Smyths are vulnerable to HACKING and could enable a stranger to talk to a child, warns consumer watchdog


Which? calls for smart toy ban until they pass basic security measures

Consumer group exposes security flaws in smart toys before Christmas

Walkie talkies could allow adult to converse with a child from 200 metres away

New government urged to make appropriate security standards mandatory


Worrying security flaws that leave children at risk of being contacted by strangers have been found in smart toys in the run-up to Christmas.


Consumer group Which? tested seven smart and internet-enabled kids' toys and found three were vulnerable to being hacked due to unsatisfactory security.


Which? has urged the next government to make it mandatory for manufacturers to ensure smart products meet appropriate security standards before they go on sale.


Toy manufacturers must show they take the security of internet-enabled and smart products seriously, it said, by introducing basic level security as a first step. 'While there is no denying the huge benefits smart gadgets can bring to our daily lives, the safety and security of users should be the absolute priority,' said Natalie Hitchins, Which? head of home products and services.


'The next government must ensure manufacturers design connected tech products with security as paramount if it is going to prevent unsecure products ending up in people's homes.'


Which? investigated seven devices being sold in the run-up to Christmas sold by major retailers including Amazon, Argos, John Lewis and Smyths.


A security flaw in Vtech's KidiGear Walkie Talkies could allow a person to start a two-way conversation with a child from a distance of up to 200 metres, it found.


But Hong Kong-based Vtech said in response that the attacker would need to initiate pairing within 30 seconds of a child switching on their device in order to connect.


Children's karaoke products sold online by Xpassion/Tenva and Singing Machine, meanwhile, were found to have weak Bluetooth security, meaning a person could send recorded messages within 10 metres without protections such as a PIN.


Singing Machine said in response that it follows 'best practices' and 'testing standards'.


Which? also said that personal data of those who own Singing Machine model SMK250PP, AI-powered Boxer Robot, board game Mattel Bloxels and coding game Sphero Mini is at risk, after finding that users are not required to create strong passwords for user accounts.

