Anonymous ID: 8c3ba0 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:53 a.m. No.7473442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3448 >>3469



This is an example of a shillfag famewhore. Attention grabs mostly, but ultimately a higher agenda behind some of the characters and names (((they))) chose. As BO mentioned, 80% of bakers are shills. This one is no different. Bakers never needed to personafag for attention and recognition before. Yeah, the whole Doctor Strange thing is also highly suspicious. Seems like someone wants to be someone else.



Anonymous ID: 8c3ba0 Dec. 10, 2019, 10:08 a.m. No.7473531   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Those who need to know are well aware of your 'construct'. There is a specific purpose behind your repetition and usage of specific names / characters / images. While you think you may assume an identity, or claim material as your own, or attempt to create directed hatred in reciprocity to your idiocy, in the end it only fails. It only shines more LIGHT on your impersonationfagging which proves certain material / anons are being shilled on here. All things are saved, including the information you are attempting to label as your own. Including all of your previous famefagging, namefagging and ridiculous posts since assuming that 'role'. In the end all you do is prove contrast, heavy attacks all in 1 anon's direction. The reality is you are only proving that bakers are shills on here now.

… For the most part.



>Badge of honor. - Q