Anonymous ID: 928e73 Dec. 10, 2019, 8:43 a.m. No.7473030   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Reminder that Wray was known as a sleeper cabal member


Marker after Q drop 3537….. for calling out Wray ?


POTUS tweet on Wray today …


Triggers Barr to Declas since FBI didn't oversee OP procedures properly




Donald J. Trump

10 Dec 2019 - 7:16:43 AM


I don’t know what report current Director of the FBI Christopher Wray was reading, but it sure wasn’t the one given to me. With that kind of attitude, he will never be able to fix the FBI, which is badly broken despite having some of the greatest men & women working there!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 10, 2019




29 Jul 2019 - 1:14:03 PM


29 Jul 2019 - 1:13:22 PM


Wray is a sleeper


Future marker.



The Countdown Has Begun



9 Feb 2019 - 10:54:04 PM





-Blockade removal ['Scaramucci' model]

-[RR] removal [Goodbye #2 [#1 _ oversight of Mueller]

-[Ohr] removal

-[1-4] removal

-Barr install

-Barr (w/ Whitaker) review [RR] notes re: strong reservations to DECLAS due to sources & methods + Foreign CLAS (irreparable harm) OIG review prior to executing order

-Barr (w/ Whitaker) pull DECLAS review assignment from OIG [cite: executive order from POTUS does not require special oversight - DOJ/FBI (Wray) fully capable in reviewing and commenting re: OP integrity (sources & methods) etc.]

-Barr executes order to DECLAS + provide members of H committee long requested supplemental documentation in C setting [scope memo + CLAS] as required by US Law.

-Whitaker remain DOJ senior staff

-Barr meeting Huber & OIG

-OIG report

-House D's threaten subpoena of Barr/Whitaker re: DECLAS, SC report, Huber, etc….

-House D's use subpoena power to ……………………Acts 1, 2, and 3. [spill +30]

-Meeting w/ NK DENUC plan/process > sanctions lift meets subj A, B food for people (aid)

UK/AUS narrative shift re: in_country spy campaign v. POTUS (hops 1 to 2; 2 to 3; 3 to 4; 4 to target)

-D sky is falling push to public (scare to control)(projection)

-Public Awakening

-Narrative damage control

-Placeholders active

-Wall discussion end (public awareness of D's)

-Red/Green Castle per orig plan

Dark to Light.📁