Anonymous ID: 9471bb Dec. 10, 2019, 8:58 a.m. No.7473117   🗄️.is 🔗kun


glad to see someone on the Payseur topic again. there is a lot of info out there. so much it's hard to go through. somehow though this is one topic that has never gone that viral. . .although it is quite fascinating and deep. i leave you some nuggets for anyone interested in P. also i will just add this: payseur is like Mr. Pay or Sir Pay. the knights templar are highly highly connected here. they were 'bankers' for the templars. as both an armed escort for mechant treasure and a mercenary force, the necessity for having a specific armed security for gold and other valuables (esp. in order to pay their mercs). the paymaster corp or paymaster general is till a thing. an ancient motto of theirs is fidelis et fiduce est. the original bankster. bloodlines bloodlines bloodlines. who started the crusades? who brought the cabalistic versions of the grail mythos to europe? why is their always some kind of dragon, quinotaur, etc. involved? these are the kinds of questions you may want to ask. on a final note: did you ever hear the one about m.a. rothschild being called the leviathan of finance? interesting phrase. . .. a leviathan in hebrew has a couple meanings: 1. a lifted serpent/dragon. 2. a dragonlike string of beads or rings (metaphorically like a hive mind of all connected 'links' in the chain). ponder this shit foo.