Anonymous ID: ddec69 Dec. 10, 2019, 8:28 a.m. No.7472944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3022 >>3116 >>3284 >>3493 >>3591


All I know is that even as far back as 2014 before the POTUS even announced the chans were looking at two serious rifts. The first was between HRC and Jarrett (which was huge), and the second was Comey and HRC. Then as the election was coming closer (Q wasn't yet a thing), FBIAnon echoed the exact same thing stating Comey really dislikes HRC. Then Q comes out.


He is the one and only one of those clowns I have always been on the fence about for various reasons including his knowledge of what had happened to previous FBI heads or people with knowledge over their activities. Along with his releasing the email investigation at the midnight hour. He had everything to lose if she got in so I just have always felt there was a good chance he was not what people believe him to be. The other two assholes, yeah, no doubt at all. But him, I don't know, I really can't explain it other than instinct based on the little we know. I could be wrong, likely am wrong, but I have always been the seemingly final few holdouts on this one issue, hard to explain why.

Anonymous ID: ddec69 Dec. 10, 2019, 8:43 a.m. No.7473042   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I really care about this man. Never had I felt that way about someone not related or connected to me but this is a guy who has endured so much for the betterment of the nation. It's fucking heroic. I may get pissy and rightfully feel concerned now and again for the very reasons he lays out with his own words but they just tried to drop a nuke on this guy and there is only one response to such things. I know we do not talk about it and I won't even say it but there is only one response for such things. You know it, I know it, it is the only response.

Anonymous ID: ddec69 Dec. 10, 2019, 8:47 a.m. No.7473054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3116 >>3284 >>3493 >>3591


Yeah like I wrote, I could and probably am wrong but I just cannot shake that there is something missing from that particular situation. Other situations are clear and obvious but with him, there is just something illusive, it's really hard to explain so I won't try.

Anonymous ID: ddec69 Dec. 10, 2019, 8:49 a.m. No.7473068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3138


Speaking of. There is (not even kidding) a massive amount of Africans on the US border this very moment. No, not joking. Mexico has been dealing with a lot of issues this past week because a massive amount of them came up from South America after somehow arriving from Africa, are at the border, and Mexico is now being forced to deal with them. Hopefully we can keep them all out because you just know those bastard groups are trying to get them in by any means.

Anonymous ID: ddec69 Dec. 10, 2019, 9 a.m. No.7473124   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I never once saw or heard a single person giving a shit about that issue. They tried to push it hard on many sites and nobody was talking about it except the journalists who became afraid due to one of theirs getting the chop and their virtue signal groupies who complain about everything anyhow.

Anonymous ID: ddec69 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:33 a.m. No.7473308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3310 >>3375


People are going to get hurt for their con. That is something that is too often left without discussion and that is the unspoken about bottom line on how many people have ultimately been injured due to these false narratives. Let's pretend for a moment we are back in, whatever, 2011 let's just say. Any and every single time Donald Trump was brought up it was with love, it was with esteem. they all wanting to suck his cock both because they wanted his money and because, let's face it, the dude is cool. He's just a cool guy and would probably be awesome to chill out with and listen to ramble on (reminds me a lot of my own Father so I have a special place for those types as they are hilarious to be around).


So everything is great, he is loved, everyone wants to know him. Men want to be him, women want to be with him. Then…. it happens. First the media thinks it's a joke and they are confused. They call him on the shows lips still puckered to take the Johnson (looking at you Mika), still fawning, still drooling all over their finely tuned plastic surgery laden faces asking about his family, asking about his life, laughing, smiling, all is well, the world is all rainbows, butterfly farts and lesbians… and then… then it really happens… they find out he is serious and worse yet…. he is shifting to the GOP. They laugh, it's funny, they say in unison: "hahah we're all so clever, you silly Donald you, what would you even do if you were elected". Then it REALLY happened…. he spoke well, he knew his shit, people liked him and they REALLY liked him due to the previous few years that the same people building him up who, BAAAM, are told they must dislike him.


Jorge Ramos comes, Trump shoo's him away like you would a gnat with facts and Ramos becomes angry. "How dare he, how dare that cabron" Ramos thinks! "I know, he is racist, mwhahah, I got him now!" Trump laughs, they become angrier, he doesn't play by their rules, their go to punch of claiming racism did not work. WTF!? Then comes the big behemoth of a donkey labia Rosie comes out and proclaims: "Woman can play baaseball ya know Don, you know, we gurls can play, I play, I'm a lesbian and I'm a woman of ball and I play the play of playing my daughters play which is why she said fuck this and left my trafficking house." Trump calmly scoffs, laughs, insults her and walks away. FURY MODE ALMOST REACHED. First he has the audacity to not be phased by racism claims, and now he has the balls to dismiss such a hugely non important piece of shit like the random Hollywood nobody Rosie. Shit is about to go down…. it's time to call the big guns… we need to call in a woman reporter they think to themselves. There is NO way he fucks with a woman reporter and thinks he can win. Enter Katie Tur who asked "b-b-but… diiidididi youshhsd dheihiewhd in my ass fhidewn relish fhaid ifuckedrosie fhhjwe fish and chips fhiehd yes it smells like provolone hdwieh" to which Trump gives her the "WTF" look and says "Get it out, you don't even know what you are talking about". That was the final straw. Racism doesn't work, dyke power no dice, woman control… no chance…


So what now? Well how about the past three fucking years of literally making things up on the fly, supporting people assaulting American citizens for no reason at all, calling for the destruction of the Constitution, working with a foreign group/many foreign groups, indoctrinating, causing fights, causing death, covering up serious crimes, fabricating serious crimes, making a mockery of the United States, doing literally nothing for their constituents for all that time, fucking colleagues (in some cases), getting caught for fraud (in some cases), burning down American forests, standing idly by when the fucking BUBONIC PLAGUE erupts in a once beautiful state, getting pissed when their financial monies are cut off, trying to stop a POTUS from national security issues, trying to accuse him of rape "like an octopus yo!", accusing his SCOTUS nominee of rape/putting on a show for that, knowing about people being killed who were looking into such things (Ark Senator example), not investigating any serious issue, allowing an independent researching group to emerge due to the failures of the media and said group becoming a global research center constantly attacked by foreign groups, shills but, at the same time, used by the media as a means to write their elementary shitty pieces that I was capable of writing when I was 12.


Part 1

Anonymous ID: ddec69 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:33 a.m. No.7473310   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3456


Part 2:


All in all, they have caused so much pain and suffering to so many. This cannot be overstated. They have been responsible for so many things, this cannot be overstated. They have ultimately created the division which has seen cops be executed. They have created racial tensions not around even two decades back. They have destroyed schools. They have destroyed youth confidence. They have confused young girls who now think it's cool to suck cock at 10. They have caused young men to question if marriage and relationships are worth it. They have attacked the family, western religion, they have shown who they are…. their actions. Not just my words, THEIR actions. There is only one response Mr. President. If you read this, there is only one response. If you do and if this resonates, hell, I won't deny I would chuckle if "off we go" shows its face in the wild blue yonder.

Anonymous ID: ddec69 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:42 a.m. No.7473367   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The fact people still wonder if he is gay is beyond me. It's like they have no innate recognition scanners. Not that it matters, he can do what he wants, but who the hell is surprised that a gay man who works as an actor in Hollywood is railing against the President. If he didn't he would probably be killed for mutiny on that town.

Anonymous ID: ddec69 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:48 a.m. No.7473404   🗄️.is 🔗kun


For the same reason nobody ever considers how much tax payer funded monies Elizabeth Warren stolen during her "I am a minority" time period. Because those types never face the music, well have never faced the music in my time. Probably everybodies time. The more I think about it and consider history I do not think there has ever been an example those like them has faced it in a legal manner.

Anonymous ID: ddec69 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:52 a.m. No.7473426   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Which means Alexios and Leonides anon. Total imagine running wild here but can you imagine the sight if a bunch of Greeks donned some ancient armor, grabbed shields, spears and a sword at side and met them on the beach. Not sure on the laws in Greece but if it is legal to carry those things in a non violent manner that would be so damn cool. A massive wall of Greeks just lined up with ancient gear on standing with a shield wall facing down the wave of invading Persians.

Anonymous ID: ddec69 Dec. 10, 2019, 10:03 a.m. No.7473503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3534 >>3598

I think real anons, and definitely myself included on this, have overlooked a massive facet of the IG report and that is the IG is mandated to only look at issues pertaining to the American related issues. This is a very big deal. Why? Because the spying did not come from an American related office but a partner office of a Five Eyes and treaty related country. In other words, the IG does not have the authority to investigate that. The DOJ, however, does.

Anonymous ID: ddec69 Dec. 10, 2019, 10:06 a.m. No.7473523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3544 >>3547


So you think that documents filled with half written one way and half the other is an issue of how it was scanned? It was clearly written that way as this issue goes back a decade on multiple different completely opposed political media groups, government documents, memos and on. It clearly wasn't a scanning issue.

Anonymous ID: ddec69 Dec. 10, 2019, 10:23 a.m. No.7473610   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3637


Frankly I am a concern anon as I am sure anybody/everybody is who cares about the outcome. It's natural to be given the knowledge of the lengths we have now witnessed they will go. People thinking this is a cut and dry case and that everything election related will go smooth is crazy. They are going to throw every damn thing at him. I won't even mention what I think their next move will be in the case I am wrong and not to give them any ideas but they are not playing by a set of rules that is anything normal or fair. They consider the situation like a war and their speeches and statements echo that of propoganda from one side during an armed conflict.


As long as they have the media shield, they are still very much capable of many things, and many horrible things.