Anonymous ID: f06727 Dec. 10, 2019, 9:45 a.m. No.7473391   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Atheism is a psychological operation. If there is no higher power than man, then the most powerful men are your Gods.


Those in power want to erase God from the public's consciousness, so that they can set themselves up in God's place.


A belief in God enables discernment of right and wrong. Those in power want you to believe that morality is arbitrary or relative, so you cannot perceive what they do as evil and expose it for what it is.


A belief in God instills a sense of hope for a better future. The powerful do not want you to have hope, they want you to be mired in despair and hopeless nihilism.


A belief in God instills courage and the will to stand and face down evil. The powerful do not want you to be courageous, they want you to be cowering in fear.


A belief in God instills the discipline necessary to grow into a better more spiritual person. The powerful do not want you to spiritually evolve, they want you to spiritually devolve into animals that they can justify controlling and beating down.


A belief in God brings more appreciation for the good, the beautiful, and the true. The powerful do not want you to perceive the difference so they can more easily remain hidden.


A belief in God brings a sense of impending justice for wrongs committed. The powerful want to be free to do as they please with no consequences. "Freedom" without discipline and morality is debauchery.


A belief in God instills a conscience and the strength of moral fortitude. The powerful do not want you to be spiritually strong, they want you to be weak. The powerful do not want you to have an internal compass of good and evil, so you are more easily controlled and so that they can get you to do what they want with less resistance.


A belief in God instills a sense of a greater power above man. The powerful want you to perceive them as all powerful and that nothing can stand against them.


Bring God, a higher creative intelligence, in whatever way you see fit into your life and you become a force of resistance to the evil powers of this world, and better equipped to fight back against it. You will become more hopeful, more courageous, more disciplined, and more discerning. There IS a clear choice. Be on the side of the good, the true, and the beautiful, or on the side of evil, the lie, and the debased.