Anonymous ID: 9b5797 Dec. 10, 2019, 11:38 a.m. No.7474146   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the temple opens with the usual minutes and whatnot. A group of brothers retire to the hidden stairwell. in perfect luciferian masonic footwork they enter the dungeon. Holding lamps like the tarot cards of old. For every satanic brother is a toddler tied in some god awful rope webbing on the floor. They begin to maul the toddlers. The adrenaline they feel kicking an innocent Hispanic child without repercussion invigorates the freemason. They then believe this rush of adrenaline they feel as a result of jolting at a small boy with a sword is in fact being possessed by the devil. No they didn't just commit mayhem and premeditated murder they are pan hopping about the mystic templi. They are the baphomet delighting in the forbidden arte. Neyyyyyyyyyhhhhhheee (wicked horse noise brother) They yell like a demon. RAWR RAAAWR AWOOOOO WOLF BOYZ. They mash and they slash until there is nothing left but blood. They then pretend all this goop and shit is part of the Cthulhu mythos. Behold yog soggoth the pile of entrails!!!!They scoop that up put it in a crystal skull and drink it liek a goblet. All the while delusionaly telling themselves that they are in fact possessed by praetor-human intelligence such as demonic invocation. They sacrifice kids for stupid demons that dont even exist. So of course this is why i speculate the "good masons" do little. (maybe there is little they can safely do. But much they should do for general humanity)

oh but its worse than that. They incorporate skinning dismemberment all kinds of death torture. So its not like punching a human punching bag. Its like stabbing a waterbed pillow that is pleading and has a soul and squeezing the red water over themselves. and then making that the basis of who they are as a person tattooing a dagger Popping Kirby with all the awful sounds as music notes coming out of kirby's bloody mouth. Thus is the diabolus music the deep chanting the secret monks you see. and the blood oh the blood flowing it is the wines of Lucifer. Sipppp yummy yummy (writes garbage as a check-mark verified tweeter)Oh soooo demonic soooo evil. This is why you see all these people in the ALTERNATIVE AND MAINSTREAM media completely walking in line. Because they know that the community secretly convenes masonically around the ritualized human child sacrifice and that is their religion. Bleeding people to death is their fucking religion.

That is the conspiracy more or less. That is why they push every other kind of theory and say SEE LOOK HOW RETARDED FREE THOUGHT IS.SEE FAKE NEWS. SEEE FAKE NEWS GUYS. WHAM THWAP SHINK SLICE. Another illegal Mexican falls to the blood soaken chessboard

The real crime of it all is the fact its a religions extremism that is already secretly the state sponsored religion. So at no point are they rebelling at no point are they disobeying at no point are they possessed by invisible monsters that squiggles define. They are stomping the life out of people for literally nothing but their own angst of BEING IN THE FUCKING MASONIC SATANIST CULT.

Anonymous ID: 9b5797 Dec. 10, 2019, 12:01 p.m. No.7474300   🗄️.is 🔗kun

you can literally tell that by the street names its a false flag or like the spring of ups driver black hawk down and other ff attacks and shit a few days ago.

Anonymous ID: 9b5797 Dec. 10, 2019, 12:06 p.m. No.7474328   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Its the masons doing this. Seriously They would have had ambulances and such. What on earth are people allowing these TRAITORS to wop around pretending this is actually an emergency. Now maybe it is real but if thats the case its some kind of mk ultra nut. Why allow these freemasons to paint this fake shit. No. BULLSHIT. YANKEES MAKING UP SHIT. Now i just heard a headshot on a cop. This isnt call of duty. Freemason play.

Anonymous ID: 9b5797 Dec. 10, 2019, 12:16 p.m. No.7474393   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There parades are not enough they gotta parade right the fuck now. Lets all applaud the fucking mason police state yaaaaaaaay yaaaaaaaaay.

I am not the one asshole who went around denegrating all masonic cops. But your telling me in jersey city its not the most mobbed up human trafficky shady cops??? Anyone remember the north burgen 4chan dig about the coordinates to that produce place and perfect pizza? Mobbed up fop mason suv parked in front of that gurgiglios produce whatever it was called.