Anonymous ID: 239673 Dec. 10, 2019, 1:29 p.m. No.7474919   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The winning is only beginning!


House voting for USMCA? Why now?


House Dems vulnerable and looking to censure instead of impeach? All of a sudden?


No impeachment you say? Lol


We were told it's a show.


The swamp was going to impeach POTUS? For what?


The swamp is a cess pool of 24/7 bribes and blackmail.


Declassification is like bringing a B2 bomber to a knife fight.


Why has Nancy been chimping out and Fake News screaming "Don't mess with Nancy"?


Because screaming is all they have left. Ammunition is finite and theirs spent. But POTUS hasn't even begun to count his inventory.


I might not be able to take it when they let Patriot Gowdy off the leash…. this is about to get real up in here!