Anonymous ID: 40e217 Dec. 10, 2019, 12:43 p.m. No.7474603   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Notes from BARR speech/


Benefits to a broad important..

Anti-trust is the core focus of the dept.'s review.

Competitive market good…

Firms have to be playing by established rules of competition.

Big is not necessarily bad.

Drastically re-inventing anti-trust laws is neither easy or advisable

wholesale departure from it…is unwarranted.


Section 230 Communications Decency Act.

Robust public debate over it and its scope.

Protecting children from sexually explicit content on the internet.

it has been interpreted quite broadly by the courts today.

Has enabled platforms to absolve themselves completely.


DOJ has started thinking critically on this issue.


Dangers of warrant-proof encryption.