Anonymous ID: 4ee41b Dec. 10, 2019, 12:30 p.m. No.7474498   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>4509 >>4536 >>4559 >>4597 >>4620 >>4641 >>4734 >>4753 >>4756 >>4763 >>4974 >>5102

From todayā€™s show. Redpill like a mofo.


My Theory on What Barr and Durham Are Doing

Dec 10, 2019



RUSH: Weā€™ll go to San Francisco. Jim, welcome, sir, great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hey, Rush. I agree with everything youā€™re saying, of course, but the bottom line is the headliner out of this is no bias, right? Itā€™s their Mueller report, you know, no collusion. Thatā€™s all youā€™re gonna hear despite the fact what youā€™re pointing out. I think there are two things that we can do to put the spotlight back on.

The first one is gonna come tomorrow during the Senate hearing. These senators need to grill Horowitz. When he appeared in front of the House the last time answering the Hillary email question, he got thrown softballs by legislators who didnā€™t really know the issues and were just asking questions that their staffers gave to them and had no follow-ups to the BS that he was putting out.

They need to really cashier this guy. If he canā€™t find in evidence of bias, then they need to go over and over and over again about the motives, what possible motives did Brennan have, what possible motives did Sally Yates in unmasking Michael Flynn. And just go over and over and over and they need to coordinate their assault. They need to have somebody that is very good speaking basically do a prosecutorial assault on Michael Horowitz tomorrow. The second thing that needs to happen, Rush, John Durhamā€™s been in office since ā€” working on this since May ā€”

RUSH: All right. Hang on a minute. Look. Iā€™m out of time here. Can you hang on through the break? Because Iā€™m not gonna get enough time for you to get your second point.


RUSH: I want to go back to Jim in San Francisco. Jim, I really appreciate your holding on through the break. I want to go back to the very top of your comments. I want to preface them with what Horowitz is actually saying, because youā€™re right.


RUSH: He says over and over, ā€œWe did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced the decisions to open the four individual investigations.ā€ Again: ā€œWe did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influencedā€ the FBIā€™s decision to seek FISA authority on Carter Page. Now, that alone is all the media needs to ignore everything in this ā€” and youā€™re right. Itā€™s just like when the Mueller report came out and said, ā€œNo collusion.ā€

That was it, and the Democrats have been trying to rebuild that ever since, and they havenā€™t been able to. And weā€™re gonna have a tough task, which is why Iā€™m spending some time on it today. But I want to give you just an example here of how Horowitz admits this. He asked Peter Strzokā€¦ Horowitz goes in, he asks Strzok if he was biased because he was texting with Page about how Trump was the ā€œopposition,ā€ how they needed an ā€œinsurance policy,ā€ all these texts.

Horowitz knew that Strzok and Page were sending these texts back and forth. So he goes and asks Strzok if he was biased, and Strzok said he wasnā€™t biased until he began the investigation ā€” which is an obvious lie, but Horowitz claims to have believed him. (chuckles) So thatā€™s how they come up with ā€œno documentary or testimonial evidence.ā€

CALLER: Rush, nobody thinks theyā€™re biased. Hitler didnā€™t think he was biased against the Jews. The problem is that we have to getā€¦ Tomorrow. It starts tomorrow, and the senators really have to do their homework, and instead of all 10 of them speaking, they should defer to the guy whoā€™s best, and let somebody who really understands these topics really bore down into Horowitz. The second point I was gonna make ā€” and itā€™s very important, and this would go a long way ā€” is John Durham has been on the case since May. What has he done?


Anonymous ID: 4ee41b Dec. 10, 2019, 12:32 p.m. No.7474509   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>4536 >>4559 >>4597 >>4620 >>4628 >>4641 >>4734 >>4753 >>4756 >>4763 >>4974 >>5102


Should have been cont 1/3

#2 here


I mean, we hear all this stuff. ā€œOh, heā€™s empowered to pull people in that are outside of government. Heā€™s empowered to impanel a grand jury.ā€ Well, has he impaneled a grand jury? I mean, my goodness, Rush. At this point, seven months into thisā€¦ At this point, Mueller has already impaneled a grand jury and very publicly indicted Michael Flynn, George Papadopoulos, and others. We need to start seeing some action out of Durham, otherwise whatā€™s gonna happen is theyā€™re just gonna wait this whole thing out. And then, God forbid, Trump loses, Barr will go away and this whole investigation will go away. (crosstalk)

RUSH: Wait just a minute. Is that what you suspect? You suspect weā€™re being played even by Barr?

CALLER: No, but I think that theyā€™re taking their sweet time about it. (crosstalk)

RUSH: And why do you think they are?

CALLER: Because seven months into the Mueller report, we had already had a lot of action.

RUSH: No, no, no. Why? No, no. Iā€™m acknowledging that they are. Why do you think they are taking their sweet time? Why are they not giving us status reports? Why are they not telling us what they found so far, either by action or indication?

CALLER: I think Durham is probably like Horowitz in that he likes to dot the Iā€™s, cross the Tā€™s, make sure everything is perfectly accurate. But you know what? You could take a year and a half and do that and be out of office. The thing is, you get things done by getting them done. It may not be perfect, but you start arresting people. Kick the doors down!

RUSH: All right. Look. Stick with me on something here. I thinkā€¦ Iā€™m gonna take a stab at explaining this. I may not succeed. It may take me two or three times. Iā€™m not making excuses for anybody. If I were to answer my question to you myself (proving, once again, that the best questions asked of me are ones I ask myself), I would hope that its timing is coordinated with the reelection campaign. I would hope that the big reveal is going to happen at a time where it has the greatest electoral impact. Now, that kind of flies in the face of independent investigations that are not biased and not, of course, dependent on any other real-world activity. I think itā€™s really this. Do you ā€”

CALLER: Rush, I ā€”

RUSH: (sigh) Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead.

CALLER: Okay. Well, you know what? I think, you know, maybe youā€™re right ā€”

RUSH: No, no. I havenā€™t told you what I really think is going on here. But go ahead and object to it anyway.

CALLER: Okay. Well, I think a lot of us on this side have been patiently waiting. Frankly, we were given a lot of false expectations about this Durham report ā€”

RUSH: By who? Wait a minute! Who gave you ā€”

CALLER: Not by you. Not by you. Not by you.

RUSH: No ā€”

CALLER: Not by you, but by ā€”

RUSH: Durham didnā€™t. Durham didnā€™t give you any false expectation, and Barr hasnā€™t. So who has?

CALLER: No, Iā€™m talking about the Horowitz report. There was a lot of blowing up. You watch Fox News. But my point is ā€”

RUSH: Okay.

Anonymous ID: 4ee41b Dec. 10, 2019, 12:35 p.m. No.7474536   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>4559 >>4597 >>4620 >>4628 >>4641 >>4734 >>4753 >>4756 >>4763 >>4974 >>5102



Well crap itā€™s longer still

This is 3/4

CALLER: We have kept our powder dry for three years, okay? ā€œJust wait. Just wait ā€™til this comes out. Just wait to that comes out,ā€ and now we waited for Horowitz, and itā€™s gonna be a big, you know, gas bag, basically. So now itā€™s like, ā€œWait for Durham.ā€ I think instead of waiting for a final report from Durham ā€” you know, which will come out in June during the election season ā€” I think it would help us keep our motivation up.

If we saw some indictmentsā€¦ Indictments, the kicking the doors down. You know, calling CNN and having them be there while we kick the door down of some of these people. James Comey. James Comey, whether weā€™re gonna ever indict him or not, he needs to be put under oath and made to squirm in front of a prosecutor under oath with threat that anything heā€™s gonna say is gonna be held against him. But I think it all starts tomorrow, Rush, with these hearings.

RUSH: Right. Okay, who chairs the committee?

CALLER: Itā€™s gonna be Grassley, and heā€™s the Elmer Fudd.

RUSH: No. No. No. Lindsey Graham chairs the committee.


CALLER: Oh? Oh, nā€¦? He chairs the Judiciary Committee?

RUSH: Yes. Yes, yes, yes. Yes, he chairs the committee.

CALLER: Okay. Well, Lindsey, whoā€™sā€¦ Iā€™ve got questions about Lindsey. Heā€™s a lot of talk.

RUSH: Thatā€™s why I asked you who was chairing the committee.

CALLER: Well, okay. Yeah, it was Grassley; now itā€™s Lindsey. But Lindsey is ā€”

RUSH: Have you heard what McConnell said today? McConnell wants a quick Senate trial. ā€œWham, bam, thank you, maā€™am.ā€

CALLER: Of course.

RUSH: Trump says, ā€œNo. I want a big, dramatic trial! I want you to draw this out. I want you to expose these people.ā€ The Turtle is saying, ā€œWeā€™re gonna get it done. Weā€™re gonna be in and out of it and itā€™s done with,ā€ and Trump doesnā€™t want to go by fast. He wants to spend a lot of time, call people. He wants to expose these people. McConnell says, ā€œI want it to go by quickly.ā€

CALLER: Trump is exactly right. I think McConnellā€™s making a big mistake. Secretly, I think theyā€™re worried about getting themselves exposed, ā€™cause I think a lot of these people have dirty hands in Ukraine and all these other things.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: It would be a big mistake. Trump is exactly right. We need the trial. We need to call Adam Schiff, call the whistleblower.

RUSH: K. Now, this takes me back to the answer to the question that I, in deference to you, did not answer, and yet let you object to it even though I had not answered it. Why do I think this is taking so long? Whatā€™s really going on here? I understand that your desire mirrors that of practically everybody in this audience. You want to see somebody go over to James Comeyā€™s mansion and knock down that front door and run in there and turn over every bit of furniture looking for evidence and frog march his ass out of there to jail just like they did with Flynn and just like they did with Roger Stone and just like they do with Manafort.

And until that happens, none of this is fair and none of this is just. I know thatā€™s what you want. And then you want to see the same thing happen to that creep Brennan. The next thing you want to see is Clapper caught wearing a wig at JFK trying to get to the Maldives where thereā€™s no extradition treaty. Yes, I know you want to see all of this. And I would love to see it, too, but it ainā€™t going to happen because none of that that happened was just. All of that was manufactured.


These guys did not deserve any of that happening to ā€™em, and reciprocity I fear is not on the table. I think the reason that theyā€™re taking their time with this is because what they have undertaken to do is so big and so monumental and is so risky that if they donā€™t get this done all buttoned up down tight, every dot and every T dotted and crossed, if they donā€™t do that, these guys are dead.

Anonymous ID: 4ee41b Dec. 10, 2019, 12:38 p.m. No.7474559   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>4597 >>4620 >>4628 >>4734 >>4753 >>4756 >>4763 >>4974 >>5102




break in transcript


Who are they taking on? They are taking on a largely invisible establishment deep state what-have-you. It has never been done before. They see what has happened to Trump with his efforts. These guys are serious. Barr and Durham are trying to dismantle a way of life for people. They are trying to dismantle decades of establishment consistency, patterns, lifestyles that are set in gold, futures that are guaranteed for themselves and their kids.

You canā€™t do this with PR. You canā€™t do it one indictment at a time. If youā€™re gonna do this like theyā€™re doing it, when itā€™s time to present it, it better be absolutely indisputable. Because if thereā€™s anything in it thatā€™s not battened down, if thereā€™s anything in it that isnā€™t true, these guys are dead.

Itā€™s one thing to say weā€™re gonna drain the swamp. Itā€™s one thing to say weā€™re gonna get rid of the deep state. Itā€™s one thing to say that we are going to take our country back. Itā€™s another thing to actually do it. The people who are the targets of this are not just the Comeys and the McCabes.

Those people are the foot soldiers of the movement. They are not the brains. They are not the money. They are not the organizers. Theyā€™re not the power brokers. They are not the people that assign the jobs in the deep state. These are not the people that determine who gets membership in the deep state and who doesnā€™t.

But if you go after those guys, youā€™re gonna find their bosses and youā€™re gonna have to take them out as well, and this is a deeply serious, big time undertaking that is unprecedented. For all this talk about Trump wanting to be a monarch and a king, this actually is the equivalent of taking down the invisible apparatus that actually has been running this country for take your pick of how many decades, but at least since post-World War II.

And it has people in it everywhere. It has people in all the major universities. It has people internationally entrenched, in the European Union, George Soros, all of these Western European diplomats and so forth, the State Department, theyā€™re gonna be taking on a tremendous number of people here.

Itā€™s not just Schiff and Nadler and Pelosi trying to impeach Trump and get rid of him. Itā€™s people whose names we donā€™t even know. Itā€™s people who live in places we donā€™t know. And if youā€™re gonna take those people on, when itā€™s time to actually make your move, you better have everything you need because these people are gonna be launching back at you with efforts to destroy you and everything youā€™re trying to do to them. Because this is taking on, this is actually attacking and trying to bust up a way of life that has been entrenched.

I mean. this is the ruling class. Letā€™s look at it in terms of Angelo Codevilla. This is the ruling class. And Mr. Codevilla thinks theyā€™ve already won, that we can never, ever go back to the founding principles of this country as a majority belief by the American people. He believes common citizenship is no longer possible. Thatā€™s how deeply they have infected the fabric of our culture. He believes that their objective is to eliminate us.

What do you think this all is, overturning the results of an election? What is that, really? Itā€™s negating and nullifying us. Yeah, weā€™re deplorables or whatever, but what we are is noncitizens, what we are is nonfactors to them. This effort to get rid of Donald Trump is an effort in truth to rid themselves of us as a competing political force.

And we got two guys that have decided to take this on, Bill Barr ā€” well, three ā€” Trump, Bill Barr, and John Durham. And I donā€™t think they want to telegraph how far along they are to these people. I donā€™t think they want to give ā€™em any heads up at all, what they have found. And it could well be that at the end of all this weā€™re not gonna get anything. I donā€™t have any idea.

I donā€™t think thatā€™s true based on Durhamā€™s statement yesterday, reaction to the IG report. Durham wouldnā€™t have said what he said yesterday if they already didnā€™t have evidence and witnesses to contradict what Horowitz said.

I think it is such a profoundly major thing thatā€™s being attempted here. Look at it as trying to defeat the Soviet Union without firing a shot. Itā€™s a much bigger undertaking than people think. Itā€™s not just draining the swamp. Itā€™s not just getting rid of the people you know and having the people you know in this thing be punished. That would be great. And I share the emotion that you expressed with that.

But these are just the foot soldiers. These are just the little order takers. These are just the people appointed to these positions to do the advance dirty work for the people we donā€™t know, to protect the people we donā€™t know. And Iā€™m not even talking about Obama. Iā€™m talking about people way above and beyond Obama or any president.

Anonymous ID: 4ee41b Dec. 10, 2019, 12:42 p.m. No.7474597   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>4617 >>4620 >>4628 >>4641 >>4665 >>4734 >>4753 >>4756 >>4763 >>4974 >>5102







RUSH: The Attorney General William Barr is speaking at a Wall Street Journal CEO conference right now. I got some audio sound bites here. One of the things that he also said, he gave an exclusive interview to NBC News. He thinks the FBI may have acted in bad faith in the Trump investigation.

He said: ā€œI think our nation was turned on its head for three years based on a completely bogus narrative.ā€ This was in an interview he did with Pete Williams of NBC. In the interview, Barr essentially dismissed the findings of the inspector general that there was no evidence of bias, and he said that his handpicked prosecutor, John Durham, will have the last word on the matter.

ā€œI think our nation was turned on its head for three years based on a completely bogus narrative that was largely fanned and hyped by an irresponsible press.ā€ This guy knows exactly what happened, and he is showing guts and courage I canā€™t ā€” folks, I cannot tell you. Itā€™s based on my answer to our caller in the last 15 minutes how serious and big an attempt at upsetting the power structure of Washington, D.C., and New York and Brussels and London and all of these European capitals where much of the deep state is also headquartered, where the globalist movement is, to eventually disintegrate the U.S. Constitution, Bill Barr is taking it on with Durham courageously and bravely.

It is true patriotism, and itā€™s true guts and courage ā€™cause it is a bigger undertaking than you can possibly imagine. Itā€™s not just indicting James Comey or Clapper or Brennan and putting them on trial. Itā€™s much bigger because they are just foot soldiers in all of this. So for Barr to be saying this on the day of and the day after this report comes out, heā€™s basically saying that Horowitz doesnā€™t get it, everything in this thing in terms of motivation is dead wrong. He says, ā€œI think our nation was turned on its head for three years based on a completely bogus narrative that was largely fanned and hyped by an irresponsible press.ā€

They were not irresponsible, they were complicit. Now, that may mean irresponsible. They were complicit. The media is part of the administrative state, deep state, whatever you want to call it. The media is also among the targets here.

ā€œThe blistering criticism of the FBIā€™s conduct in the Russia investigation ā€¦ is bound to stoke further controversy about whether the attorney general is acting in good faith, or as a political hatchet man for Trump.ā€ Heā€™s acting in good faith but heā€™s not a hatchet man at all. The man is a patriot, and he is representing all of us. Heā€™s out there showing guts and courage and trying to inspire others to get on board and follow him.

Anonymous ID: 4ee41b Dec. 10, 2019, 12:47 p.m. No.7474628   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>4641 >>4734 >>4756 >>4763 >>4974 >>5102





Cont from Break

I cannot emphasize the bravery that Barr is engaging in here, the fearlessness in properly categorizing this lying, stinking summary of a report that came out yesterday. Letā€™s go to the audio. Barr this afternoon on the NBC News website, theyā€™ve posted an interview between Pete Williams and Barr. Heā€™s also now appearing at a Wall Street Journal CEO conference. First question from Pete Williams: ā€œDo you stand by your statement that the campaign was spied on?ā€

BARR: Oh, it was clearly spied upon. I mean, thatā€™s what electronic surveillance is. I think wiring people up to go in and talk to people and make recordings of their conversations is spying.

RUSH: Right. Thatā€™s Rosenstein offering to wear a wire to go try to entrap Trump and behaving in a way that could convince a cabinet that heā€™s unstable. Look, the whole meeting in Trump Tower on January 6th was a spy operation. Clapper, Comey, McCabe, meet with Obama on January 5th. They want the dossier entered into the public domain. They decide to include the pee tape story in the intelligence assessment to be presented to Trump thereby making it news. It was a spy operation. Barr is exactly right.

Pete Williams: ā€œWell, regarding starting the investigation, on the one hand you could say itā€™s a presidential campaign, itā€™s very sensitive, you need better evidence. On the other hand, you could say itā€™s a presidential campaign we have to be very careful, there could be a threat to our political process.ā€ Heā€™s implying, what if the Russians were helping Trump? Thatā€™s the subtext of the question.

BARR: The greatest danger to our free system is that the incumbent government used the apparatus of the state both to spy on political opponents but also to use them in a way that could affect the outcome of the election. As far as Iā€™m aware, this is the first time in history that this has been done to a presidential campaign, the use of these counterintelligence techniques against a presidential campaign.

In todayā€™s world, presidential campaigns are frequently in contact with foreign persons. And indeed in most campaigns, there are signs of illegal foreign money coming in. And we donā€™t automatically assume that the campaigns are nefarious and traitors and acting in league with foreign powers. There has to be some basis before we use these very potent powers in our core First Amendment activity. And here I felt this was very flimsy.

RUSH: Who could he have been talking about when he says the use of foreign money, presidential campaigns, is very frequent. Who in the world contributed more foreign money ā€” or who received more foreign money than Hillary and Bill Clinton over the course of his two terms and her wished-for term as a candidate? In fact, they lived on it. They survived on it. They thrived on foreign money. She was selling access to her presidency on the come through the Clinton Foundation.

Anonymous ID: 4ee41b Dec. 10, 2019, 12:50 p.m. No.7474641   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>4644 >>4650 >>4734 >>4753 >>4756






Cont from Break


This is another thing I know many of you would like to be exposed. But Barr is making the case for everybody here that all of this has never happened before. Itā€™s unprecedented. And thereā€™s a simple reason why. Iā€™ll get to that in a moment, but I want to keep going here. Pete Williams says, ā€œSo the inspector general says he found no evidence to indicate the FBIā€™s decision to start this was based on political bias. Do you agree with that?ā€

BARR: Heā€™s limited to the information generally in the FBI, but his approach is to say, ā€œIf I get an explanation from the people Iā€™m investigating that is not unreasonable on its face, then I will accept it as long as thereā€™s not contradictory testimonial or documentary evidence.ā€

One of the problems in the IGā€™s investigation ā€” I think he would agree ā€” is that Comey refused to sign back up for his security clearance and therefore couldnā€™t be questioned about classified matters. So someone like Durham can compel testimony, he can talk to a whole range of people, private parties, foreign governments and so forth, and I think that is the point at which a decision has to be made about motivations.

RUSH: Translation: Just be patient. Itā€™s coming. Itā€™s a good explanation of the limitations Horowitz has. If somebody doesnā€™t admit bias, he canā€™t assume it. And he couldnā€™t even question Comey about some things because Comey refused to sign back up for security clearance. Therefore, he couldnā€™t talk about things anymore, conveniently.

Pete Williams: ā€œI think a lot of people will hear what youā€™re saying here and theyā€™ll say, ā€˜Well, thatā€™s just Bill Barr defending Trump.ā€™ Your concern about the FBIā€™s investigation is what, civil libertarian?ā€

BARR: I think our nation was turned on its head for three years I think based on a completely bogus narrative that was largely fanned and hyped by an irresponsible press. And I think that there were gross abuses of FISA and inexplicable behavior that is intolerable in the FBI. And the attorney generalā€™s primary responsibility is to protect against the abuse of the law enforcement and intelligence apparatus and make sure that it doesnā€™t play an improper role in our political life. Thatā€™s my responsibility. And Iā€™m gonna carry it out.

RUSH: And we have one more. Pete Williams says, ā€œDo you have any sense of how long that Durham is gonna take, and what will we see when Durham is finished?ā€

Anonymous ID: 4ee41b Dec. 10, 2019, 12:51 p.m. No.7474644   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>4734 >>4756 >>4974 >>5102


Final from break

BARR: I know thereā€™s a lot of impatience. People want results immediately. But those are people who donā€™t understand our process. We have to be careful about the way we collect evidence, and we have to make sure that we have enough evidence to justify our actions ā€” and weā€™re not gonna cut corners in that respect. You know, thereā€™s some people who think this thing is gonna drop in a few weeks. Thatā€™s not the case. I see this perhaps reaching an important watershed perhaps in the late spring, early summer.

RUSH: You hear what he said here. ā€œWe have to be careful about the way we collect evidence. We have to makes sure we have enough evidence to justify what weā€™ve done. Weā€™re not gonna cut corners.ā€ He knows exactly what they have chewed off here. He knows exactly this humongous, overwhelming thing they have decided to do. They are taking on the most powerful people in the world not just in the United States. Theyā€™re taking on all the people who are trying to overturn the British vote in Brexit.

Theyā€™re taking on all of the people who want open borders in the United States and want uncontrolled illegal immigration. Theyā€™re taking on all the people who would be very happy if the United States got cut down to size, and just became one of many members in the massive global arrangement. Theyā€™re taking on powerful people who literally have a desire to end the whole concept of nations and borders, because they seek global dominance and leadership for themselves.

And to do that, you have to take out, you have to diminish the worldā€™s biggest superpower. That is us, and once you start down this roadā€¦ You know the old adage: If youā€™re going to take a shot at the king, you better kill him. Thatā€™s whatā€™s guiding these people. So theyā€™re not gonna be governed by emotion or satisfying emotional demands that are based on revenge and reciprocity and getting even, because this is much, much bigger than that.