Anonymous ID: 93fdfc Dec. 10, 2019, 12:56 p.m. No.7474685   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4716 >>4774

Honestly I'm sitting pretty good with how the IG came out. It's not nor ever was supposed to be the MOAB, just another in a series of good carpet bombing.


It laid out for the normies that there was some breaches of procedure by a few key posts (that have already been fired/removed/cleaned-up). It showed that on the whole, the FBI was provided some intel, and being in the realm of compromised President area is justifiably reasonable to pursue within the limits of the law. Some of those limits appear to have been pushed past the line, and now that light is shining there it will be dealt with.


Q had warned about the unwanted consequences if the FBI got too dismantled. Can't recall the post exactly, something about puts every national Fed conviction into question, lawlessness, etc. For the good of the nation seems reasonable to do some good cleaning under the hood at the FBI, oust the few bad apples, and tighten up the FISA regs, but keep the organisation running as a whole. More good than bad.


The IG also leaves the door wide open for Durham to come out with his report that shows who gave the shady leads to the Feds in the first place, and just how dirty that arena is going to be. Think we've all seen that path laid out nicely: Brennan, Clapper, Hussein, all the Fusion GPS, MI6, Australia, etc.


Sit comfy, enjoy the show. Ever carpet bomb lets the MSM flail and spin and look more compromised and full of lies every round. We're right on the cusp of a Critical mass of awakening. Even the most asleep people I know are starting to ponder about the insanity pouring from the Dems and the Left media.