Anonymous ID: bca15f Dec. 10, 2019, 1:20 p.m. No.7474848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4875 >>4878

AG Barr addressed those who think shit is taking too long in the NBC interview today. Clip attached.


"You know, these things take time, and I know there's a lot of impatience. People want results immediately. But those are people who don't understand our process. We have to be careful about the way we collect evidence, an we have to make sure that we have enough evidence to justify our actions. And we're not going to cut corners in that respect.You know there are some people who think this thing is going to drop in a few weeks. That's not the case. I see this perhaps reaching an important watershed perhaps in the late spring early summer."


  • William Barr, Attorney General of the United States.