Anonymous ID: df91ad Dec. 10, 2019, 12:28 p.m. No.7474490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4609 >>4616 >>4763 >>4974 >>5102

Barr: Durham Investigating Post-Election Spying, ‘What Was The Agenda After the Election? This is the President of the United States!’ (VIDEO)


S Attorney General Bill Barr doubled down in an exclusive interview with NBC and said Trump’s campaign “was clearly spied upon.”


The DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz on Monday released his 476-page report on FISA abuses committed by Obama’s corrupt FBI and DOJ before, during and after the 2016 election.


The report revealed what we knew to be true all along — the FBI defrauded the FISA court and purposely omitted exculpatory information from the FISA judges in order to obtain FOUR FISA warrants on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.


Horowitz, an Obama-appointee however, concluded that the FBI investigation into Trump was justified and not politically motivated, despite 17 errors, 51 violations and 9 false statements all against Trump.


A completely ridiculous conclusion that was immediately refuted by AG Bill Barr and US Attorney from Connecticut John Durham.


Barr once again doubled down in an interview with NBC and said Trump’s camp was clearly spied upon. AG Barr also said that John Durham is investigating the post-election spying.


The FBI falsified documents in order to get FISA warrants on Carter Page AFTER Trump was sworn into office.


Even more suspicious, then-DAG Rod Rosenstein and then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe both signed the June 2017 FISA renewal on Carter Page AFTER Mueller was appointed as special counsel to investigate Trump.


The June 2017 FISA application was also signed AFTER McCAbe opened up two investigations into Trump after Comey was fired.


Donald Trump was being spied on well after he was sworn into office as the Deep Staters planned a coup to remove him from office.

Anonymous ID: df91ad Dec. 10, 2019, 12:31 p.m. No.7474508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4538 >>4547 >>4763 >>4812 >>4858 >>4974 >>5102

Justice Department Announces Deferred Prosecution Agreement with HSBC Private Bank (Suisse) SA


Bank Admits to Helping U.S. Taxpayers Conceal Income and Assets from the United States; Agrees to Pay $192.35 Million Penalty

Anonymous ID: df91ad Dec. 10, 2019, 12:35 p.m. No.7474532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4588 >>4763 >>4974 >>5102

Follow the Money: Obama’s $65 Million Book Deal Followed $350 Million Common Core Contract to His New Publisher


Why do people spend millions upon millions, of supporter money, to become President?


According to Title 3 of the US Code, the US President “shall earn” a salary of $400,000, along with a $50,000 annual expense account, a $100,000 nontaxable travel account, and $19,000 for entertainment. –Source


Spending tens of millions of dollars to get a $400,000 job doesn’t seem like a good investment, EVEN if it is OPM (other people’s money).


But when you can use tens of millions of OPM and set yourself up for life, why not?


nd why not use the office to make sure you are set up for life?


Obama is as ethically challenged as they come.


Not only did he use other people’s money to get elected, he used tax payer money to set himself up for life.


This is why character matters folks.


The Obamas book contracts and new Martha’s Vineyard home purchase have been widely reported, but Americans need to understand how it all came about.


Here’s more from Monica Showalter at American Thinker:


As far-left Democrats yell about bribery and high crimes and misdemeanors, let’s turn to their own side of the aisle, starting with the once penniless President Obama, who left public office a very, very rich man.


He just bought a Martha’s Vineyard mansion for a cool $11.75 million, which is in addition to his Kalorama lookout post, his Chicago home, and possibly a Hawaii spread. At some point, you’ve made enough…but not him.


Ostensibly, it’s mainly the work of his book deals. No bribery there, right?


Well, ahem…


According to Investment Watch (IWB), something doesn’t quite look right.


Obama gave Pearson Publishing $350 million to create Commoncore text and Pearson gave Obama a $65 million dollar book deal in return.




Pearson Publishing was paid for Commoncore but Penguin Random House Publishing did the Obama book deal. But there is commonality with the two:


From Wiki:


Penguin Random House was formed on July 1, 2013, upon the completion of a £2.4 billion transaction between Bertelsmann and Pearson to merge their respective trade publishing companies, Random House and Penguin Group. Bertelsmann and Pearson, the parent companies, owning 53% and 47%, respectively.


In July 2017, Pearson agreed to sell a 22% stake in the business to Bertelsmann, thereby retaining a 25% holding.


That sounds like a classic bribe. You give me this big contract, and I’ll kick back some to you at a later date. Chicago Way. The book cash flowed to Obama in 2017. Pearson, incidentally, seemed to lose money anyway, given the public distaste for Obama’s federal takeover of education via Common Core, which extended to states cutting the program.


President Trump complained about the apparent quid pro quo last summer.


It’s not the first time Obama has done things like this, either. IWB notes that Obama’s net neutrality stance benefited Netflix, and surprise, surprise, he got a lucrative deal with Netflix, too.


One hand washes the other.

Anonymous ID: df91ad Dec. 10, 2019, 12:38 p.m. No.7474562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4598 >>4763 >>4974 >>5102

Analysis: Democrat Party a DIRECT THREAT to United States with sham impeachment


Back in November 2016, Hillary Clinton, the most evil person ever nominated to the White House by a major party, said not accepting the results of an election was a “direct threat to democracy.”


“To say you won’t respect the result of the election, that is a direct threat to our democracy,” she said.


Of course, neither her nor her fellow Democrats have accepted the fact that Donald Trump won in 2016. Blinded by rage and, yes, hate, Democrats began calling for Trump’s impeachment even before he was inaugurated.


Now that they have control of the House of Representatives, they see a way to enact the first coup d’etat in American history by impeaching Trump. And they don’t give a tinker’s damn about facts or truth.


Now, the Democrats have declared war on the American people, or at least the 63 million who voted for Trump, the rule of law, the Constitution and even reality itself. They have made it clear that Trump MUST be taken out of office by any means necessary.


For the last several weeks, America has watched as Democrats, first on the Intelligence Committee led by coup leader Adam Schiff, and now on the Judiciary Committee, led by fellow coup leader Jerrold Nadler, engage in a kangaroo court disguised as an impeachment inquiry.


During this process, they have completely disregarded House rules, refusing to let the minority have their day of witnesses, embrace hearsay as legitimate “evidence,” accepted as truth “evidence” provided by second and third hand “witnesses” and spread false statements and conspiracy theories as “fact,” repeating them like good brainwashed parrots while dismissing actual fact as conspiracies.


What America is seeing is NOT an impeachment inquiry. It is a coup d’etat. It is an effort to overthrow a legitimately-elected administration in an attempt to impact the 2020 election. And yes, the left-wing media is complicit in this attempted coup.


Democrats, including Nadler, have told us as much that this “inquiry” is necessary because Trump might win next November.


Fortunately, Americans are waking up to this. As we and others reported, one person, Owen Shroyer, confronted Nadler’s sham committee. It’s a good move, but frankly, there needs to be more of this type of activism.


I have previously opined that this is all a seditious conspiracy, and those involved should be arrested and charged under federal law. That opinion stands, along with my concern that Democrats are deliberately pushing America to the brink of a second bloody civil war.


It is also clear to me that the Democrat Party is now a direct threat to the United States, as per Hillary Clinton’s 2016 statement. And it needs to be soundly defeated.

Anonymous ID: df91ad Dec. 10, 2019, 12:42 p.m. No.7474587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4604 >>4608 >>4724 >>4763 >>4783 >>4974 >>5102

Hungarian PM Says Only Solution to World's Problems Is Return to Christianity (Orban)


Hungary’s prime minister believes that the Christians, who are being protected from persecution today, may rise and save Europe tomorrow.


Hungarian PM Victor Orbán gave a powerful speech in Budapest during the Second International Conference on Christian Persecution.


Orbán declared: ‘I’m convinced that in order to save Europe, those who could provide us with the biggest help are those whom we’re helping right now. We’re sowing a seed, giving the persecuted what they need and getting back from them the Christian faith, love, and persistence.’


Orbán argues that his country’s Christian identity gives Hungary an obligation to help other Christian communities. ‘Hungarians believe Christian values lead to peace and happiness, and this is why our Constitution states that protection of Christianity is an obligation for the Hungarian state,’ he said.


It obligates us to protect Christian communities throughout the world who suffer persecution,’ Mr Orbán added.


Orbán contrasted the large number of Christians among those who suffer for their faith with the indifference of most of Europe.


‘Four out of five people persecuted for their faith are Christians and some 245 million Christians around the globe suffer extreme persecution, and yet Europe remains silent again and again.


European politicians seem paralyzed and unable to do anything, insisting that it is all a matter of human rights.’


The Hungarian Prime Minister argued that Christian persecution is not only an attack on people but on an entire culture, ‘including here in Europe.’

Anonymous ID: df91ad Dec. 10, 2019, 12:42 p.m. No.7474593   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4763 >>4974 >>5102

Ranking Member Jordan Statement on Articles of Impeachment


Full Committee on Oversight and Reform

Full Committee on Oversight and Reform

Published: Dec 10, 2019


WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH), Ranking Member of the Committee on Oversight and Reform, released the following statement after Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and House Democrats formally introduced articles of impeachment:


“The announcement of articles of impeachment by Speaker Pelosi this morning is the product of a baseless attempt to upend the will of the people less than 11 months before the next election. Democrats remain in denial about the results of the 2016 election and our country’s undeniable successes under President Trump’s leadership. Nancy Pelosi and her allies cannot fathom that 63 million Americans voted for President Trump and have sought to remove this President since his inauguration. The Democrats’ impeachment effort is a miscarriage of the House of Representatives’ constitutional obligations and marks a shameful chapter in American history.”

Anonymous ID: df91ad Dec. 10, 2019, 12:47 p.m. No.7474629   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If This doesn’t Piss People off and Wake Them up I don’t know what will….


Bidens were running a money-laundering scheme in Ukraine.


Biden arranged to give US aid to Ukraine via quid pro quo, which Burisma then stole and gave back to the Bidens.


No wonder these diplomats didn’t like Rudy poking around in Ukraine…


Burisma was corrupt, stealing money from the Ukrainian people, quite possibly the very aid we provided. Burisma used that stolen money to pay the Bidens (not just Hunter) MILLIONS.


The Bidens happily received stolen US aid which Joe Biden arranged to give them.


What about the 45 million Mueller Stole from us?


I don’t know about anyone else but I’m Really Pissed Off and I want our Money Back….Before these Crooks face Justice!


“God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. … And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”


~ Thomas Jefferson

Anonymous ID: df91ad Dec. 10, 2019, 12:50 p.m. No.7474643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4974 >>5102

Trump And Key Republicans Are Boiling With Anger Over The Revelations About The Deep State In The IG Report


The IG report was finally released on Monday, and boy was it a doozy. It detailed literally dozens of very serious errors committed by the FBI during their investigation of the Trump campaign, and Republican leaders are absolutely outraged about what this report has revealed. Apologists for the deep state are attempting to characterize these very serious errors as “mistakes”, but if they truly were “mistakes” we are talking about systematic incompetence on a scale that is difficult to comprehend. Have we really gotten to the point where “the best and the brightest” in federal law enforcement are unable to perform basic tasks competently on a consistent basis? Of course many top Republicans believe that something far more sinister is going on. Many of them are entirely convinced that the deep state actually tried to destroy Donald Trump, and they believe that the American people are entitled to answers.


If you want to read the entire thing yourself, it is 476 pages long and you can find it right here. Ultimately, the IG report concluded that “many basic and fundamental errors were made by three separate, handpicked investigative teams”, and quite a few people could end up losing their jobs over this. The following comes from USA Today…


The Justice Department’s inspector general offered a withering account of the FBI’s handling of multiple surveillance requests for former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page during the early months of the Russia investigation. The report described a process as so dysfunctional as to call into question the protocol for taking such a crucial investigative step – wiretapping a campaign operative – in a case involving a presidential election.


“That so many basic and fundamental errors were made by three separate, handpicked investigative teams on one of the most sensitive FBI investigations that was briefed to the highest levels with the FBI…raised significant questions regarding the FBI chain of command’s management and supervision” of the surveillance process, the report concluded.


Basically, we are being told that many of those working at the top levels of the FBI are massive screw ups that continuously violated their own policies over and over again by accident.


You can believe that if you want, but many key Republican leaders see things quite differently. Here is a sampling of their reactions to the IG report…


The deep state has become an out-of-control monster, and it desperately needs to be tamed.

Anonymous ID: df91ad Dec. 10, 2019, 12:51 p.m. No.7474645   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4974 >>5102

Exxon Ruled Not Guilty in Fraud Suit Over Climate Change


MANHATTAN (CN) – A judge found Exxon not guilty of fraud Tuesday, saying the New York attorney general failed to show that the oil colossus deceived investors about how climate change would affect its business.


New York failed to establish Exxon violated a New York anti-fraud law called the Martin Act, Justice Barry Ostrager of the Manhattan Supreme Court ruled.


“Nothing in this opinion is intended to absolve ExxonMobil from responsibility for contributing to climate change through the emission of greenhouse gases in the production of its fossil fuel products,” the 55-page opinion states. “ExxonMobil does not dispute either that its operations produce greenhouse gases or that greenhouse gases contribute to climate change. But ExxonMobil is in the business of producing energy, and this is a securities fraud case, not a climate change case.”


Former Attorney General Eric Schneiderman first launched the Exxon investigation in 2015, after which the case dragged on for three and a half years, including a 12-day bench trial.


The state said ExxonMobil used two separate sets of books to account for how potential climate regulations would impact its business.


“Today’s ruling affirms the position ExxonMobil has held throughout the New York Attorney General’s baseless investigation,” said Exxon spokesman Casey Norton said in a statement Tuesday.


“Lawsuits that waste millions of dollars of taxpayer money do nothing to advance meaningful actions that reduce the risks of climate change,” Norton added.


New York accused Exxon of having used two different metrics in shareholder meetings and reports to account for stricter climate regulations: greenhouse gas costs, which measure how local regulators may tax emissions, and proxy costs, which aim to predict how demand for oil and gas may change around the world due to regulations.


By conflating the two metrics, the state said, Exxon deceived investors into believing the company was applying a projected cost of $80 per ton for its emissions when it was not, and making fossil fuel development projects appear more attractive to investors.


Ostrager found it notable, however, that now-Attorney General Letitia James did not call any witnesses who claimed to have been misled by information in Exxon’s reports.


“Significantly, there is no allegation in this case, and there was no proof adduced at trial, that anything ExxonMobil is alleged to have done or failed to have done affected ExxonMobil’s balance sheet, income statement, or any other financial disclosure,” the judge added.


Even more importantly, he added, the state’s case focuses on projections for 2030 and 2040.


“No reasonable investor during the period from 2013 to 2016 would make investment decisions based on speculative assumptions of costs that may be incurred 20+ or 30+years in the future with respect to unidentified future projects,” Ostrager wrote.


James’ office said Tuesday the American people had benefited from its suit regardless of the outcome.


“For the first time in history, ExxonMobil was compelled to answer publicly for their internal decisions that misled investors,” James said in a statement.


“The oil giant never took seriously the severe economic impact that climate change regulations would have on the company, contrary to what they were telling the public.”

Anonymous ID: df91ad Dec. 10, 2019, 12:52 p.m. No.7474654   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4974 >>5102

American rabbi suspected of running baby trafficking network


Israeli police have arrested five people, including an American rabbi who heads a yeshiva, for allegedly running an international baby trafficking ring that targeted mentally disabled mothers.


The Nazareth Magistrate’s Court on Thursday identified the rabbi as Shmuel Puretz, 44, a businessman who divides his time between New York and Jerusalem, according to The Times of Israel. He and at least four other suspects were arrested in February, but details of the three-year investigation against them had been subject to a gag order until the court lifted parts of it on Thursday.


All the suspects have been released pending an indictment and trial.


Puretz, who denies the allegations, is accused of sending Israeli expectant mothers in need or suffering from a mental disability from within haredi Orthodox communities to the United States so they would give birth there. The babies would be given to childless foster parents who allegedly paid Puretz and others for the babies.


Many details about the affair, including how much money the handlers allegedly charged, are still subject to a gag order.


Yediot Aharanot reported in a 2017 expose about the affair that they charged a $100,000 to $150,000 “handling fee” per child.


One alleged accomplice is Rivkah Segal, a rabbi’s wife from Migdal Haemek, a city in northern Israel. She is suspected of abusing her legal guardianship over an expectant mother with mental health problems. The mother said that Segal had her flown to New York highly pregnant, deliver a boy in a Caesarian procedure and had him taken from her.


Segal denied the charges. But an Israeli court last week ruled she should pay that mother $144,000 in damages.

Anonymous ID: df91ad Dec. 10, 2019, 12:54 p.m. No.7474674   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Sudanese President Bashir Questioned Over 1989 Coup - Prosecutor General's Office


CAIRO (Sputnik) - Former Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, who was removed from power by the military in April of this year, has been interrogated over the 1989 coup that began his three-decade reign, the country's prosecutor general's office said on Tuesday.


The interrogation follows the recent dissolution of Bashir's National Congress Party (NCP) and confiscation of the party's funds by the new Sudanese government.


Earlier, the prosecutor general's office decided to detain all military personnel who participated in the coup 30 years ago, and a special commission was established to investigate the case.


Bashir is also a defendant in a corruption case, the hearings of which began in August. He is charged, among others, with illegally obtaining funds from the leadership of Saudi Arabia and using them for personal purposes. Bashir, however, rejects these allegations.


The court decision on the corruption case is expected to be announced on Saturday.


In addition, the former Sudanese president is a defendant in an international investigation.


In 2009, he became the first acting head of state in history to be subjected to an arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court in connection with charges of genocide and crimes against humanity committed during the 2003 conflict in Darfur.


Bashir governed Sudan for about 30 years before he was overthrown by a military coup in April, which brought the Transitional Military Council (TMC) to power after months of anti-government protests.


However, the demonstrations continued with opposition protesters calling on the TMC to transfer power to a civilian-led government. The TMC and the opposition subsequently concluded a power-sharing agreement, establishing the Sovereign Council.—prosecutor-generals-office/

Anonymous ID: df91ad Dec. 10, 2019, 12:56 p.m. No.7474682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4703 >>4794 >>4974 >>5102

Adam Schiff: Congress Must Impeach Trump to Stop Him in 2020


House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) on Tuesday indicated that Democrats must impeach President Trump quickly in order to stop him from prevailing in the 2020 presidential election.


Democrats on Tuesday unveiled two articles of impeachment against the president: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Notably, neither allege a high crime or misdemeanor. Noticeably absent was the Democrats’ longheld appeal to bribery, extortion, or treason.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), flanked by chairs Jerry Nadler (D-NY), Adam Schiff (D-CA), Eliot Engel (D-NY), Maxine Waters (D-CA), Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), and Richard Neal (D-MA), stepped aside as both Nadler and Schiff briefly offered minimal details on their decision. Democrats did not indicate when the text would be released and refused to take questions following the momentous announcement.


Schiff briefly addressed critics who say that Democrats should simply wait for the American people to judge the president in the 2020 election.


Democrats, Schiff suggested, cannot allow that, because it would essentially allow Trump to “cheat” in one more election. His remarks echo the Democrats’ longheld belief that the Trump campaign “colluded” with Russia in 2016, despite the fact that the Mueller report debunked the narrative, finding no evidence of collusion or conspiracy between the two.


“The argument, ‘why don’t you just wait?’ comes down to this: Why don’t you just let him cheat in just one more election?” Schiff stated. “Why not let him have foreign help one more time?”:


However, none of the witnesses featured in the public impeachment hearings were able to demonstrate that the president was asking Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 election. As Republicans have repeatedly pointed out – in regards to the now-infamous July 25 phone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky – no evidence of “quid pro quo” exists, and there is no indication of bribery or extortion.


Republican counsel Stephen Castor pointed out in the case against impeachment, “Questions about former Vice President Joe Biden, and his son, Hunter — who was a well-paid board member of the corrupt Ukrainian gas company, Burisma — were legitimate and shared by anti-corruption activists in Ukraine itself,” as Breitbart News reported.


That aside, Ukraine received a phone call, meeting, and aid – three factors that largely reduce the Democrats’ impeachment argument to ashes, as numerous Republican lawmakers have pointed out.


This is far from the first time a high-profile Democrat has indicated that impeachment is necessary in order to stop Trump in 2020. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) laid it out during an appearance on CNN’s The Situation Room in November.


“We also need to move quite quickly because we’re talking about the potential compromise of the 2020 elections,” Ocasio-Cortez said.


“And so this is not just about something that has occurred; this is about preventing a potentially disastrous outcome from occurring next year,” she added:

Anonymous ID: df91ad Dec. 10, 2019, 12:57 p.m. No.7474696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4833 >>4974 >>5102

Mexico’s Former Top Law Enforcement Official Took Millions from Drug Cartel, Say U.S. Feds


Mexico’s former public security secretary took millions from the Sinaloa Cartel in exchange for letting the organization operate with impunity, federal prosecutors revealed following his arrest in Dallas, Texas. While in office, he served as Mexico’s top security official who oversaw the country’s entire Federal Police apparatus reporting directly to the former president. He faces multiple drug conspiracy charges in a New York federal court.


On Monday morning, the U.S. Attorney’s Office announced the arrest of Genaro Garcia Luna in Dallas based on a warrant from an indictment filed in the Eastern District of New York. Garcia Luna served as the head of Mexico’s Federal Investigation Agency from 2001 to 2005. He then served under President Felipe Calderon from 2006 to 2012 as secretary of public security.


In exchange for large bribes, Garcia Luna allowed the Sinaloa Cartel led by Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman to “operate with impunity in Mexico,” according to prosecutors. The government attorneys claim that under Garcia Luna’s watch, the Sinaloa Cartel received safe passage for drug shipments, sensitive law enforcement information about ongoing cases, and intelligence on rivals.


“On two occasions, the cartel personally delivered bribe payments to Garcia Luna in briefcases containing between three and five million dollars,” the U.S. Attorney’s Office revealed in a prepared statement. “According to financial records obtained by the government, by the time Garcia Luna relocated to the United States in 2012, he had amassed a personal fortune of millions of dollars.”


Prosecutors claim that in 2018, Garcia Luna applied to become a naturalized U.S. citizen and lied to investigators about his ties to Mexican drug traffickers. If convicted, he faces a minimum sentence of 10 years in prison and a maximum sentence of life in prison.


Soon after the arrest, Mexico’s former president Felipe Calderon took to social media to say he did not have details on the case, but that he would always be in favor of justice and the law.


Estoy conociendo por redes sociales la versión del presunto arresto de Genaro García Luna. Desconozco detalles y estoy pendiente de la información que confirme el hecho, como de los cargos que, en su caso, se le imputen. Mi postura será siempre en favor de la justicia y la ley.


— Felipe Calderón (@FelipeCalderon) December 10, 2019

Anonymous ID: df91ad Dec. 10, 2019, 1:04 p.m. No.7474735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4750 >>4778 >>4795 >>4998

Negative Thinking Can Be An Addiction – Here’s How How You Can Break The Cycle


The Facts: We all think negative thoughts on a regular basis as our minds are wired to do so. This is a habit that we can gain control over, the first step is awareness.

Reflect On: Negative thoughts tend to repeat themselves over and over. The first step to overcoming this addictive behavior is to become aware of these thought patterns.


Have you ever noticed how much time you spend thinking negative thoughts? Either dwelling on events of the past or ruminating about the future, these thoughts seem to infiltrate our minds and feed off themselves and can even become addictive.


Most of us would claim that we do want happiness, yet over and over again we choose suffering; and this isn’t to say that we should merely stop these negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. Only thinking positive thoughts could be considered spiritual bypassing and won’t bring us to our desired happiness either. We continuously return to our suffering because in our minds we are trying to make the negative experiences come out a different way, even though this is not possible.


In an effort to figure out how to let go of our pain, we end up grasping onto it.


From Psychology Today, author Nancy Colier states,


Pain is also profoundly intertwined with our sense of identity. We remind ourselves of our pain as a way of keeping alive our personal narrative, our story of me, what’s happened to me, and my life. We’re deeply attached to our stories of suffering; you could say we love our pain. As a result, we’re reluctant to let it go, to stop bringing it back into the present moment, even when it’s no longer useful or active. To do so would be to lose touch with who we believe we fundamentally are, what makes us us.


Learn To Feel The Feelings The Painful Thoughts Bring


In the short term, it may be easier to think over and over again about our painful memories, embarrassing moments, wondering “what if?” But eventually we will become these thoughts and believe we are those thoughts. They will just come back again and again and again until we can learn how to truly let them go. The mind will go through great lengths to avoid actually feeling our pain, perhaps in an effort to protect us, which we can potentially have gratitude for. Perhaps we can even choose to say: thank you ego/mind for protecting me, but I’d like to explore these feelings that are inside of me.

So What Can We Do?


One might feel as though they wish they could just stop these negative thoughts altogether, but until they are acknowledged, these thoughts won’t stop. Perhaps in reading this article, you will remember or gain the awareness to notice just how repetitive some of your thoughts are. Next time your mind gets stuck you can say “No, I’m not going there right now,” but be sure to notice any feelings that come up at the same time.


We can practice mindfulness and separate our thoughts from ourselves. Instead of identifying deeply with the thought, we can choose to be the mere observer, the one who is noticing that the thought is happening. So instead of “I’m so stupid, I can’t believe I didn’t jump at that opportunity I was given, typical me, always too afraid to take a leap,” or whatever it may be, we can step back from our thought and say, “I notice that I am having a thought that I am not good enough, now I can observe where this thought is coming from and identify the feelings that are attached to it, feel them fully, and let them pass.”

Anonymous ID: df91ad Dec. 10, 2019, 1:10 p.m. No.7474772   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Always better to talk than not’: Lavrov & Pompeo take on Russia-US problems in Washington, DC (VIDEO)


Russian FM Sergey Lavrov and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have briefed the media after talks in Washington, DC, the first such meeting since 2017.


Speaking at the press conference on Tuesday, Pompeo said the US was seeking a “better relationship” with Russia and that the two countries have been working on improving relations since his visit to Sochi in May. He said lines of communication between Moscow and Washington were open and relations were candid.


Lavrov echoed that, saying the two met regularly and also spoke frequently by phone. "It is useful to talk to each other," he said. "Always better than not talking to each other."

Anonymous ID: df91ad Dec. 10, 2019, 1:13 p.m. No.7474791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4809 >>4974 >>5102

Nader, Khawaja, Clintons, Pope Francis, and Elite Converge in UAE & Africa


Welcome to the jungle of elites, criminals, and Pope Francis who all seem to have their eyes set on South Africa, while Russia and China run naval drills off the coast. It’s an interesting intersection of events and individuals. What’s more interesting is the timetable of recently indicted George Nader and Andy Khawaja, along with the Clintons and Pope Francis, that leads to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), who also have a big interest in South Africa.


With the recent African proverb spoken by Pope Francis, mixed in with cryptic messages of a “new humanism,” he is “reinventing” in a global pact, highlighted by Hillary Clinton’s similar African proverb used in her book “it takes a village,” one wonders what plans are underway in Africa? One also wonders what was really brokered when the Pope visited the UAE earlier this year, as the first ever pontiff to travel to the Arab peninsula. While Bill & Melinda Gates strutted the streets of Cape Town where Richard Branson’s business recently sprung branches, Meghan and Harry took a 10-day tour. Even twitter Jack is making a move to Africa to expand on twitter and other technology ventures.

The Indictment of George Nader, Ahmed (Andy) Khawaja, and Six Others for Illegally Funding Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Presidential Campaign from a Foreign Country


This indictment could prove to be the first indicted school of fish in a very large net. Essentially what we have is a foreign government meddling in our elections, a presidential candidate knowingly lapping up $4 million, and a pedophile serving as the middle man. Isn’t that something? Lebanese convicted pedophile George Nader, who goes way back with the Clintons and served as informal envoy to Syria for the Clinton administration, has acted as an advisor to the Middle East for decades. He was playing both sides, with the hope that Hillary Clinton would win.


Nader and CEO of Allied Wallets Ahmed (Andy) Khawaja worked together to provide private parties, in home dinner meetings, and fundraisers, in addition to meeting with the “big lady,” “big sister H,” and “big sister’s husband” in private, otherwise known as Bill and Hillary Clinton. Of course, to enter the world of Clinton pay-to-play, one must pay at the door, so $3.5 million was concealed and funneled through democratic political committees affiliated with Hillary’s 2016 campaign. All the while, George Nader was reporting back to UAE’s Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan (MBZ) on the progress. In order to try to slide these funds through under the radar, they enlisted staff from Allied Wallets, in addition to using Khawaja’s wife’s name. Khawaja donated hundreds of thousands to the DNC and other democratic committees, as well as to Adam Schiff, Joe Biden, Chris Coons, Dianne Feinstein and numerous others. They were so concerned that if “candidate 2” (Donald Trump) got elected “it would be over for the Arabs.”


Much to their surprise, he did in fact win, so they immediately donated $1 million to his inaugural fund. Months later, Mueller gave Nader partial immunity to go over details of meetings he orchestrated for team Trump for potential “Russian collusion,” which was later unfounded in his final report. Mueller didn’t seem too interested in Middle Eastern “collusion” and meddling in our elections, nor was he going to oust Hillary Clinton. In June 2019, George Nader was arrested on child pornography charges, which are still pending. Meanwhile, this top secret investigation was going on into illegal campaign funds to Hillary Clinton, without a single peep or a single leak, until the indictment was unsealed on December 3rd.



Anonymous ID: df91ad Dec. 10, 2019, 1:15 p.m. No.7474809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4974 >>5102



June 2019

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) confirmed its commitment of US $10 billion to the South African economy at the SA-UAE Business Forum in Johannesburg. Trade between South Africa and the UAE has rapidly increased from US $4.3 million in 2011 to US $2.6 billion in 2017. Formal diplomatic relations were first established in 1994 when Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed Al Nahyan traveled to South Africa to attend the inauguration of Nelson Mandela. Hillary Clinton was in attendance as well, and enjoyed a luncheon on the grounds of Mandela’s home.


September 4-10th

Pope Francis traveled to Madagascar, Mozambique and Mauritius. During the inflight press conference on his return, in true 2030 agenda fashion, this is what Francis had to say:


“I would like to repeat what the Doctrine of the Church says about this: When we acknowledge international organizations and we recognize their capacity to give judgment, on a global scale – for example the international tribunal in The Hague, or the United Nations. If we consider ourselves humanity, when they make statements, our duty is to obey. It is true that not all things that appear just for the whole of humanity will also be so for our pockets, but we must obey international institutions. That is why the United Nations were created.”


September 12th

Pope Francis issued a statement inviting world leaders and young people to gather at the Vatican on May 14, 2020, for an event called “Reinventing the Global Educational Alliance.” He stated that “a global educational pact is needed to educate us in universal solidarity and a new humanism.”


He quoted Hillary’s favorite African proverb, “it takes a whole village to educate a child,” suggesting that parents are unable to do so. He went on to state, “an alliance, in other words, between the earth’s inhabitants and our ‘common home’, which we are bound to care for and respect.”


Leading up to this event there will be a number of seminars hosted at other locations to prepare for the event. This new “educational pact” is focused on healing three “fractures” he believes are affecting the world. The first “fracture” is the separation of reality from transcendence. The Vatican believes that children should be introduced to “total reality,” including openness to the transcendent.


The Pope is inviting representatives of the main religions, international organizations, humanitarian institutions, key figures in politics, economics and academia, scientists and sociologists, and prominent athletes to sign this Global Pact.


According to a website in alignment with this “Global Pact,” the Vatican’s Congregation for Catholic Education, who the Pope tasked with organizing the initiative, the congregation oversees “216 thousand Catholic schools, attended by over 60 million pupils and 1,750 Catholic universities, with over 11 million students.” The Congregation said that they seek to involve “international organizations” and the “great ones of the earth” in helping to “heal the fracture between man and the Absolute” and the separation between “reality and the transcendent.”



Anonymous ID: df91ad Dec. 10, 2019, 1:16 p.m. No.7474819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4871 >>4974 >>5102

Central banks worldwide buying up massive amounts of gold in a shift away from US dollar – Goldman Sachs


Gold prices will climb to $1,600 per ounce over the next year, Wall Street bank Goldman Sachs projects. It says that central banks are consuming a fifth of the global supply of the yellow metal.


“De-dollarization in central banks – demand from central banks for gold is biggest since the Nixon era, eating up 20 percent of global supply,” the head of global commodities research at Goldman, Jeff Currie, told Bloomberg. “I am going to like gold better than bonds because the bonds won’t reflect that de-dollarization.”


Citing “fear-driven demand” for the precious metal, Goldman analysts said last week that investors should diversify their long-term bond holdings with gold.


“Going long-term depends on what is going to happen to global growth. The further out you go, the higher the probability that the US is going to hit a recession. We have $1,600 holding out through 2021,” Goldman Sachs analyst Mikhail Sprogis told Kitco News. Gold was trading at $1463.30 per ounce on Tuesday.


Sprogis said that central bank gold demand will be driven by demand from Russia, Turkey, China, and other countries, including Poland.


Statistics showed that hedge funds and other large speculators boosted their bullish bets on the precious metal by 8.9 percent in the week ended December 3. That is the biggest gain since late September.

Anonymous ID: df91ad Dec. 10, 2019, 1:20 p.m. No.7474837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4872 >>4974 >>5102

Today's FF update


NJ shooting: Multiple people dead, including police, after intense gun battle in Jersey City (VIDEOS)


One officer and several civilians have been killed after shooters ambushed police before holing up in bodega and firing from behind the barricade in Jersey City, New Jersey. Dozens of schools are on lockdown with snipers on roofs.


During a press briefing after the gunfight died down, Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop told reporters that there are "multiple" people dead inside the store. It is believed both suspects have also been shot, but police have sent a robot in to make sure they are down.


Fulop said the scene was "still active but secure" and said that all children in nearby schools are accounted for. He added that one of the injured officers was shot in the shoulder and expected to recover.


Police warned on radio transmission that the suspects were shooting at anyone they see on the street, said. One officer was heard saying that gunfire begins each time a police officer attempts to move toward the bodega.


The two suspects reportedly arrived in the area in a U-haul van and are carrying "long guns." The two shooters are apparently a male and a female, dressed in black. Local media reported that police said in transmissions that "pipe bombs" were found in their U-Haul.

Anonymous ID: df91ad Dec. 10, 2019, 1:22 p.m. No.7474859   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4974 >>5102

Caracas Caves, Releases Jailed American Citgo Executives


Venezuela has released six Citgo executives who were arrested and sent to jail on charges of corruption two years ago, Reuters reports, citing unnamed sources. The prison sentences have apparently been replaced with house arrest, the source said.


The executives—all of them U.S. citizens, five of them with dual citizenship—were first arrested in 2017 and were only brought to court in the middle of 2019, after 18 months in prison. During that hearing, the presiding judge accepted the prosecution’s request for a trial on corruption charges without setting a date.


At the time of the arrest, U.S. authorities requested that its nationals be released, but Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro refused, saying “These are people born in Venezuela, they’re Venezuelan and they’re going to be judged for being corrupt, thieving traitors.”


According to opposition sources, however, the arrests were not about corruption, but about infighting in the Communist Party as well as an attempt by the government to get its hands on profitable companies to patch up its budget, currently in tatters and with no great improvement prospects.


Reuters reports that U.S. Vice-President Mike Pence and two senators had called on Maduro to release the Citgo executives on worry about their health, after Pence earlier this year met with the families of the arrested men who asked for the U.S. government’s help in the matter.


According to the sources, the six executives—including five former vice presidents of Citgo and a former president—will be banned from leaving Venezuela. No reasons for the release have been provided by Venezuelan authorities.


Citgo, in the meantime, has passed under the control of opposition leader Juan Guaidó with the help of Washington, which was the first government to recognize Guaidó as the legitimate, albeit interim, president of Venezuela, after earlier this year he declared himself interim president until new elections are called.

Anonymous ID: df91ad Dec. 10, 2019, 1:30 p.m. No.7474930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5067

Pablo Escobar’s Son Reveals His Dad “Worked for the CIA Selling Cocaine” — Media Silent


February 17, 2017


Juan Pablo Escobar Henao, son of notorious Medellín cartel drug kingpin, Pablo Escobar, now says his father “worked for the CIA.”


In a new book, “Pablo Escobar In Fraganti,” Escobar, who lives under the pseudonym, Juan Sebastián Marroquín, explains his “father worked for the CIA selling cocaine to finance the fight against Communism in Central America.”


“The drug business is very different than what we dreamed,” he continues. “What the CIA was doing was buying the controls to get the drug into their country and getting a wonderful deal.”


“He did not make the money alone,” Marroquín elaborated in an interview, “but with US agencies that allowed him access to this money. He had direct relations with the CIA.”


Notably, Marroquín added, “the person who sold the most drugs to the CIA was Pablo Escobar.”


Where his first book primarily covered Escobar, the man as a father, Marroquín’s second — which has just been released in Argentina — delves into the kingpin’s “international ties of corruption in which my father had an active participation, among them with the American CIA,” he said in a recent interview.


Those government associates “were practically his partners,” which allowed Escobar to defy the law, and gave him nearly the same power as a government.


Predictably, this information is conveniently absent from media headlines in America.


If the CIA trafficking cocaine into the United States sounds like some tin foil conspiracy theory, think again. Their alleged role in the drug trade was exposed in 1996 in an explosive investigative series “Dark Alliance” by Gary Webb for the San Jose Mercury News. The investigation, headed up by Webb revealed ties between the CIA, Nicaraguan contras and the crack cocaine trade ravaging African-American communities.


The investigation provoked massive protests and congressional hearings, as well as overt backlash from the mainstream media to discredit Webb’s reporting. However, decades later, officials would come forward to back Webb’s original investigation up.


Then-senator John Kerry even released a detailed report claiming that not only was there “considerable evidence” linking the Contra effort to trafficking of drugs and weapons — but that the U.S. government knew about it.


El Patron, as Escobar came to be known, amassed more wealth than almost any drug dealer in history — at one point raking in around $420 million a week in revenue — and reportedly supplied about 80 percent of the world’s cocaine. Escobar landed on Forbes’ list of international billionaires for seven straight years, and — though the nature of the business makes acquiring solid numbers impossible — his estimated worth was around $30 billion.


Escobar and the Medellín cartel smuggled 15 tons of cocaine into the U.S. — every day — and left a trail of thousands of dead bodies to do so.