Anonymous ID: e23fc1 Dec. 10, 2019, 1:43 p.m. No.7475024   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5032 >>5048 >>5060 >>5078 >>5085 >>5102 >>5124


I have another Biden, Soros "Seneca" conncetion.

One of Soros' old fund managers used to run a hedge fund named "Seneca Capital."

It didn't do great so they shuddered it returning investors money.

His name was Douglas A. Hirsch.

It's not a particularly large fund, but the link between Hirsch and Soros brings forward a little more confidence in saying that "Seneca" = Soros.

That means Rosemont Seneca Partners is really a joint operation between Heinz (Rosemont) and Soros (Seneca).

Symbolism will be their downfall.

Anonymous ID: e23fc1 Dec. 10, 2019, 2:01 p.m. No.7475124   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5173 >>5196


So GS's Democracy Alliance members heavily donated to the Joe Biden Foundation.

Joe Biden's son Hunter went into business with Christopher Heinz of the Heinz family and Rosemont Capital (heinz family financial vehicle).

The firms name was Rosemont Seneca Partners

So Rosemont = Heinz

Seneca = Soros,

Can we connect Biden to Soros even deeper?

I mean, having major donors from Democracy Alliance donating to his foundation is pretty big.

Add that to another GS connected company (Seneca Capital) and we can begin to extrapolate.

We need more though. What other companies/funds/organizations/history does GS have to "Seneca?"

What about GS connections more directly to Biden?

Whoa, anons.

What if Family "y" is actually a family tied to the YMCA?

Has anyone ever dug into the YMCA? It's based in fucking switzerland.

There's a Vanderbilt YMCA in NYC too.

I'm willing to bet my left tit that there's a deeper connection to vanderbilt.

I'm also willing to bet that the Vanderbilts are the ones that George Soros replaced! (Per the above q post).

We're all looking for y heads to answer this question, but the YMCA is known as the Y and it's a big, old fucking organization.

If you believe that the Rothschilds have controlled the christian religion through the control of the vatican (loans) or other branches of Christianity (through Masons et. al) then it's not a big leap at all to suspect the YMCA.
