Anonymous ID: 3c6f47 Dec. 10, 2019, 2:17 p.m. No.7475229   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5349

>>7475124 pb

The founder of the YMCA, George Williams, is the great (x4) grandfather of British PM Borris Johnson.

Interesting tidbit.

Fug, also, he was knighted by Queen Victoria,

you know of Victoria's Secret inspiration? Rumored to be the bastard child of a Rothschilds.

What if Rothschilds fathered Victoria and she went on to spread her dna throughout the royals.

What if that's how the Rothschilds got control over Europes royalty? (besides money control)


The YMCA is a spicy dig.

Anonymous ID: 3c6f47 Dec. 10, 2019, 2:32 p.m. No.7475349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5403 >>5582


Oh, got a good one anons.

Henry Dunant was the inspiration for the formation of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

The same committee which was over seen by Henri Dufour, the former Napoleon general who essentially created modern switzerland as we know it today.

Switzerland was (((Their))) first home turf before israel. EVERYTHING since the capture of the church during the napoleonic wars (when napoleon took capture of the pope!), and the Rothschilds loans to the church which allowed them to sink their evil cult fangs into it…

Everything since the French Revolution after which Napoleon rose to power, financed by the swiss and rothschilds bankers,

Everything since the first World Zionist Congress in Basel, and the World Jewish Congress in Geneva,

It all lead to the world we live in now.

Rothschilds agent Matthew Perry opened japan for (((trade))) into which jewish settlers took hold in Yokohama, during the 1800s. I'm willing to bet their influence was not that far away from the decision to attack pearl harbor.

can you begin to see the vast reach of the cult, and those that control it?

Soros is but the entry into the wonderland that is sustained by our willing participation.

We toil day in and day out for currency controlled by them, forced to spend or watch the fruit of our labor wither away through inflation.

The cult is the octopus with tendrils in every major company, organization, and trusted entity in the world.

They see us as sheep that need to be guided. Guided by horror, run away from pain and fear, run towards the safe haven of the corral.

What if we ventured out on our own, into the world, together. Hand in hand, with the utmost dedication to the success of everyone around us?

I hope that is where this Q project is going, but the more I dig into this, the scarier it seems. This is a monolithic conspiracy to control the world.

But the point is WE NEEDED TO BE CONTROLLED or we would have destroyed ourselves 20x over.

We NEED to take responsibility for ourselves, ascend to a higher density of awareness of the world. We NEED each other if we want to thrive into a future world of prosperity and peace.

Hopefully we can manage this.

Anonymous ID: 3c6f47 Dec. 10, 2019, 3:05 p.m. No.7475561   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5682


Napoleon = Rothschilds AND Payseur/French Monarchy (Bourbons).

Remember the I AM ROFSCHILD ama?

He said they worked for the devil, but now control the devil.

The Roths control the cult. The cult is deeply entrenched within French Monarchy and their sphere of influence (Church, europe, america).

Look at their connections to the French and Indian war and the Seneca Nation from the digs earlier today. I'm not sold Biden = Seneca = Soros yet.

Maybe it's Biden = Soros = Seneca = former French Monarchy/Payseur = Rothschilds.

Digging more will reveal, but the hope is that Barr and Durham will reveal the crooked cops and their controllers. And in doing so they start down the abyss trying to right the global wrongs.

But when they do so, no one is in control any more.

That leads to Chaos or a Golden Age.

That's the problem.

Anonymous ID: 3c6f47 Dec. 10, 2019, 3:09 p.m. No.7475587   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Density of information anon.

Not metaphysical, not sperging.

Ascend our consciousness to become aware of far more than ourselves. Do what we're doing here, in the wild.