Anonymous ID: d50970 Dec. 10, 2019, 2:28 p.m. No.7475320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5452

Day 1: We Were Warned About Technocracy


This is Day One of my “Twelve Days of Christmas” series of articles, where I will reflect on Technocracy, Technocrats, historical and modern influences and future directions. ⁃ TN Editor


After having written two books on Technocracy, reviewed over 230 important historical books and posted almost 4,000 related stories, there is a tendency to think that the subject is exhausted.


But, it is not.


Almost every day some new thing pops up that surprises me, whether from industry, academia or government. Historical tidbits constantly surface that show how analysts foresaw our current trajectory decades earlier. Modern scholars often write openly about Technocracy and Technocrats, especially in Europe or Asia, and yet America largely remains in the dark.


As I present my findings in public forums, whether speaking or writing, I am constantly aware of some kind of invisible wall that keeps the message from being fully understood or propagated. For instance, I have sent dozens of review copies of books to key centers of influence around the country, but how many reviews have actually been published? Hardly any. I have presented to elected officials, attorneys, civic leaders and scientists. How many have embraced any understanding of Technocracy? Again, hardly any.


However, for all the people who have confirmed their understanding and alarm of Technocracy, I am fully convinced that the material is easy enough to understand for anyone who is willing to understand it. Apparently, most are not willing. In some cases, people are too distracted with other things to pay attention. In other cases, people turn a blind eye because they find profiting off some aspect of Technocracy and don’t want to upset their own applecart.


Whatever the case, America is largely missing the many siren calls for radical change in America. Here is a case in point.


Dr. Parag Khanna, a leading global scholar promoting Technocracy, speaks to elite groups all around the world. With Bachelors and Masters degrees from the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University and a PhD from the London School of Economics, Khanna has written several highly-esteemed books on various aspects of globalization.


In 2017, Khanna released a book with the very pointed title Technocracy in America: Rise of the Info-State. Endorsed by many prominent globalists, it laid out the radical agenda of what a “direct Technocracy” would look like in America:


In America, direct technocracy would look like this: A collective presidency of about a half-dozen committee members backed by a strong civil service better able to juggle complex challenges; a multi-party legislature better reflective of the diversity of political views and using data technologies for real-time citizen consultation, and the Senate replaced by a Governors Assembly that prioritizes the common needs of states and shares successful policies across them; and a judicial branch that monitors international benchmarks and standards, and proposes constitutional amendments to keep pace with our rapidly changing times.


How would we get to a direct Technocracy? He states that “it is time again for a new constitutional convention” and concludes that “only utilitarian thinking can bring about another progressive era.”


Of course, Americans can ignore Khanna, but the global elite don’t because he is writing to their long-established goals of doing exactly what he proposes! Abolish the Senate and give the Constitution to the Supreme Court? Have a committee of Presidents? Adopt utilitarian thinking to promote progressivism?


This is not Marxism, Socialism, Communism. It is Technocracy. Everything else going on around us is a sideshow that provides nothing more than a convenient cover for those behind the curtain who are the real movers and shakers in the world.

Anonymous ID: d50970 Dec. 10, 2019, 2:29 p.m. No.7475334   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New York Man Pleads Guilty to Providing Material Support to Terrorists

Anonymous ID: d50970 Dec. 10, 2019, 2:51 p.m. No.7475495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5533 >>5603 >>5746 >>5941

Trump in Talks With Russian FM Lavrov Supported Global Arms Control That Includes China


US President Donald Trump in a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov emphasized his support for effective global arms control that includes China, the White House said in a statement.

Arms Control


"President Trump also emphasized his support for effective global arms control that includes not only Russia, but also China," the White House's statement said on Tuesday.


Russian Foreign Minister said that Russia had offered the United States to extend the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) and was ready to consider all possible options with that respect.


"We have offered Washington to consider any options to extend the agreement," Lavrov told journalists.


Earlier in the day, speaking at a press conference after a meeting with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Lavrov reconfirmed Russia's position that it is prepared to extend the New START.


Russia has suggested that the United States extend the New START treaty for five years or for a shorter period if desired, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov announced earlier this month.


New START is the last remaining arms control treaty in force between Russia and the United States. Signed in 2010, the pact stipulates that the number of strategic nuclear missiles launchers must be cut by half and limits the number of deployed strategic nuclear warheads to 1,550.

Trade and Bilateral Relations


Trump also highlighted that improved relations between the United States and Russia could lead to increased bilateral trade, according to the statement.


"The President noted that a better relationship with Russia would allow increased trade between our countries," according to the statement.


US President and Russian Foreign Minister also discussed possible progress that both countries can make on freeing detained citizens by the other country.


"President Trump welcomed continued engagement with Russia to address areas of mutual concern, including how the United States and Russia can take positive steps with respect to detained citizens," the statement said.


Lavrov said that US President was considering travelling to Moscow for the Victory Day celebration on May 9, 2020.


"President Putin invited President Trump to visit the Victory Day celebration in Moscow on the ninth of May. That happened during their meeting in Osaka, Japan, and today I confirmed that invitation, as instructed by the President. Donald Trump is currently considering that invitation," Lavrov said. "We do hope that if such an opportunity arises, we would be able to conduct a full-length bilateral dialogue."


Situation in Persian Gulf


Lavrov said he had discussed with US President Trump the necessity of taking measures to prevent an escalation of the crisis in the Persian Gulf.


"We talked today about the fact that it’s necessary to take some steps to prevent the crisis in the Persian Gulf from aggravating and to take some steps in relations with the problems that have arisen because of the unilateral withdrawal of the United States from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action [JCPOA] on the settlement of the Iranian nuclear program," Lavrov told journalists in Washington.


In May 2018, the United States began the process of reimposing previously lifted sanctions against Tehran after withdrawing from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), an agreement between Iran, China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany and the European Union requiring the Iranian authorities to scale back the country's nuclear program and uranium reserves in return for sanctions relief.

Anonymous ID: d50970 Dec. 10, 2019, 2:54 p.m. No.7475503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5533 >>5603 >>5746 >>5807 >>5941

Pirates Release 9 Crew Members of Norwegian Ship Attacked Off Benin Coast - Ship Operator


Pirates have released nine crew members of Norwegian ship MV Bonita, which was attacked last month off the coast of Benin, the J. J. Ugland shipping company has announced.


"We are delighted to confirm that late on Friday evening, 6 December 2019, the nine crew members from MV Bonita held as hostages, were released in Nigeria and brought to a safe place in southern Nigeria, after 35 days in captivity", the company said in a statement, released on its official website.


According to the release, all crew members have gone through medical examinations in Nigeria and are feeling fine.


"The crew members will receive further care and follow up after arrival in the Philippines. Ugland will continue to work with our crew members throughout their recovery process," the ship operator said, adding that the crew members have already arrived in Manila, the capital of the Philippines.


"We are truly happy that the nine crew members are now reunited with their families and have their wellbeing at heart. I would on behalf of the company like to sincerely thank all parties that have contributed to resolving this difficult situation", J. J. Ugland President Oystein Beisland said, as quoted in the company's release.


The company's president did not disclose the conditions on which the sailors had been released, mentioning only that the company had made every effort to ensure that they returned home to their families safely.


On 2 November, pirates attacked the Norwegian ship MV Bonita off the coast of Benin and kidnapped nine people. The remaining crew arrived in the port city of Cotonou and reported the incident to local authorities. All the kidnapped people were Filipino nationals.


Norway's Foreign Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Guri Solberg told the Norwegian News Agency (NTB) last month that no Norwegian citizens were involved in the incident.


West Africa is considered to be a high risk area for shipping due to the pirates operating regularly in the region. Similar attacks have previously occurred off the coasts of Togo and Nigeria.—ship-operator/

Anonymous ID: d50970 Dec. 10, 2019, 2:55 p.m. No.7475514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5533 >>5603 >>5746 >>5805 >>5941

Iran issues travel advisory to citizens over protest-hit France


Iran’s Foreign Ministry has “seriously advised” citizens intending to visit France to rearrange their trips as the European country is grappling with a hardening nationwide strike and transport standstill over the Paris government’s planned pension reforms.


“Given the continued popular protests in the French Republic during the past year and in view of the general strikes in the past two days, which were accompanied by violence in the country’s different cities, particularly Paris, Iranian travelers and tourists are seriously advised to postpone their travel plan to the French Republic to another time in order to protect their security and health,” the ministry said in a travel warning on Tuesday.


Public sector workers marched peacefully through cities across France on Tuesday, heeding a call by trade unions to stage one of the biggest protests to hit France in decades.


The nationwide strike — the largest since 1995 — began on Thursday against President Emmanuel Macron’s plan to overhaul the pension system that would see workers retiring later or facing reduced payouts.


The strikes have paralyzed the transportation system across France, with trains at a virtual halt, some flights grounded, 10 lines of the Paris metro closed and more than 180 miles (300km) of traffic jams on roads around Paris by 7 a.m. local time (0600 GMT).


French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe reiterated his determination on Sunday to continue with the implementation of the plan despite opposition from unions in the European country.


Unions say the new system will introduce a “points system” for retirement, which will have a significant impact on both the public and private sectors, and will force them to work well beyond the official retirement age of 62.


The European country is bracing for even more industrial action in the days to come as the standoff between the unions and the government shows no sign of abating.


This is while President Macron is already faced with a major challenge to his rule from “Yellow Vest” protesters, who have been holding weekly demonstrations for more than a year.

Anonymous ID: d50970 Dec. 10, 2019, 3:15 p.m. No.7475622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5746 >>5941

McConnell: Senate will not take up new NAFTA deal this year


Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said on Tuesday that the Senate will not take up President Trump’s trade deal with Canada and Mexico before the end of the year.


McConnell, outlining the to-do list for the chamber before senators leave for Christmas, said the trade deal was not on the list. He also said the Senate was unlikely to vote on the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) until after an expected impeachment trial for Trump.


“We will not be doing USMCA in the Senate. They will have to come up in all likelihood after a trial is finished in the Senate,” he said.


The Senate was supposed to adjourn for the year by Dec. 13. They’ll now likely be in town through Dec. 20 because of the government funding deadline.


His announcement comes hours after Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced she had reached an agreement with the White House on the trade deal.


Pelosi's announcement came after she and other Democrats set out two articles of impeachment against Trump, which the full House could vote on next week.


Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), asked about not taking up the trade deal until next year, noted that “our members are going to want to review it.”


“It’s hard to see how there’s time to get it all done,” Thune added.


Trying to move the trade deal this year would likely draw pushback from Republican senators, who have signaled skepticism about the trade deal.


McConnell, asked about the substance of the deal, said, “From my perspective, it’s not as good as I had hoped.”


McConnell’s timeframe immediately ran into pushback from House Democrats, who have been negotiating with the White House for months.


“House & Senate passed Korea, Panama, and Colombia Trade Agreements on the same day (Oct 12, 2011). Senator McConnell has no excuse not to bring up the USMCA,” said a spokesman for Pelosi.


McConnell has repeatedly hammered House Democrats for not taking up USMCA, a top priority for Republicans and the White House.

Anonymous ID: d50970 Dec. 10, 2019, 3:18 p.m. No.7475646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5746 >>5792 >>5846 >>5941

Cardinal Burke: ‘diabolical forces’ entered St. Peter’s Basilica through Pachamama idolatry


Cardinal Raymond Burke is backing a France-originated call to prayer and reparation on Dec. 12 for the Pachamama idolatry that took place at the Vatican during the Amazon Synod, saying that “diabolical forces” have entered St. Peter’s Basilica that need to be “vanquished.”


“Something very grave happened during the special assembly of the Bishops’ Synod for the Amazon region. An idol was introduced into St Peter's Basilica – the figure of a demonic force,” said Cardinal Burke during a short Dec. 8 interview with the French independent TV station, TVLibertés.


“Therefore reparation is necessary and also prayers, so that the diabolical forces that entered with this idol are vanquished by the grace of God, by Christ who wants St Peter's Basilica to be purified of the sacrilegious act that took place during the Synod,” he added.


In an initiative that originated in France, Catholics are being called to mark the liturgical feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Thursday, December 12, by prayers of love and reparation for the idolatrous parodies of her image in the Vatican Gardens, in the Synod Aula, in the streets of Rome, in the church of Santa Maria in Traspontina near St Peter’s Square and in St Peter's Basilica itself, at the very heart of Christendom.

Anonymous ID: d50970 Dec. 10, 2019, 3:19 p.m. No.7475652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5669

Tom Fitton: IG Report Shows "Tip of the Iceberg" of #SpyGate Targeting Against Trump Campaign

Anonymous ID: d50970 Dec. 10, 2019, 3:21 p.m. No.7475665   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel needs a good shakeup


The powers that be are completely dysfunctional, campaign budgets are skyrocketing and there is still no leader in sight to bang on the table and demand that if we're going into another election cycle, for everyone's sake, at least make it a quick one


The events of the past year prove that Israel desperately needs a shakeup and the way our elected officials conduct themselves indicates that this penny is yet to drop.


There are more and more signs appearing that point to the fact that politicians do not understand the impossible situation in which the State of Israel is mired.

Anonymous ID: d50970 Dec. 10, 2019, 3:23 p.m. No.7475675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5683

==Barr: Russia Probe Was a ‘Completely Bogus Narrative’ Hyped by Irresponsible Press



During a portion of an interview with NBC’s Pete Williams that aired on Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” Attorney General William Barr called the American press “completely irresponsible” regarding claims the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump colluded with the Russians.


Barr said, “I think our nation was turned on its head for three years, I think based on a completely bogus narrative that was largely fanned and hyped by a completely irresponsible press.”


He continued, “I think that there were gross abuses of FISA. And inexplicable behavior that are intolerable in the FBI. And the attorney general’s primary responsibility is to protect against the abuse of the law enforcement and intelligence apparatus. And make sure that it doesn’t.”

Anonymous ID: d50970 Dec. 10, 2019, 3:25 p.m. No.7475685   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nancy Pelosi Contradicts Schiff: Impeachment ‘Isn’t About Elections’


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) contradicted remarks from House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) from their early Tuesday announcement of impeachment articles against President Donald Trump, saying the attempt to remove Trump from office “isn’t about elections.”


“It’s a sad day actually, a solemn day,” Pelosi said at the “Women Rule Summit” hosted by Politico in Washington, DC. “It’s something that no one comes to Congress to do, to impeach a president.”


When questioned about why the Mueller report findings were not included in the articles of impeachment, Pelosi gave a seemingly agitated response.


“I wish everyone just focused on what we are bringing forward because this is very serious violations of our constitution, undermining the national security of the United States, jeopardizing the integrity of our elections,” she said. “Instead of talking about what isn’t, this is what is, and that’s how we’re moving forward.”


Pelosi also said she is “not worried,” adding that the impeachment process against President Trump is about “patriotism” rather than “elections,” as Schiff had claimed on Tuesday.


“We take an oath to protect and defend. If we did not do that, we would be again delinquent in our duties. So this isn’t about elections, it’s about the Constitution,” Pelosi said.


“This isn’t about politics,” she added. “This is not about Democrats or Republicans. … This is about patriotism.”


In contrast, Schiff’s remarks Tuesday morning suggested that Democrats must impeach President Trump in order to stop him from winning the presidency again in 2020.


“The argument, ‘why don’t you just wait?’ comes down to this: Why don’t you just let him cheat in just one more election?” Schiff said. “Why not let him have foreign help one more time?”


Democratic leaders unveiled two articles of impeachment against the president: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Pelosi quickly shooed her colleagues away from the press conference, avoiding any questions from journalists.

Anonymous ID: d50970 Dec. 10, 2019, 3:27 p.m. No.7475709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5720 >>5731 >>5737 >>5746 >>5755 >>5786 >>5798 >>5941

Finland is Now Led by a Government of Under-35 Millenial Women, Has Majority-Female Cabinet


Finland’s new leftist coalition government has appointed a women-majority cabinet with women taking twelve of the ministerial positions, with seven for men.


The new government, which consists of five parties, all of which are led by women and all but one are led by women from the millennial generation, announced the ministerial appointees on Tuesday under the new leadership of leftist Social Democrat Prime Minister Sanna Marin, Reuters reports.


The leaders of the five parties who make up the ruling coalition are now ministers, with new Centre Party leader Katri Kulmuni becoming finance minister while the leaders of the Greens, the Left Alliance, and the Swedish People’s party remain in their ministerial positions occupied in the previous government.


Ms Kulmuni, the 32-year-old new Centre Party leader, is known for embracing green issues such as climate change but wanting policies that use businesses to reach a carbon-neutral target for Finland by 2035.


34-year-old Interior Minister and Green Party leader Maria Ohisalo, meanwhile, has said in the past that she and her party are supportive of the decriminalization of the use of all illegal narcotics, a move that was not supported by former Prime Minister Antti Rinne.


Finland’s Minister of Education, 32-year-old Left Alliance leader Le Andersson, also supports the decriminalisation of cannabis and is a self-professed Marxist who stated in 2014 that she “understood” animal rights attacks on fur farms despite the attacks being illegal, claiming that she was on a “quest for veganism.”


The last millennial among the party leaders is 34-year-old Prime Minister Sanna Marin herself, who has also described herself as a leftist and addresses her party colleagues as “comrades.”


Finland’s youngest ever Prime Minister, and the current youngest world leader, was raised by her mother and her mother’s lesbian partner after her biological parents separated when she was a child and once stated that she was from a “rainbow family.”


Known as being far to the left within her own social democratic party, Prime Minister Marin is expected by many, including Finnish broadcaster Yle, to outline a much further to the left policy than her predecessor.


Marin faces her first challenge as Finnish leader next week when a confidence motion in the new government is expected to be held in the Finnish parliament on Tuesday.


While Marin handily won a vote to confirm her head of government by 99 to 70 earlier this week, a total of 30 MPs were not present during the vote.

Anonymous ID: d50970 Dec. 10, 2019, 3:31 p.m. No.7475729   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5790 >>5941

The Conservative Party is Running Scared of Their Own Promises


The Conservative Party has “run scared” from its pledges to cut migration numbers because they are “afraid”, the chairman of Migration Watch told Breitbart London.


Alp Mehmet, the chairman of the mass-migration sceptic think tank Migration Watch UK, told Breitbart London that the Conservative Party has not been “courageous enough” to implement policies capping the flow of migration to the UK.


“The Tories have frankly run scared of their previous commitments and promises that they would reduce immigration. ‘Get it down to tens of thousands’ they said, which frankly was not a bad objective,” Mehmet said.


“They couldn’t do it, largely because they were afraid,” he added.


The 2019 Conservative manifesto aims to introduce an Australian points-based system for immigration, which the Tories claim will reduce the number of migrants coming to the United Kingdom.


Mehmet said that the idea that this policy would reduce migration is “nonsense”, saying that “it’s going to do no such thing. Unless they intend to include the sort of elements in the system that will reduce numbers and that’s having caps.”


“A cap on the number of workers coming in. The Australians have it, why not we… if we are going to introduce that sort of system?” he concluded.


Under Conservative-led governments, the United Kingdom has seen a drastic increase in the level of migration, with numbers hitting near-record levels, according to figures released in February.


The Tories pledged to reduce net migration from “the hundreds of thousands to the tens of thousands” ahead of the 2010, 2015, and 2017 general elections. But this pledge was left unfulfilled after each of the last three elections and in June, Prime Minister Boris Johnson scrapped the pledge to cut numbers altogether.


In 2017, the former Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne revealed that the Tories never supported “the pledge in private and all would be glad to see the back of [it]” and admitted that the party could have reduced non-EU based immigration but refused to.


Prime Minister Boris Johnson has also hinted in the past at giving amnesty to illegal aliens who have been in the country for over 15 years.


At the time, Alp Mehmet said: “An amnesty for them would be manna for traffickers. It would encourage further illegal inflows, reward illicit behaviour, be costly to UK taxpayers and be grossly unfair to migrants who follow the rules.”


Before Britons head to the polls to cast their ballots in the upcoming general election, Breitbart London, in a series of interviews with Migration Watch UK Chairman Alp Mehmet, will break down the immigration policies of the four major parties.


On Monday, Breitbart London reviewed the ‘Disastrous and Absurd‘ immigration policies of the Labour Party and Liberal Democrats.


On Wednesday, the immigration plans of the Brexit Party will be reviewed.