Anonymous ID: fa1441 Dec. 10, 2019, 2:33 p.m. No.7475357   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5466 >>5657 >>5694

>>7475083 (lb)

>Regarding Corney/Comey and his tweets with corn pics.

Corn ready to be harvested?=Corn is grown on a FARM=C_A is the FARM=does he mean the next bunch of Clowns (MKUltra'd??) should be released for FF'S?


What if the [crop] that was ready for the consumption by the public meant that the FARM was done ‘growing’ (breeding then raising) the FF shooters/crisis actors? Maybe that’s how Q knew about the [D] [1-6]?

Are [they] growing/raising these people? the ones they interview after + the shooters (the [crops])?

Are the [crops] grown ppl that become the actors to perpetuate the lie? (Would explain why so many “victims” (actors) are turning up at multiple “shootings”, might be a small group that is hired to do such a thing).


It is my own opinion that these “shootings” are 100% FAKE and are used to convey messages + also create a FAKE narrative to A. Change the narrative to divert from negative [D] news and B. Push gun control. Seems the above would help explain this theory.

Let me know your thoughts Anons!

Anonymous ID: fa1441 Dec. 10, 2019, 3:06 p.m. No.7475566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5572 >>5585


While I agree, I still feel that their ‘corn’ [crop] is their army for new FF’s and what Comeys twats are saying cryptically. Could be wrong, just a theory, but Attached vid is DEFINITELY worth :50 of everyone’s time.