>Hawley is fucking killing it bros.
yes Josh Hawley. Senator from Missouri.
the last rally Trump held in 2018 was for him in MO.
called him a 'STAR'. many many times.
Hawley defeated Claire MCcASKILL
dANONG dICK bLEUMENTHAL worried about FISAs going both ways!!
dANONG dICK bLEUMENTHAL just stepped in it bigly.
this is great, Tillis!!!!
>Guess cnn doesn't want all the frequent flyers to watch the Horowitz hearing. Had no problem airing the many peach mint hearings from first word to last.
did they cut it off? I am watching cspan
==Go Ahead, Kiss Your Cousin
Heck, marry her if you want to==
By Richard ConniffAugust 1, 2003 12:00 AM
In Paris in 1876 a 31-year-old banker named Albert took an 18-year-old named Bettina as his wife. Both were Rothschilds, and they were cousins.
=go ahead, CORN MAIZEY, step in it==
she will be harvested with the other maize
wiki results with zerobama and no ohbama
https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/32730 ignatius
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