Anonymous ID: 072fcc Dec. 11, 2019, 2:05 p.m. No.7483355   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7479322 (pb)

>>7479285 (pb)

>>7479308 (pb)


I've been trying to find an image of Virginia showing a majority of blue. I didn't find it and gave up because Virginia has been a Republican state solidly for a long time, and IT STILL IS. One look at that graph of 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Counties shows all you need to know.


I thought it would be a great meme to show that 2A Sanctuary picture next to a comparison map showing it all blue asking how this could be, but I didn't find one. Just like Kentucky, we know fuckery when we see it, but how are we going to expose it? Governor is blue, legislature is blue, Attorney General is blue - all in the RED state of Virginia.


We know it's voter fraud, and this is another of quite a few examples now that are yet to be corrected.

THIS IS WHAT SCARES ME IN 2020. This is what POTUS, Q, Patriots had better fix before 2020 elections.


Anon in >>7479285 (pb) said it well:

"mass migration, illegal voting, industrial-scale paper ballot replacement, and voting machine vote flipping calibrated to match ... 25% republican voters, mathematically, the Dem oversampling becomes the new standard."


Despite being a solidly red state, in November, 2017, Democrat (and blackface wearer) Ralph Northam was elected Governor. Plus "from the top of the ticket to the bottom, the Democratic Party swept all three statewide races in Virginia on Election Day [11/2017]."


Then in November, 2019, they did it again:

"Democrats swept into the majority in the Virginia state legislature, in both the House of Delegates and the State Senate, taking majorities in both in Tuesday’s elections."


Northam has been trying to enact radical gun laws since he took office in January 2018, but the people have been vocal against it.


July 2019:

"Northam used his powers to demand legislators come back for a special session — and called on lawmakers to pass 10 radical gun control bills."

"After twelve Virginians died in a Virginia Beach ‘Gun Free Zone’ in May of this year, Northam went ‘all-in’ on a massive gun control agenda in an attempt to salvage his career after the devastating ‘blackface scandal’ of last year."

"And as the morning passed, the phone calls poured in and the pressure mounted against Northam and Norment. By late morning, Senator Norment caved into the pressure of gun owners, withdrawing his bill and apologizing to his caucus for trying to stab gun owners in the back."

^^^^^^^ THIS - Virginia, you must light up their phones.


Now of course he's trying yet again, and Virginia state Senator "Richard Saslaw introduced SB16, which would expand the definition of an “assault firearm” to cover many different semi-automatic rifles and pistols."


We've seen voter fraud succeed now in multiple states, and we know it's worse now with the new machines adopted by many more states. How do we stop this and hold these fuckers accountable??????