Anonymous ID: 3c3cba Dec. 11, 2019, 1:03 p.m. No.7482834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2838 >>2846 >>3207 >>3404 >>3537

Pelosi: Impeachment Has Been Going on ‘Two and a Half Years, Actually’


On Tuesday in Washington, D.C., at Politico’s Women Rule Summit, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) admitted the impeachment process of President Donald Trump has been going on for “two and a half” years.


When asked about criticisms of “the speed” of the House Democrats impeachment, Pelosi replied, “Speed? It’s been going on 22 months—two and a half years, actually.”


She continued, “I think we are not moving with speed. Was it two a half years ago they initiated the Mueller investigation? It’s not about speed. It’s about urgency. One of the charges against the president of the United States—saying he was violating the oath of office by asking for government to interfere in our election undermining the integrity of our elections.”


She added, “If we did not hold him accountable, he would continue to undermine our elections. Nothing less is at stake than the central point of our democracy, of a free and fair election not to be disrupted by foreign powers.”

Anonymous ID: 3c3cba Dec. 11, 2019, 1:05 p.m. No.7482842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2848 >>3207 >>3404 >>3537

Bill Clinton Weighs in on Trump Impeachment Coup, ‘Congress is Doing Their Job’ (VIDEO)


Former President Bill Clinton on Tuesday looked very frail as he weighed in on the Democrats’ impeachment coup against Trump.


Clinton, who is the only living president to have also gone through the impeachment process, told Fox News reporters that ‘Congress is doing their job.’


“They’re doing their job as they see it and we should wait to see it unfold,” Slick Willie told Fox News while touring a Clinton Foundation program in New York City. “And the rest of us should go about our jobs and do them as we see it.”


Bill Clinton was impeached in December of 1998 for perjury and obstruction of justice.


Clinton, unlike Trump, actually committed crimes and the House of Representatives impeached him on two separate articles including a total of 11 charges.


Clinton’s crooked wife Hillary cheered after the Democrats announced impeachment articles on Tuesday and called Trump the “occupant of the Oval Office.”

Anonymous ID: 3c3cba Dec. 11, 2019, 1:06 p.m. No.7482853   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Everything is a stall tactic from both sides IMO


They are all so nervous and corrupt they are scared to proceed on anything accept for delays.

Anonymous ID: 3c3cba Dec. 11, 2019, 1:08 p.m. No.7482872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2883 >>3207 >>3404 >>3537

Three Men Arrested In NJ For Running Alleged $722 Million Crypto Ponzi Scheme


United States authorities in New Jersey have announced the arrest of three men who are accused of defrauding investors of over $722 million as part of alleged crypto ponzie scheme BitClub Network, per a Dec. 10 announcement from the Department of Justice.


The accusations against BitClub Network


According to the press release, BitClub Network promised massive rates of return in exchange for investments in a shared cryptocurrency mining pool. The parties at the center of the scheme then allegedly misappropriated over $722 million of those funds into their own lavish living rather than the promised mining pool.


Authorities further accuse the three men arrested of falsifying information on returns in order to solicit more investment as well as


The three accused are Matthew Goettsche and Jobadiah Weeks — both from Colorado — and Joseph Abel of California. Authorities are charging the first two with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, as well as conspiracy to offer and sell unregistered securities. Abel, who was apparently less central to the scheme, has only been charged with conspiracy to offer and sell unregistered securities, a charge that carries a maximum prison term of 5 years.


The press release mentions additional conspirators who have not been named or charged with crimes.

A suspicious history


This is not the first indication that BitClub may not be a fully above-board operation. Back in 2016, crypto news outlet 99Bitcoins warned against investing in BitClub, despite removing an earlier “scam” label from the company. The author, Ofir Beigel, explained:


“After gathering the facts I can’t prove that Bitclub network is a scam beyond a shadow of a doubt. I do however still think that Bitclub Network’s business model is lacking and wouldn’t invest in it personally


Back in March of 2017, Cointelegraph reported on accusations that BitClub had launched a malleability attack on the Bitcoin (BTC) network.

Ongoing legal action against OneCoin


Arguably the most famous crypto exit scam in history, the case of OneCoin has seen notable recent legal action. In November, a jury in Manhattan found an attorney guilty of laundering over $400 million on behalf of OneCoin’s famed founder Ruja Ignatova, also known as the Cryptoqueen. For his services, he was allegedly paid $50 million.


Ignatova’s location remains unknown. Only last week, OneCoin’s website finally went offline, having helped the scheme garner $4 billion.

Anonymous ID: 3c3cba Dec. 11, 2019, 1:10 p.m. No.7482885   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3207 >>3404 >>3537

EPA and Justice Department Announce $245 Million Agreement for Cleanup at the Allied Paper Inc./Portage Creek/Kalamazoo River Superfund Site

Anonymous ID: 3c3cba Dec. 11, 2019, 1:23 p.m. No.7482993   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3007 >>3021 >>3207 >>3404 >>3410 >>3537

Federal Judge Blocks Pentagon Funds Targeted for Border Wall


Donald Trump's dream of building a "big, beautiful wall" along the southern border took a hit yesterday when a federal judge ruled that Pentagon funds totaling $3.6 billion diverted for 11 construction projects along the southern border could not be used for wall construction.


Significantly, the judge, David Briones of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas, ruled that other funds, already approved by the Supreme Court, could be spent. Those funds, which come from a Pentagon counter-narcotics fund, could still be used for wall construction.


The argument being used by the city of El Paso was that Trump overstepped his authority in declaring a national emergency along the border. Briones agreed and issued a permanent injunction against the use of the funds.


Opponents of the wall cheered the ruling.




"The President's emergency proclamation was a blatant attempt to grab power from Congress. Today's order affirms that the President is not a king and that our courts are willing to check him when he oversteps his bounds," said Kristy Parker, counsel for Protect Democracy, a nonpartisan nonprofit which represented the plaintiffs, in a statement.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tied the ruling to others blocking the executive branch from going around Congress.


"Once again, the courts have resoundingly ruled against the President's attempt to negate our system of separation of powers, which is the genius of our Constitution, by assaulting Congress's exclusive constitutional power of the purse," Pelosi said in a statement. "Despite what the President may think, Article II does not mean that he can 'do whatever he wants.'"


The ruling is worrisome for Trump from a legal standpoint because it's apparent that the federal judiciary is taking a dim view of the president's emergency declaration, finding the administration's arguments in favor of it lacking.


And El Paso has more than enough standing to pass any legal test.


The county also argued that it would suffer reputational and economic harm from the border wall project because the president's emergency declaration created the impression that the border city was dangerous. In October, Briones, a Clinton appointee, ruled that such claims had merit.


This doesn't bode well for Trump's prospects in the Supreme Court.

Anonymous ID: 3c3cba Dec. 11, 2019, 1:25 p.m. No.7483017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3207 >>3404 >>3537

These Reporters All Lied About the Steele Dossier, Carter Page, and FISA Warrants


After the report was released on the Russia collusion investigation, it has become clear that FISA requests were approved by judges based on the Steele dossier – a report funded for and written by anti-Trump hacks. Over the last few years, however, many journalists denied this to be the case. Oh no, they said time and again, the Steele dossier wasn't (much of) the basis of the FISA request(s) to spy on former Trump adviser Carter Page at all. No sir.


Twitter-user @Techno_Fog was so kind as to collect tweets from those journalists about the matter. To start with: the Washington Post's Shane Harris. On January 12, 2018, Harris wrote: "I am telling you the dossier was not used as the basis for a FISA warrant on Carter Page."



Anonymous ID: 3c3cba Dec. 11, 2019, 1:27 p.m. No.7483023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3207 >>3404 >>3537

Nearly 150 CEOs departed in November, putting 2019 on track to be record year for executive exits


148 chief executives left their posts in November, according to business and executive coaching firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas.

Chief executives from Alphabet, United Airlines, Expedia and SoulCycle said farewell in recent weeks.

2019 is on track to be the highest number of CEO departures on record.


2019 is the year of CEO departures.


In November, 148 chief executives left their posts, according to business and executive coaching firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas. Only five more CEOs need to depart for 2019 to be the highest year on record, and we already know of a few CEOs out in December.


Alphabet, United Airlines, Expedia and SoulCycle are just a few of the companies that lost their chief executive officers in recent weeks, continuing the record-setting pace of exits this year by the heads of U.S. businesses.

Anonymous ID: 3c3cba Dec. 11, 2019, 1:29 p.m. No.7483048   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bahrain court gives life sentence to eight anti-regime activists


A court in Bahrain has sentenced eight anti-regime protesters to life imprisonment and handed down prison sentences to several others as the ruling Al Khalifah regime presses ahead with its heavy-handed clampdown on political dissidents and pro-democracy campaigners in the Persian Gulf kingdom.


On Wednesday, the First High Criminal Court sentenced five defendants to life in prison after finding them guilty of “possessing weapons, explosives as well as mock bombs, and helping some criminals to flee from justice …,” Arabic-language Bahrain Mirror news website reported.


The report added that they were also ordered to pay a fine of 100,000 dinars (over $265,000) each.


Separately, seven other anti-regime protesters received 10-year prison sentence, and were ordered to pay a fine of 100,000 dinars by the same court.

Anonymous ID: 3c3cba Dec. 11, 2019, 1:48 p.m. No.7483230   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Funding Of U.S. Deficits By Monetary Creation Reaches 90% In Late 2019


Total deficit spending, the extent to which monies spent by the federal government exceeded taxes collected, was a staggering $422 billion in just the last 12 weeks. In total, $367 billion of the funding for this increase in the national debt was provided at very low interest rates, via the mechanism of the Federal Reserve simply creating the money needed to fund the government spending.


Neither the Treasury Department nor the Federal Reserve will admit to what is happening. The Fed is using two separate programs to accomplish this, with a sufficient degree of complexity that it becomes difficult for average citizen to follow where the money is coming in from and what it is being used for.


In this step by step analysis, we will put together the week by week numbers from the Fed and the Treasury, uncover what is being hidden behind a veil of complexity, and show the simple truth – about 90% of recent federal government deficit spending has effectively been funded at below market rates by simply creating the new money.


This analysis is part of a series of related analyses, which support a book that is in the process of being written. Some key chapters from the book and an overview of the series are linked here.

Deficit Spending Has To Be Funded By Somebody


As 2019 ends, we are in a time of potentially rapid change for markets, interest rates, investment prices and the funding for the national debt. As reviewed in recent analyses, we have moved back into a time of $1+ trillion annual deficits, and this is currently projected by the government to extend into the indefinite future.



Anonymous ID: 3c3cba Dec. 11, 2019, 1:51 p.m. No.7483253   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chinese communist govt raids Christian church during Sunday service, expels worshipers


SHANGHAI, China, December 10, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — The Chinese communist government has shut down another Christian church.


On Sunday, December 1, agents of the Chinese government burst into Shanghai’s Wheat Church, disrupting the service being held inside.


According to China Aid, the emissaries of the communist regime accused the Christians of holding religious activities in an illegal place. They expelled the congregation, who refused to leave. An estimated 200 Christians remained in front of the church to continue their singing and prayers.


“What we’re seeing,” David Mulroney, a former Canadian ambassador to China, told LifesiteNews, “from Xinjiang to Tibet, and across Protestant and Catholic communities throughout China is an all-out war being waged by the Communist Party against religious belief and believers,” he said via social media.


“It is shocking and appalling in its vast scope and in its brazen disregard for human rights,” Mulroney continued.


“But it also betrays the Party’s insecurity, its fear that Chinese people might discover, through belief in God, just how false and unsatisfying is the sad and uninspiring mix of socialism and materialism that is the Communist government’s main offering.”


Mulroney, who lived in Beijing from 2009 to 2012, said believers in China need Western countries to notice their suffering.


“It would help enormously if more western countries, including Canada, still cared about religious freedom and treated it as the essential human right that it is,” he said.


“But China’s assault on religion is politely ignored in the West, even by the Vatican, which should be providing the clearest and most urgent calls for change.”


Steven Mosher is the author of Bully of Asia: Why China’s Dream is the New Threat to World Order and president of the Population Research Institute. He told LifeSiteNews via email that the raid on Wheat Church is another result of the new restriction on religious worship in China.


“The raid on this evangelical church, which has several hundred members, is yet more evidence that the Chinese Communist Party is deadly serious about enforcing the new restrictions on religious activity,” Mosher said.


“These restrictions, which came into effect February 1st, 2018, allow ‘religious activities’ — broadly defined as anything from a Catholic Mass to a simple prayer meeting — to take place only at approved locations at approved times,” the expert explained.


“Video surveillance cameras are installed at such locations and plainclothes policemen are generally present in order to closely monitor what the participants say and do.”


Mosher underscored that Christian priests and pastors who conduct such services must be members of the state-controlled church, which for Catholics is the schismatic Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association, and no one under the age of eighteen is allowed to be present.


“I would also point out that the only reason we know about this police raid, which will result in fines and imprisonment for those in charge, is because it took place in Shanghai, a major coastal metropolis,” he added. “Similar raids are taking place in smaller cities and towns throughout China, but we rarely hear about these.”

Anonymous ID: 3c3cba Dec. 11, 2019, 1:53 p.m. No.7483265   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Leadership Strips Approved Antiwar Measures From NDAA


The House version of the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) set aside an irresponsibly large amount of money for military spending, but it also added some antiwar amendments and other very basic limitations. The House and Senate versions have now been reconciled into a final bill, and materially all of the limitations that the House voted on and approved have been stripped away, in favor of a $738 billion bill that continues spending, but makes no attempt to rein in the military in any serious way.


The House bill had included the latest attempt to use the power of the purse to end US military involvement in Yemen, something that both houses had attempted to do in a War Powers Act resolution that was previously vetoed by President Trump. That language will not be in the final bill.


Nor will House language from Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) that said any US attack on Iran could only come with the passage of an authorization for the use of military force against Iran. That is to say, it preemptively aimed to forbid an unauthorized US attack on Iran. The language is gone, and while theoretically the president is meant to be forbidden from unauthorized attacks, that’s not the way recent administrations have treated the law.


The bill also removes language that forbade the Pentagon from researching low-yield nuclear weapons. Some officials had been advocating the development of “more usable” nukes, despite concerns that this would mean the usage of such arms would become more common.


At its core, a lot of the language in the House bill was aimed at giving Congress more specific say on how the military is to carry out certain operations, and more importantly certain things that it is absolutely not to do. This was presented as necessary because Congressional Democrats were worried about President Trump acting unilaterally.


In the end, more or less all of this was stripped away, even backing away from border wall restrictions that were one of the first things put in place in the House bill.


Language the administration was supportive of, by contrast, did much better in reconciliation. Language sanctioning Russia for building a natural gas pipeline to Germany survived, and the bill even gives the administration its long-sought Space Force.


The expectation is that this final NDAA will be voted on in the House on Wednesday, and in the Senate some days later. It will almost certainly be signed by the president, since anything remotely objectionable to him has already been forgotten.

Anonymous ID: 3c3cba Dec. 11, 2019, 1:59 p.m. No.7483313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3319 >>3326 >>3404 >>3537

Chilean Air Force Discovers Debris Believed to be From Missing C-130 Aircraft


Chilean officials announced Wednesday afternoon they had located debris from a Chilean Air Force C-130 transport that disappeared the previous day while bound for Antarctica.


While conducting a search for signs of the propeller-driven airplane on Wednesday, the Chilean ship Antarctic Endeavor discovered sponge remains floating in the sea roughly 30 kilometers from where the C-130 was last seen on radar, according to an announcement by the Chilean Air Force.


The sponges are believed to have been attached to the plane's fuel tanks, which are located inside its wing ponds. However, the items are being returned to the mainland for further analysis, according to the press release.


Carrying 17 crew and 21 passengers, the C-130 took off from Chile's Punta Arenas on Tuesday afternoon, bound for a military installation on King George Island, just off the coast of Antarctica and about 770 miles southeast of their departure point. However, they didn't make it there, disappearing about 450 miles into the trip, while over the Drake Passage, according to the BBC.


Chilean Air Force Gen. Eduardo Mosqueira told local reporters the plane never activated a distress beacon before suddenly dropping off radar. While the waterway is often treacherous, weather was reportedly clear and calm on Tuesday.


Earlier on Wednesday, US Southern Command announced it was dispatching a P-8 Poseidon electronic surveillance aircraft to Punta Arenas from its base in El Salvador to help aid in the search effort.


"Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Chile and with the families of the missing as we join other regional partners supporting Chile’s ongoing search for the C-130, its crew and their passengers,” SOUTHCOM commander US Navy Adm. Craig Faller said in a press release.


Built by the Lockheed since the 1950s, the heavy-lifting aircraft has been in service continually ever since, serving in dozens of nations and filling a wide variety of roles, from transport to fire fighting to close air support gunship.

Anonymous ID: 3c3cba Dec. 11, 2019, 2:03 p.m. No.7483341   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wisconsin Strip Club Owner & Former Manager Charged with Federal Offenses


A federal grand jury indicted Michael C. Siegel (age 52) formerly of Clyman and currently of Fox Lake, Wisconsin, and Scott D. Hoeft (age 40) of Watertown, Wisconsin, for offenses related to the operation of the Hardware Store, a strip club located in Dodge County.


The indictment contains two counts. Count One alleges that between 2009 and 2018, Siegel (an owner of the club) and Hoeft (a former bartender and manager) conspired with each other and others to use facilities in interstate commerce to promote, manage, and carry on unlawful prostitution offenses, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 371 & 1952(a)(3). Count Two alleges that in April 2018 Siegel made false statements to law enforcement investigating human trafficking offenses, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1001.


According to the indictment, the purpose of the conspiracy was to generate revenue for the Hardware Store by making the club’s lap dance and champagne rooms available for unlawful prostitution activity, including oral sex, full intercourse, and fetish activities. The indictment alleges that as a part of the conspiracy, Hoeft, Siegel, and others: (1) hired and employed dancers willing to perform sex acts, including women that they knew were working for pimps; (2) sent text messages in interstate commerce and used Facebook Messenger to communicate with dancers and pimps; and (3) allowed customers to use credit cards to pay for lap dances and champagne rooms and to obtain cash back to pay dancers directly for sex acts. The indictment also describes a series of acts by Siegel, Hoeft, and other designed to carry on the unlawful activity.


United States Attorney Krueger commented: “These charges send a warning to any business owner who works with a pimp to facilitate illegal prostitution. When a pimp is involved, women are often being trafficked by force, fraud, and coercion. The Justice Department is committed to prosecuting sex trafficking aggressively.”


Special Agent in Charge Robert E. Hughes, of the FBI Milwaukee Field Office, stated: “The collaborative efforts of the FBI working closely with our law enforcement partners makes it possible to bring offenders to justice who work with pimps who victimize women, often forced by violence into the unlawful act of prostitution.”


“I am thankful for the partnership with the federal government in developing this case regarding the human trafficking, prostitution, and other serious crimes. The charges brought against Siegel and Hoeft send a strong and clear message that we will not tolerate this criminal activity and we will use all resources available to us to hold offenders accountable,” said Dodge County Sheriff Dale J. Schmidt.


If convicted of Count One, Siegel and Hoeft would face up to 5 years in prison. If convicted of Count Two, Siegel would face up to 8 years in prison. Each count of conviction also carries a maximum fine of $250,000 and a maximum term of 3 years of supervised release following any prison sentence.

Anonymous ID: 3c3cba Dec. 11, 2019, 2:09 p.m. No.7483377   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Page from Iraq playbook: US invokes WMDs to pile ‘maximum pressure’ sanctions on Iran


With over a year of sanctions failing to force Tehran to bend the knee, Washington is now resorting to creatively invoking “weapons of mass destruction” – the very same pretext the US used for the 2003 invasion of Iraq.


On Wednesday, the US Treasury Department expanded sanctions against Mahan Air, Iran’s largest privately-owned airline, citing a 2005 executive order by then-President George W. Bush targeting “weapons of mass destruction proliferators and their supporters.”


Mind you, nowhere in the sanctions announcement does Treasury say that Mahan actually transported WMDs. Instead, the airline is accused of flying personnel and weapons for Iran’s “terrorist and militant groups” and thereby “directly contributing” to conflicts in Syria and Yemen.


Meanwhile, the US is sending weapons to “moderate” jihadist terrorists in Syria, and arming and refueling Saudi Arabian and allied forces that have been bombing Yemen to the stone age since 2015. This is never mentioned, of course. Nor is anyone allowed to sanction Washington for any of this, as sanctions only go in one direction.


The point of the sanctions is to scare anyone away from doing any business with the blacklisted companies or individuals. Imagine being sued by the US for violating sanctions against “WMD proliferators” over fulfilling a catering contract, selling airplane parts, or providing ticketing services. It may sound nonsensical, but there you have it.


The State Department has basically admitted to deliberately using the WMD classification to make Iranian companies radioactive to potential business partners.


“Our ability to work with partners overseas to deny Iranian shippers access to ports, or prevent transactions, much more diplomatically persuasive when able to identify WMD or missile proliferation as the gravamen of the complaint,” is how Christopher Ford, assistant secretary of state for international security and non-proliferation, explained it to Financial Times.