Anonymous ID: b65743 Dec. 11, 2019, 4:47 p.m. No.7484426   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7484311 (LB)

Your post reads like a who's who of the shill world. A tech version of "what did you say about me you... Navy Seal". But, as I am taking a break from my current dig due to it being massive in scope and number of pages, I will humor this in the case you are simply a newfag trying to build yourself up to fit in and given you handled yourself in a respectful manner while being able to write at an acceptable level.


Realize though that every single actual anon looks at every single actual piece of data, has a fair mind, and does not obsess over anything except the bottom line facts. Those who do not maintain that method and present ridiculous statements are more often than not shills, or media trying to paint an issue for a story, or glow, or foreign controlled assets. As it stands, I suspect you are media given certain words you used and catch key phrases but, whether you are or not, it makes no difference. That other anon states there are "gatekeepers" here and that is simply untrue as nobody controls what is written and it falls to the anon to prove their case. In all my many notables I have always proved my case on them all while also battling shills to try to derail it. So a person must make a solid, intelligent and compelling case for their information and not just drop something, give an opinion, and think it will stick. It won't because this isn't a liberal arts class where everybody believes the woe of everybody else just because they say it. The real world deals in compelling material and compelling statements. That is how it runs. That is why shills will always fail. That is why the DNC is completely broken at this point. That is why the west is having all the issues it is, because it humors those who have no understanding of critical thinking or how to compellingly state it.


Back on point, I will humor you but I only have one question and how you answer it will dictate if I bother with you after that:


Explain this in totality:

>familiar with hierarchical organizations

Anonymous ID: b65743 Dec. 11, 2019, 5:16 p.m. No.7484681   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4684

By the way, in the case it didn't come up earlier since I didn't see it in notables, the federal judge who blocked the border wall funds earlier named David Briones was a Clinton appointee in 1994. There is also apparently a psychiatrist by the exact same name in El Paso as well. I have never heard that last name before but I guess two with the same first and last name both are from El Paso.


Look who reported his nomination in 1994 - then Senator Joe Biden:

Anonymous ID: b65743 Dec. 11, 2019, 5:23 p.m. No.7484735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4797


I know your post from the previous thread and I see you deviated your background a bit. Ask questions if you want them answered but stop trying to power level yourself. Just come in, ask what you are confused on and do not try to build yourself up as anything other than an anon or else you will look ridiculous. People who have experience with the service, or government, or whatever make themselves known by their statements, specific words they use, knowledge of specific things, and so on, they do not introduce themselves as something and especially on an anonymous board with foreign intel, media looking to dox, bad actors and so on all over it 24/7 just looking for something to latch onto.

Anonymous ID: b65743 Dec. 11, 2019, 5:30 p.m. No.7484782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4795


One was a Disney security guard, another a PGA golfer:

Anonymous ID: b65743 Dec. 11, 2019, 5:40 p.m. No.7484863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4872 >>4883 >>4908 >>5022 >>5057

Do not post photos of any firearms that you maintain you idiots (for those responding to that phish). It is data that can nefariously be used against either you and especially for the creation of a false flag even by the post itself.

Anonymous ID: b65743 Dec. 11, 2019, 5:41 p.m. No.7484899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4907 >>4916 >>4956

Clear shill narrative shift going on right now. I predict high probability of a false flag incoming.



I know and you're right but consider what they could do by even using the post and learning who has what. They could create a false flag with that type of weapon, the media can then use the post as a means to blame the site, and then it becomes a circus. It's a phishing attempt and given how it came out of nowhere and is coming from numerous ID switches I think a potential false flag incoming.

Anonymous ID: b65743 Dec. 11, 2019, 5:49 p.m. No.7484980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5014


Checked and 100% this anon gets it. Bottom line is that the majority of the anons are good people from what I have read for a good long while now. Just random people who have interest in researching and most importantly want to feel apart of something that they see can help their nation. That is the part that really sickens me about the media statements is they are not attacking mean or deranged or even slightly bad people for the most part but are attacking average citizens who are no different than those who routinely check the Cold Case forums to try to help solve them. Just a bunch of people from different backgrounds who see things they think may be bad and want to do their part. Not hostile, not dangerous, just nobodies for the most part and looking to do their part to help with the country they love.


Never have I seen a single one of those people come on, announce themselves and just ask questions to write a serious story to find out the facts. That is actually a big part of why the research is so popular in that so many see the failure of the media and are trying to pick up the slack to find facts and help their fellow citizens. For them to try to do what they do, it's despicable and especially so when all they have to do is their job but they won't because they do not even know how in my opinion as all their stories are fed to them by the very same machine that is using them and will eventually do away with them. Yet they help it.