if you made a fullsized 'copy' of a 'lvoed-one' it would have to be treated as a minor child for 18 years . . .
I'm writing fiction, that is often presented as conjecture. I know that I do this, I do it wilfully and I love to banty it about.
I think that a lot of lawyers and politicians do the same kind of thing, but often times, the poorly educated ones, they act as if their fictional narrative has a rock-solid quality to it, as if it's the bedrock of a new age and they are heroic for forcing you to climb their insurmountalbe mountain. If you try to get to the top of it you will most surly either die or be greatly depleted and perhaps fatally injured, and yet they demand you climb up their great big rock-candy mountain of fallacy, march off to the killing fields of rural places and face your maker, they demand. or you are a baadd person.
cloning is stupid. It descriminated against real people. It's based on fetish of fallacy. It's selfishness of jaded psuedo-aristocracy taken to the highest level. It's fantasy-science-fiction as a way of life. It's a rediculous and environmentally wreckless path for future efforts, and it creates cunnundrums and opportunities for exploitation that . . . will need to be dealt with.
but here is the fact: all of that conjecture exists in copius detail in the fiction of science and industry from the last 150 years of literature.
and all of that is 'owned' by some small few.
copyright and patent law is what needs reform.
all this talk of 'clones' is merely a rewrite of an old story that media-hording conglomerates 'own'.