Anonymous ID: 5e76d3 Dec. 12, 2019, 9:05 a.m. No.7488999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9050

James Comey, Adam Schiff to be Interviewed by Chris Wallace


Calif.), Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, are both set to be interviewed by Fox News’ Chris Wallace this weekend, The Hill reports.


The California congressman and disgraced former FBI director will appear on Wallace’s “Fox News Sunday” to discuss impeachment, the recently-released Inspector General’s report, and more. Schiff had previously been interviewed by Wallace once before, back in April of this year, while Comey had been interviewed by Bret Baier in April of last year.


Comey was also set to appear on the morning show “Fox and Friends,” but his appearance was cancelled after the release of Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on misconduct by Comey’s FBI during the FISA application process in 2016.

Anonymous ID: 5e76d3 Dec. 12, 2019, 9:11 a.m. No.7489047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9387 >>9500 >>9537 >>9674

Albanian Government Proposes Law To Restrict Citizen Movements, Surveil, And Search Without Court Warrant


On November 25, the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama announced a new law that will essentially give the government new powers, including restricting citizens’ movement, arresting citizens without court orders, being able to search property at a whim, and being able to tap phones and social media communications as they wish.


This so-called “Special Anti-KÇK Package” has been presented by Rama as an important step in the “fight against terrorism, mafia and organized crime” and he says it will “destroy the foundations of crime nests.” KÇK (Kap Ça të Kapësh – grab what you can) is a term coined by Rama to describe prosecutors and judges who before being dismissed by the vetting commission “grab what they can” by abusing power.


But the reality is that the law will create a special unit that reports to the prime minister, outside of the justice system and without any supervision. The powers of these ‘secret police’ and the intelligence services will create ample room for abuse and political use, fear many members of civil society.

Anonymous ID: 5e76d3 Dec. 12, 2019, 9:13 a.m. No.7489063   🗄️.is 🔗kun

YouTube Bans 'Malicious Insults' Against Public Officials Who Are Members Of A 'Protected' Class


YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki's new "harassment policy" bans "malicious insults" against "public officials" who are members of a "protected" class.


From YouTube, "An update to our harassment policy":

A stronger stance against threats and personal attacks


We’ve always removed videos that explicitly threaten someone, reveal confidential personal information, or encourage people to harass someone else. Moving forward, our policies will go a step further and not only prohibit explicit threats, but also veiled or implied threats. This includes content simulating violence toward an individual or language suggesting physical violence may occur. No individual should be subject to harassment that suggests violence.


Beyond threatening someone, there is also demeaning language that goes too far. To establish a consistent criteria for what type of content is not allowed on YouTube, we’re building upon the framework we use for our hate speech policy. We will no longer allow content that maliciously insults someone based on protected attributes such as their race, gender expression, or sexual orientation. This applies to everyone, from private individuals, to YouTube creators, to public officials.

As always, we know certain exceptions will apply!

Anonymous ID: 5e76d3 Dec. 12, 2019, 9:27 a.m. No.7489205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9658

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov States The Obvious – Trump Understands Russia And US Need Better Relations, But Deep State Resists


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov met with U.S. President Donald Trump in the Oval Office yesterday in Washington. Both officials described the meeting as productive.


Lavrov made a point to describe in the Russian press how President Trump understood the need for better relations with Moscow but was being held back by the Deep State.


“As far as [US] relations with Russia are concerned, we have no reasons to doubt that President Donald Trump sincerely realizes benefits of good Russian-US relations for Americans, for American businesses, for the US in general and for the global situation,” Lavrov said, adding that such relations “should contain no element of favoritism to anyone” and “be based on the balance of interests, pragmatism and mutual benefits,” reported Russian state news agency TASS.


“We are aware that not everyone in the US shares our point of view. [Certain forces] are trying to slow down the normalization of our relations by all means, to impose more and more sanctions [on Russia],” he said.

Anonymous ID: 5e76d3 Dec. 12, 2019, 9:30 a.m. No.7489242   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Fast and Furious: Eric Holder held in contempt


Attorney General Eric Holder on Wednesday became the first Obama administration official to be held in contempt by a congressional panel. Ed O’Keefe and Sari Horwitz reported from the House Oversight and Government reform Committee hearing on Holder:


A House panel voted Wednesday to hold Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. in contempt for failing to cooperate with a congressional inquiry into Operation “Fast and Furious,” hours after President Obama asserted executive privilege over related documents.


On a party-line decision, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee voted 23 to 17 to hold Holder in contempt for failing to share documents related to the operation run out of the Phoenix division of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives between 2009 and 2011, with the backing of the U.S. attorney in Phoenix.

Anonymous ID: 5e76d3 Dec. 12, 2019, 9:56 a.m. No.7489413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9459 >>9537 >>9674

Just keep cleaning that swamp its awfully dirty


The Pentagon’s Top Asia Policy Expert Resigns

Randy Schriver’s departure creates another vacancy in the department’s senior leadership.


China Hawk Leaves Department of Defense


Randy Schriver, the assistant secretary of defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs, has resigned his post, three sources confirmed to Foreign Policy, creating yet another vacancy in an increasingly empty Department of Defense despite new Pentagon chief Mark Esper’s push to fill top jobs.


Schriver carved out a reputation as a China hawk, helping oversee the Pentagon’s strategic shift from wars in the Middle East to confronting Beijing. He was one of the first senior U.S. officials to publicly criticize China for its mass internment of ethnic Uighurs and describe the internment facilities as “concentration camps.”


More empty offices. Schriver’s departure leaves the Pentagon with another hole in its civilian leadership. As of Sept. 5, the number of vacant Senate-confirmed positions was 14. Although the secretaries of the Army and Air Force have been confirmed, the vacancies are piling up. Navy Secretary Richard Spencer was recently fired. Meanwhile, key posts at the policy shop, including the top official for international security affairs, are still held by acting officials.