Anonymous ID: ddd456 Dec. 12, 2019, 10:05 a.m. No.7489486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9572 >>9583

>>7488530 lb


>>7488508 lb

'There I was, minding my own business with a stranger in a downtown Tel Aviv hotel room, accepting $10K in cash - no questions asked.

I was framed, damnit! Framed!'

Anons have to quit carrying this schmuck's water.


Have always had questions about when he was at Link. In the Senate hearing, they mentioned HUMINT or FBI employees going after Carter/Page BEFORE they had even joined the Trump campaign, and therefore would not be in a position to smear Trump with a Russian collusion smear. But there was a short period of time when PapaD said he announced to folks at the International (something) Law Center(and being temporarily assigned to Link at the time), it was then that PapaD was told(By who?) that before he leaves he should talk to Misfud. At the same time, Misfud was told(by who?) that he should “put PapaD in contact with the Russians”.


Now who would Misfud be taking orders ffom? Not the Italians. They deny anything to do with him other than he taught at a school in their country- a school notoriously associated with WESTERN intelligence. So Misfud had enough time being acquainted with PapaD at Link to introduce him to PapaD to his wife-to-be.

It’s the being assigned from the International Law Center to be attached to The Link Center that seems where PapaD was either sent into the spider’s web(Misfud) jto be exposed to Misfud. I think, if PapaD is “innocent”, then it may have been someone at the International School of Law that learned of his plans to join the Trump Campaign. And whoever it was at that Law School told him to spend time at Link?


Things don’t add up. If PapaD was already at The Link Center when he announced he was joining the Trump campaign, and it was at this time he was told he should talk to Misfud, that doesn’t seem to agree with him being at The Link School for months and, what, only after he says he is leaving to work for the Trump campaign, he is “told” to talk to Misfud who teaches there? Like he never made his acquaintance? Misfud introduced PapaD to his wife. They had times together. PapaD is lying about the circumstances of his contact with Misfud or he telegraphed his intent to join Trump’s team months before.

It someone was trying to trap PapaD, by exposing him to Misfud, they had to put him in Misfud’s Link school, a school known to be associated with Western intelligence. Did Pdop know this? What if he did? Why would should he feel worried going to a school with such a reputation? It’s Western intelligence after all. Our side.

Lot’s of questions. If Pdop is not guilty, then we should look at who, at the Intl. Ctr. for Law?, sent him to the Link or encouraged him to go to the Link. Also, look at Misfud’s lawyer, and part owner/creator of Link.

If he is guilty, is it of trying to get Trump smeared, he must implicate himself to do that- a kind of stupid thing to do?

Look at the owner’s/board of Link. Look at who encouraged Pdop to spend time at Link. How much time did Pdop have between learning he had been accepted by the Trump campaign and reporting for duty on the campaign?

If it was not much time, then someone would have to target him as a possible recruit, and Misfud was cut out extemporaneously to make contact. Would/could someone have a list of all the people applying to work for the Trump campaign and choose their marks? Open for discussion. I know some anons will probly say who cares? I do. >>7488530



>'There I was, minding my own business with a stranger in a downtown Tel Aviv hotel room, accepting $10K in cash - no questions asked.

>I was framed, damnit! Framed!'

>Anons have to quit carrying this schmuck's water.

Anonymous ID: ddd456 Dec. 12, 2019, 10:24 a.m. No.7489583   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Okay got to respond to myself here. But only to say what I lacked eloquent argument to say in the first place. And that is, how in the hell would you have enough time, from learning that Pdop was going to join the Trump team, to then manouevre him into the spider’s web in time to expose him to the fake contact with the Russians, AND still have time to marry him off?


Imagine, the alternative: You are the cabal trying to get Trump and you learn, by chance that a guy is going to be joining the Trump campaign- and you tell your bosses, “Son of a bitch! You guys aren’t gonna believe this but the guy who’s joining the Trump campaign? He happens to fucking work here at the Link School where we can put him in touch with our guy Mifsud. How lucky are we?”

Anonymous ID: ddd456 Dec. 12, 2019, 10:31 a.m. No.7489628   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oh I definitely have problems with that too. Just trying to collect a few others in this conspiracy. Plants need water. But let’s get sll of them shall we?