newfag..this is a great summary...s/b required learning
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaG23Zv_-_8
newfag..this is a great summary...s/b required learning
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaG23Zv_-_8
Gateway to China/Asia. Control of Southern Hemisphere (unless you are a FE'er)?
I got thinking today about some things and all this undermining/infiltration of the Gov is a perfect set up for China taking over control..they are already building their own Panama canal, getting their dirty hands in Africa and South America. Keys tow world trade.
Wow the end shows the spider…just like the octopus of specter. Can't tell if it's an advertisement or expose.
Nice summary…add in the stealing of the Primary from Bernie.
That was my thinking way back when. I thought Trump was in on it (maybe he was at the time) or set up to be the dope and say stupid shit so Hillary would be assured victory. Trump either played along or didn't like being the laughing stock and took control (or the Generals met with him before with the 3 yr plan). I figured like other times he talked about running, he'd back out. He was just a ploy to get more CNN ratings and boost his own Reality show…but he fucked them in the end. Fooled me up til election day when I thought he might actually win.
Black Mass.
Sounds like an option for enhanced interrogation at Gitmo inmates…hmmm
Interesting dinner conversation. Organ donation. Creepy. This his distraction tool now>?
He should have donated his liver to Jobs and done us all a favor and died.
Nice anon…though you could have got one of her looking more manly :-)
What would make my year is the FBI being implicated in one of these events and then having to save it's own ass by admitting they were fake (or shown to be fake by not having a death cert/autopsy, etc) and blow the doors of SandyHoax and others and that would wake the masses in a hurry.
His life story is all based on major breach of trust.
Hey Thomas Paine!