Anonymous ID: 431b66 March 21, 2018, 5:23 p.m. No.749189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9233 >>9586


1 DNC/HRC push for Trump to win Primary because of belief she can beat him

2 BHO admin illegally spies on Trump campaign to help HRC win now caught spying illegally

3 HRC and group blackmail Repubs to screw Trump, Trump frees the blackmailed and passes tax cuts

4 Never Trumpers vow to get in his way and are now resigning

5 Hollywood sex tape of Trump threatens to derail his election and Harvey Weinstein files for bankruptcy today

6 HRC planned firework show for her win and now Trump is planning a 11/11 parade the likes never seen

7 MSM colluded with HRC and now the laughing stock on SM run by the same cabal rigging things for HRC to win ( that is double poetic justice and funny af)

8 Deep state banking on their hidden power yet 74% of the public believe they exist.

can anyone add to the list of the funny twists of fate that have been delivered?

Anonymous ID: 431b66 March 21, 2018, 5:35 p.m. No.749281   🗄️.is 🔗kun


there is more POETIC JUSTICE you know.

9 Mcabe had Sessions under investigation and now Mcabe faces criminal charges soon

10 Mcabe said Fuck Flynn then Fuck Trump and now Flynn has a Judge demanding exculpatory evidence and No collusion found by House INTEL. We can get to 20 and beyond if everyone wants to chip in and list the threat to Trump turned into a bad result for the threat maker. It would make a nice victory counter offensive tot he shit poster who keeps posting how Q is a larp and nothing has happened. I see a whole lot happening and it is funny af!

Anonymous ID: 431b66 March 21, 2018, 5:42 p.m. No.749351   🗄️.is 🔗kun

although I consider myself a lawfag, this question is over my head. If our tax dollars are paying for the special counsel bill, do we have standing in a Court proceeding to demand a "Show Cause" motion to the special counsel to explain the need for it to still be engaged to investigate pre election meddling when house intel has concluded with zero evidence of crimes by Trump Campaign ?

Anonymous ID: 431b66 March 21, 2018, 6:03 p.m. No.749545   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I believe in the 80/10/10 theory. 80 % of the time 80% of people will react a certain way given a certain circumstance. There will always be 10% who rise above and 10% who fall below expectations. To spread our message to the most we must produce a message to attract them. ( meaning use themes/characters , phrases, theories, commercials ect…familiar to them) The top 10% need something extra like facts or direction of where to search for themselves. The bottom 10 follow along with what everyone is saying or doing if it gains them SOMETHING. ( they just don't care unless you can show them a benefit to themselves personally) My mind works in an 80/10/10 fashion so when Q says get organized, I go there in my mind. Maybe it is just me but hope it helps others too

Anonymous ID: 431b66 March 21, 2018, 6:33 p.m. No.749817   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I have always been told I am different, weird, don't think like the rest, odd, see things differently. I have always stood my ground with my beliefs even when I had to stand alone. I have developed a tough shell after all these years. Hive mind seems like different words to mean the same thing. Group think, mob mentality , pack minded. If it has a different meaning , could someone tell me what it is because I put up a metaphorical brick wall when I see someone say it. Collective collaboration is what I see here but I don't like the idea that thought conformity is a must