damn youtube ..
Most curious dream just before passing into sleep last night.
Phone rang and i answered it, unusual for me on the home phone, it was none other than DJT.
One line i remember is We noticed you….
vague feeling of being asked for help, but my only thought was wtf could I do with all the high muckety mucks, and was no angel in my teens, and there was no way lowly me could suffer the spoltlight needed to help.
VERY unusual, I goto sleep and never remember dreams….
CRAZY i know, then started thinking how did "they" get my number… lol.
But in reality i know with IP addresses no one is truely anonymous.
Ross would not be prison for life if so.
drug free and proud of it. drink very little, maybe a six pack a year…
so you missed the mark there.
make no mistake if they do it, it will be worded that every single SEMI-Automatic will be included even my old 22 Marlin, since it holds 18 rounds.
here we go one more step and he becomes Antifa…
Thien this story fell through the cracks caught almost no MSM coverage.
Was talking about it today on Infowars…
http:// www.breitbart.com/london/2018/03/17/police-uncover-antifa-hoard-chemicals-high-explosives-mobile-bomb-factory-germany/