There is something really wrong with that guy (Maddow), I just can't put my finger on it.
Anon's, do any of you have a hard time watching movies since seeing how Hollywood have reacted to Trumps win and the fact that they eat babies?
I just can't seem to watch more than 5 minutes of a movie, I lose interest so fastโฆ.I haven't watched tv in almost 2yrs and I will never watch MSM news ever again.
Just want to know if I'm alone in this.
This has my ears twitching.
This is big. How could anyone say there is nothing to see here concerning Seth Rich.
I don't get that way with music, it's maybe because I can't see the singer, I'm real shit with putting voices/faces to songs. I'm glad really as music does bring people together and I like to sing, even if I'm not great sounding.
More Anon's like myself than I would have thought. I'll look up the movies Anon's have suggested. thanks