You just know swallowswell was beat up a lot when he was a kid.
Right now we have no form of government. We have, with all likelyhood, illegally election representatives, senators, and I would say probably president. We are watching a movie. There is no way these dem representatives were elected legally. No one in there right mind would elect them to do their bidding. The same with dem senators, where both R&D members of Congress have conspired to an illusion. Now as for the presidency either the election was unrigged or rigged in favor of Trump we may never know. This has been a silent soft coup by the military. The illusion is that we have a form of government that's correcting itself but it is not organically. I would suspect that in 2021 we see a record number of Bill's passed and signed to fully correct but until 2024 this is all a movie.