Anonymous ID: 67f0d6 Dec. 13, 2019, 9:30 a.m. No.7497631   🗄️.is 🔗kun



NYT: How This Con Man’s Wild Testimony Sent Dozens to Jail, and 4 to Death Row


I live in Pinellas County, Fl and a friend sent me this article today with the following message:


“Pinellas County has more executions than any other Florida county.

DeSantis should grant this guy clemency or Pardon.”


This was my response.




Where have you been? This is standard fare in the American “Justice” system, where more non-violent, non-psychopathic, and innocent human beings are sent to prison for bogus “criminal” offenses than in any other country on the planet.


But, despite the Left’s narrative that the Justice system’s “unfairness” is largely due to racial oppression of minorities, in reality, those with more resources (wealth, education and friend/family support systems) are simply more likely to escape the insanity without raising wide-spread awareness.


However, there is a notable exception to this taking place right now. After all, we have a very wealthy, duly elected, white male POTUS who is actually doing exactly what he said he was going to do if elected. Not only has he done more to reverse a broken Justice system (where minorities have suffered disproportionately for decades), but also by returning "common sense" to nearly every other insane institutional domain of government than any other president in American history.


And for these “crimes” he is currently facing "impeachment" charges without any semblance of due process.


When you really think about it, should we even be surprised?


It‘s truly “apocalyptic” precisely because the Truth is being Revealed for all to SEE.


Of course, the NYT is going to attempt to distract and trigger the masses with the most damning story of criminal injustice that they can muster up in order to demonize a Republican elected Sheriff and governor in a critical swing state in an effort to derail the reelection of Donald J. Trump. Even at its most superficial level, those @ the NYT are motivated less by caring about innocent people facing execution, but more by FEAR of what they themselves and their Puppet Masters will face if DJT is re-elected.




I know it’s difficult, but it’s time to (((wake up))).

When you are awake, you can SEE CLEARLY.


“Enjoy the show!”