Anonymous ID: cad87f Dec. 13, 2019, 9:27 a.m. No.7497622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7653 >>7684 >>7856 >>8037 >>8236


Noticed something while hate listening to National Propaganda Radio this morning. link to their story which includes the radio piece. The Fake News is scared of Rudy. Time to smear, but they used an interesting technique.


In the story they are reviewing history of Rudy Giuliani

>They start the piece by calling him an "oversized figure"



<"In 1987 his cases included prosecuting mafia figures"

major undersell of his accomplishments as a prosecutor

Rudy was world famous for his work at the time

"He left a legacy of successful prosecutions of leaders of New York’s “Commission” of organized crime families, the Mafia’s international heroin and cocaine ring in the “Pizza Connection” case, as well as high-profile political corruption and Wall Street criminal cases"


Story then cuts to a clip of RG interview about prosecuting mafia figures

>q: what advice do you give to a witness who feels intimidated

<a: this is not a game, you're dealing with people who still take out guns and shoot people down in the middle of the manhattan


Why pick that question from the 1987 interview?

cut to inskeep with summary

<si: "his battles against men who could

shoot someone and get away with it

<brought him fame."

Shoot someone and get away with it are hot words for a programmed audience who get triggered by Potus' 5th avenue comment.


So they take a situation where Rudy successfully prosecuted some of the most dangerous criminals of the time, minimized it, and associated it with their audience's hatred of potus by using the pre programmed "trump said he could shoot someone and get away with it" narrative.



From the

Hypnosis Training Academy


Conversational Hypnosis: How To Switch On Emotions Using “Hot” Words


Why Hot Words Work

If you look up the word “sensational” in a dictionary, you’ll find it defined something like this:

Intended to arouse strong feelings of curiosity or interest; meant to provoke a reaction; usually with exaggerated or shocking details.


Hot Words Worm Their Way Into The Unconscious

The Greek philosopher Plato is quoted as having said that:

“All learning is emotional.” tweet

If you think about it, that makes perfect sense. What’s easier to learn, something that gives you a real buzz (a feeling of excitement) or something that bores you to death? Obviously, the one that makes you feel excited.


Where To Look For Great Examples Of Hot Words

You already know one place to find hot words, and that’s newspaper headlines. Not just the front page, but scattered throughout the paper.

Hot words are found in advertising too. Listen carefully to the next commercial you see on TV and you’ll notice a bunch of hot words that are there to do just one thing: stimulate your emotions.

How will that ~~new shampoo~~NPR story make you feel? ~~Attractive, sexy~~Mad at Potus, Mad at Rudy? Will beautiful hair give you a little boost of confidence?