Anon 77 ID: da20ce Found it Dec. 13, 2019, 9:24 a.m. No.7497588   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The plan is not failing… its in full swing. Q just sent us everything we need I’ll give you a small example.


Q said (she in my opinion) was getting ready to engage Anons. Well, we have been engaged, but people are just sitting there waiting for some reason. Copy and Paste, Copy and Paste. What are you waiting for.


This is the smallest portion I can give you for now until Q gives direction. It did not look like this before it was unmasked.


U.S. De putrn cnl of J ustice


Fcdc1-;JI Burc;1u of Im csligution


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IMO they developed this font especially for those at the top to pass messages and to escape prosecution. This will be the beginning of the end for them.


FISA BRINGS DOWN THE HOUSE. We are to help with that. We are to expose [Them] and [Their] plans schemes before the arrests take place so they can’t avoid prosecution.