Below is how he came to this.
Anonymous 03/21/18 (Wed) 08:49:29 66ad3e No.744683>>748896
SB2 cracked it! - So this is the setting. That is what Q shares with us openly. Let us now explore what he says to us secretly. For that, notice we are still in the area of the board where we already have a key. Remember? Q830: you have more than you”r” know. The "r" is purposely there as confirmed in Q831: misspellings matter. “r” the 18th letter of the alphabet is the key we are going to use with the Florida Guccifer Method.
Same thing, we write the post respecting punctuation as hinted at in Q831. Then, we highlight every other 18 character and every time we have gathered the anagram of a word, we start recounting from the next line. This is what we get: image1 image2 image3.
Now, to solve the final anagram, you remember? We have to use the “light” in Q829 (KILL_BOX[1A-23x] Light_T_1A-23-go5) by “mapping” the text with the highlighted characters in a 23X23 grid. We still respect punctuation and make sure we have 2 spaces every time the original text goes to the next line. Why? Because, just like in reddit: 2 spacebars=next line. This is what we get: image4.
And, for clarity, putting in black unnecessary punctuation and adding colors, we get this: Image5.
Now, remember we have talked about the L,l, i and I in a previous post and how they could all be interchanged thanks to the hint in Q907. With the “light” on we can now solve the anagram naturally: All in H pvt end.
Which we can translate as follows:
All is in Hillary’s private server. That will be the end!