Nice response by Mike.
The target of the globalists is America, and the number one target is the “America First” president, Donald Trump.
Award-winning journalist Alex Newman recently sat down for an interview with USA Watchdog‘s Greg Hunter, and he revealed that the New World Order is “freaking out” about Trump.
“This has come through loud and clear, and they have made clear America, as we patriots understand it with “self-evident truth” and our Founders said we were “all created equal” and “we were endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights,” is not going to fly with their little vision of a New World Order,” said Newman.
“They need to eliminate that idea, and they make very clear they are coming after that. What we see in their actions and what we see in their words is they are trying to break down this idea of America…
It’s very clear their vision for the New World Order is totalitarian to the core…
They really can’t stand this whole agenda articulated by President Trump. We are going to put America first. We are going to stop globalism. We are going to get out of these so-called trade deals that undermine our sovereignty. You can tell they are freaking out about this, and it came through in the speeches at the World Government Summit most recently.”
Newman begins by blasting social media as a propaganda arm of the globalists and deep state.
“It’s actually really hard to tell where the social media berms begin and where the deep state ends. They’re practically one in the same and this has been true from the start. A lot of these big social media companies ended up getting seed money from the intelligence community through In-Q-Tel the investment arm of the US intelligence community.
And what you see is that all these globalist con bags…the leading executives of Facebook and Eric Schmit of Google and Twitter and LinkedIn and Amazon and all these…of course they all have memberships with the Council on Foreign Relations…
they are undergoing a systematic campaign to censor, to silence, and to sideline conservatives, Christians, libertarians, people who say anything that contradicts the agenda.”
Hunter then says that so many people still believe the New World Order (one world government) is just a myth. However, the World Government Council met back in February and no one in the mainstream media dared to alert the public.
“This World Government Summit, which was the sixth one they have had, which takes place on the Arabian Peninsula… is all out in the open.
It did not get any coverage in the American media, even though Sky News and CNN have cosponsored this event…
You had the heads of all these UN agencies, the Head of the IMF, the Head of the World Bank, you had top globalists and executives from social media companies, very senior government officials and the head of the United Nations last year. So, this is very serious business. They told us what their agenda was. They came out with an official press release and said we need to realign our institutions to get ready for the New World Order.
It’s not a conspiracy anymore because a conspiracy requires secrecy, and they are in the open now. It’s not a theory, it’s a fact and you cannot argue with the facts. They just haven’t told the American people their agenda.”