Notice how this anon only has a problem with hating jews and not hating anyone else? I hate traitors, scum, pedos, satanists. A fair number of them happen to be jewish. Get over it
Very few jews dare to question the 6 million figure. They get shunned, and shunning is actually not just a casual social thing, its codified in their books. By their family, by their church ,etc. They love their victim status and dont want to endanger it. $$$$$$$$$$$$
Klepper is not mainstream. Remmember its comedy. My theory is MSM has a conundrum. They so very much want to discredit Q because they think people are still stupid enough to trust them, but at the same time if they report on Q as a serious threat they legitimize it, they open themselves up to ridicule for reporting on conspiracy theories. So the only way they can try to.put it down is.with ridicule on comedy channel. Ridicule is their most effective weapon, even more than labelling us antisemite or racist