That meme is VERY wrong.
People of Israel should be JEWS.
They are NOT the same!!!!!!
>The tribes of Israel of the Bible - are WE WHO ACCEPT CHRIST.
Correct anon.
Like I had to explain to my mother the other day- there are the People of the World, The Israelites of the 12 tribes, there are the nations from the 12 tribes, and then there are the nations that Got the Blessing.
Don't get them confused.
The People of the World ALL have the opportunity to be a part of the Body of Christ by accepting Yeshua as your Saviour and "Doing unto the Least of These You have Done for ME".
Romans 2:10- but esteem, respect, and peace to everyone working what is good, to the Yehuḏi first and also to the Greek. Yehudi really refers to "The Tribe of Judah" which is the Original Israelites. Other translations like to say "Jew" which is a bit different and along with the Synagogue of Satan is a blanket term. I use "The Scriptures" from The Messianic Institute. Really like them. They are trying to stay true to the original language.
The Israelites of the 12 Tribes are still with us. I have a Danish neighbor, she is of the Tribe of Dan.
The Nations of the 12 Tribes are still with us, see this post and the pic.
The Nations that Got the Blessing are still with us. Ephraim and Manasseh are Great Britain and America. I would think that you would agree with me that the United States is still blessed, compared to other nations. The United States is the Eagle of Revelations as well. And the Safe Place in the Tribulation.
I do have my own board at >>>/villageidiots/99 if you want to continue the conversation longer term. I don't read all the breads.
Then why do airbags break windshields?
It's precisely the same principle.
So the anon you replied to was correct. A bomb would shatter the windshield and make it sag.
I'm an auto mechanic, mechanical engineering tech, and logical thinker. I know how this shit works and it doesn't take a PHD to figure it out.
I replied to the person that you replied to. Unfortunately you're wrong. But, I do appreciate the graphic that you posted because I need that.
I don't believe in the rapture before the tribulation… there is only one rapture.
United States is the Safe Place in the Tribulation.