Why doesn't Tillerson make at sense?
Who knows but you're forgetting there were 8 others in that same meeting. 5 were politicians. Why would ex intel person be there?
Silly to rule someone out just because you don't know why they were there. Lot of shit we know nothing about.
You need to use logic. In context to Q's post, Q only talks about people. So, if RT = real time, then MZ = magical zebra's?
You are all assuming the meeting just happened. What id the meeting was weeks ago? Remember, 1 former intel dir and 5 crooked politicians were also present.
Shouldn't let the fact we know nothing about topic of conversation determine who RT might be.
Thanks for the confirmation. I had even been looking thru Nov's drops last night and still missed it. Rizvi makes the most sense but Q needs to confirm.
there are a couple of pic's from Nov 22 & 23 from Q in this bread. 22nd Q talks about Rizvi Traverse Mgmt. An hour later he talks about FB. Seems like RT= Rizvi Traverse relating to MZ, ex intel dir and 5 politicians (5 of 8 that have top secret security clearance) being in a meeting makes the most sense of all RT possibilities so far.
Pretty sure he meant only 10 have the kind of security clearance he has. I'm guessing the highest clearance.
Anon figured it based on the "clock activated" drop from Q and a tweet from Potus.
So far, it has been really close to lining up, but not exactly. Given the nature of not controlling future events, I'd say it's been pretty close.
I have my doubts about Flynn, but anything is possible. With Flynn being monitored so heavily, he can't go anywhere without someone knowing.
I love reading the news everyday about how much money MZ is losing. Resigning would be good. Jail would be best. Hope he hangs his head in shame. Remember, he is the one who proposed the Universal Basic Income. He can take his globalist ideas and stick em where the sun don't shine.